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Two really great people I met after the Evangelion: Death and Rebirth movies.
I forgot their names and I await their Emails! Email me!

Two kids who just tickled my funnybone over some Gundam/Macross chatter in an Elevator. Just had to get a pic. Someone said they are cosplaying as characters from DBZ.

Me and Pretty Kitty. A sweethearted lass who I met at the Convention.

Ryu Zan Paku's Finest!
Nathan, (AKA Taisou-aniki) Jarod, (AKA Tetsugyu) and Jim (AKA Issei-Doujin).
We look sad as we now must leave this awesome Con and endure the 8 hour bus ride home!

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Issei-Doujin Tetsugyu Taisou GinRei Go-Sensei Alberto GinRei