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Thursday July 4th, 2002-

"And so it begins..."
-Kosh, Vorlon Ambassador (Babylon 5 TV Series)

Tetsugyu Tetsugyu: The first day started fairly well. This year I had no real plans. There wasn't any guest or panel I planned to attend. Well...aside from seeing Noburo Ishigiro and Shoji Kawamori, both of which weren't considered guests. -_-' So I basicaly just walked around, looking for cosplayers. Here I am with a random Battle Royale student.

I did ask Shaun for a huge favor during that talk I had the day before. I asked if I could use his badge to get an early start on the Dealer's Hall. It was a dream come true! I saw everything without being lost in a huge crowd, and I bought stuff before the rest could get their hands on anything! It was pretty sweet! The line to get in was so huge, thank god I didn't have to wait.

I even bought Kitty the GinRei Red Dress version figure so she could have one for her own. She mentioned earlier when she saw it in my room that she wanted to cosplay as her. So I figured I'd buy it for her so she could have something to have model for her. I mean, the figure was based off of this one image that wasn't even all that great to begin with. It wouldn't help her out as much as a full 3-D model would.

Issei-Doujin Issei-Doujin: My day was kinda planned like Tetsugyu's; no plan. I slept in a bit then got ready and went down to the Dealers Hall sometime before 11. Still wasn't open so I waited in the increasingly large line that was forming. I got a great picture with a pretty girl as Integral Wingates Hellsing from the manga, and now anime series, Hellsing, which was awesome. I also talked to two guys from New Mexico about anime and heavy metal (One of the guys was wearing a Iron Maiden shirt saying he's the only guy at this con wearing a Heavy Metal shirt). I got to meet Lucan's dad and see Lucan in his awesome Mitsurugi costume from the game Soul Calibur. Here they are with Jarod, the picture hogger.



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GinRei Taiso Tetsugyu Doujin Issei Go-Sensei Alberto