The Anime "Heroic Legend of Arislan" is set in the time of kings and knights and armies and etc. Arislan's king has been murdered and he is now rightfully king of his country, other countries think that his country is now weak as they try to take over Arislan's kingdom. Arislan's father was a terrible ruler, he was evil and unjust but Arislan had a pure heart and as ruler, he tries to rule his followers justly.
I found a few problems with the company that released it. The dubbed voices are wonderful in the first set. There are some qualms with the last tape released. It was brought out by a different company so they changed the names slightly and got new voice actors (that suck). It's a series that, so far, hasn't been completely released in the United States.
I give this anime 4 stars out of 5!!!
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