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What Broccoli says:

-  Name 
Forte SHUTOREN (Citron)

- Seiyuu 
Mayumi Yamaguchi
(Gabmon / Digimon Adventure) 

- Age 
22 years old 

- Favorite food 
Small things, such as yakitori and Japanese pot-au-feu 

- A hobby and special ability 
Shooting a gun and a missile, a firearms collection 

- Special capability 
It excels in the treatment of firearms. 

- Height 
175cm (at the time of a hat 180cm) 

- Feature (Costume) 
Although there is SADOTSU mind a little,  it feels refreshed and does not adhere to the temperament of the skin, and a fine thing. The self-confidence as professional is high and does not insert personal feelings into work. 

