Real Name: Nicholas Mohaupt.
Nicknames: "Kid Gotenks", "Red Buu", "Son Goten #2"
Occupation: Webmaster of FANIME. Head Writer
of Dragonball: Exodus.
"Congratulations!! Would you like a cookie."
Anime I recommend:
DragonBall/Dragonball Z.
Cowboy Bebop.
Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Gundam Wing or anything Gundam.
Anime I piss on:
DragonBall GT.
Anime I own:
Dragonball/DBZ/: a little hear and there mainly movies i have 34 VHS dubbed movies 17 are (uncut)(A++ quality).
Trigun - 3 Bilingual DVD.
Harlock Saga - Bilingual DVD.
My Merchandice:
Dragonball Z Full Action Kits:
Super Son Goten and Super Trunks.
American Action figures(irwin,Bandai):
Fully Articulated Vegeta
Fully articulated Android #19
Fully Articulated Android #20
Super Saiya-jin Son Goku
Battle Damaged w/Kicking motion Son Goku
Chibi Trunks
Nappa w/out scouter
Freezer w/ missile shooting action
Piccolo w/ punching action
Super Saiya-jin Gogeta
Cell Saga Super Saiya-jin Son Gohan
Raditsu w/out scouter
Future Trunks w/ kicking motion
Posters and Wallscrolls:
4 DBZ posters
2 DBZ wallscrolls