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Gendou: Launch EVA 01...
Tetsugyu: Launch the Sake bottle...for all mankind.

Auron and Lulu pose with Tetsugyu. Aren't they just awesome costumes?

Here is my new pal Scott. He came as Q from SFIII: 3rd Impact. But like a baka I thought he was the Ghost of Zenigatta and/or Mecha-gatta, Rupan-sansei's worst nightmare. He's a good sport though.

Here I am with Dave, my Sephi-aniki!
Sephi: ...And now I must destroy Fanime and use the mako energy to become a God.
Tetsugyu: And then we drink sake, right?
Sephi: *slaps forehead* I want my mommy...

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Issei-Doujin Tetsugyu Taisou GinRei Go-Sensei Alberto GinRei