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Taisou and Tetsugyu come across a Chocobo in a grassy field.

Doujin Issei Issei: Gotta' Catch 'em all!

Taisou and Tetsugyu pose with a Video Game vixen and her plushie, a Panda.
Upon seeing the stuffed creature, our heroes are overcome with fear.

Doujin Issei Issei: She's stealing my Charms!

Taisou and Tetsugyu pose with one of the "Grandfathers" of Anime, Mr. Noboru Ishigiro.

Tetsugyu Tetsugyu: Get a good grip Doc, it's time for action!

Tetsugyu poses with Ishigiro as if Ishigiro is Dr. Shizuma!

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GinRei Taiso Tetsugyu Doujin Issei Go-Sensei Alberto