Dr. Slump was the first manga series that Akira Toriyama created. It was mainly a joke comic, and feature the misadventures of Arale and friends as various strange happening would occur. A lot of the character designs in Dragon Ball were originally used in Dr. Slump and, like Dragon Ball, it was also very popular. (although mainly in its native Japan)
There are several reasons to why I think this is a good idea, not the least being that they are each other's equal. Both are friendly, naive, and powerful. Both enjoy fighting and adventures, which provides a great set of common interests. And finally, judging from the crossover in Dragon Ball, the two would be very functional, and you wouldn't have to bother with the whole "love/hate" relationship bit.
Well, that should cover most of the extraneous questions floating around. If you're still a bit confused, don'st worry; by simply reading the story, most of the loose odds and ends should be taken care of. Feel free to E-mail me if you have any questions.