Ani-Magic 2002 October 4th-6th Con Wrap-up
Tetsugyu: Imagine comming online and getting bombarded with IMs to check out and then seeing yourself and your brand-new cosplay group on the homapage of, then AIMing your pals, who already knew and called your Dad while you where at Japanese class, to tell you to check it out!
This was truley a great Con for the EOC. Jessica debut her long-awaited Misato of Eva costume. Jim even did a last minute Genma from Ranma! Alex made a cute little window display with all his classic robot PVCs, with Manzinger Z and Getter Robo Characters.
The Panel that Jarod hosted for a petition to get more of Giant Robo done was not as great as he had hoped. The Reasons being...
- Diana and her Boyfriend Keith couldn't make the Con. They both made plans to cosplay as Youshi and Chujo respectively. Also another Cosplayer, Matt, slated to be the second Daisaku, never showed up. All three of those no-shows hit Jarod hard.
- Many people he talked to made promises to come and of course they never did come. That he saw comming, especially the "I am sorry I didn't make it." comments that followed the Panel. He did make exceptions for certain friends.
- He spent alot of money on flyers and petitions. Though not all wasted.
- Because of Jarod miss-managing time, they could not finish watching Episode 1.
- Some people that Jarod ran into at AWA had mentioned that it was an impossible dream to get this done. The reasons ranged from production staff problems, the creator's dis-intrest in the idea, and other rumors.
Ok! Now for the great news!
- Of the people who did attend and filled up the small room very well, only about 3 had seen the series. BUT! those who stayed and saw what they could of the first episode did say they where now fans! That made Jarod VERY happy.
- All of the EOC slated to attend showed up in costume! This included Alex's Dad as Jujoji, our friend Scott as Taisou, our friend Tom as Daisaku, and our friend PockyKen as Zangetsu! Even Kitty came by for a breif visit in her GinRei costume. That was sweet of her. ^_-
- Sarah and Kyle, founders of came to the Panel personaly, in support of their pal Jarod. They both enjoyed the first episode and plan to see more! hurray!
- Mike Hayes, an official guest to the Con, attend the panel!
- Manga Entertainment let us auction off a Dubbed and a Subbed set of Giant Robo. Also thrown into the mix was a Black Magnificent 10 T-Shirt! Here are the winners...
Dan (Shirt), Matt (Dub Set) and James (Sub Set)
Congrats to them!
- In the end, Jarod got alot of signatures and he was happy. He even got alot of great info from a guy who is a personal friend of Imagawa! In a nutshell, he said that Imagawa would do another series if he didn't have to deal with the blunders that happend with the companies involved. With a re-newed sense of spirit, Jarod will continue on and make this dream a reality.
As for the Skit in the Masqurade...
The Experts of Cosplay
featuring Cheap as Heck Cosplay & PockyKen (ZanKensu)
Performing: The Stoncutter's theme from the Simpsons.
Albert: Alex
Jujoji: Mamoru
Zangetsu: Kenny
Kawarazaki: Jarod
Ivan: Jim
Spike Spiegel: Tom
GinRei: Jessica
image curtesy of Cosplay.comThe E.O.C. won a Judge's award!
"Jason Lee's Shamless Simpson's suck-up award"!
We are all very proud. We'd like to thank:
- Jim - for the original concept
- Mom Nishimoto - for the work she did on the costumes and last minute work on Kenny's costume
- Darlene - for the fantastic work she did on Jarod's costume
- Kitty - for suggesting the idea to ask Kenny if he could burn the skit onto CD when or original Mix couldn't be used. -_-'
- PANDA 2: Electirc Mamoru - for his help with Jim's make-up, finding the supplies for the skit and stuff for Kenny's costume last minute! Oh...and cosplaying as Jujoji!!!
- Tom - for being apart of this skit in a joke that no one realy got
- Kenny - for going through the tourture of Zangetsu!
We love you all!
Go Here and see some of the pictures we've gotten from other sources. Mainly