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Character Portrait
Age: 25
Nymph-Sprite-Human: Sprite
Type: Water
Couple: Kenji
Trained Monsters: 0
Known Monsters: n/a
Chapter appearance: 1, 2
Location: Unknown

Biography: Ayame was born as a water nymph. She was the second oldest sister of four. Ayame was usually a silent girl. Sometimes she would give a water lily to her youngest sister Kasumi when she was feeling happy. When she was neer adulthood, Ayame was once told to let Kasumi know of her chores, yet was sidetracked by a bright flash that had hit her and her sister. She found herself as a sprite, with legs, and quickly ran off, deep in the woods. Ayame found a small river down in the southern areas, and stayed there, living alone for a few years, to ashamed to go back as a sprite, and as a disgrace to her family.

Description: Ayame is very beautiful to the eye, but sometimes it might get a little tiring to some. She is slightly light-headed, and I guess you could say "the lights are on, but nobody's home." However, she knows she's the most mature out of all her sisters, and wants to show it with pride, and so she tries her best not to act too bubbly, even though, as a water nymph, it's usually her nature to be quite flirtatious.


Character Portrait
Age: 30
Preferred Type: none
Couple: Kenji
Trained Monsters: 0
Known Monsters: n/a
Chapter appearance: 1, 2
Location: Casino

Biography: Ayame was born to a middle-class family in a big city, and was the second-oldest sister of four. Ayame was usually a silent girl. Sometimes she would give a flower to her youngest sister Kasumi when she was feeling happy. When she became an adult, Ayame got a job at a casino and became a candy girl, selling candy and cigarrettes to customers, while her sisters Botan and Sakura became... umm.... yeah.

Description: Ayame is very beautiful to the eye, but sometimes it might get a little tiring to some. She is slightly light-headed, and I guess you could say "the lights are on, but nobody's home." However, she knows she's the most mature out of all her sisters, and wants to show it with pride, and so she tries her best not to act too bubbly.

Difference: Age was moved up by five years.