Becca and Foxinmon's Treehouse

Becca: Aren't they adorable, Angelmon?
Angelmon: Yes...adorable..

F: Hey and welcome to MY SITE!!

B: *gives Foxinmon "the look"*

F: I mean OUR website.

B: That's right, this is our little space devoted to Digimon!

F: For anyone who's wondering, I am the foxiest fox digimon in the digital world, Foxinmon!

B: And I'm Becca Chan, her digi-destined.

F: Yep. Here you will learn about all the other digi-destined as well as me and Becca!

B: Both Foxinmon and I hope you enjoy your visit. However, remember ONE thing all pictures of Becca and Foxinmon-

F: Mine look the best

B: drawn by the "Genni" of this site. With that said, God's best and-

F: Ja ne!

F: Pick your destination!

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, Digimon, Fushigi Yuugi, or any other anime or magna mentioned on this site. I am not affiliated with Naoko-sama, Bandai, DiC, Cloverway, Fox, ABC Family, or any other companies. All works are copyrighted to their respective owners.
