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"SUPER RAINBOWS!"- David Winstead

Chilln' with the baddest mofo' around, Auron. I lied and said I was the Punisher...anything to be next to another asskicker

Bring on another cute girl, Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV with best friend and Cow woof woof Ein! And if you look behind us, you'll see a white haired man by the name of David Winstead, who coined the above phrase

I took a few pics of just characters alone since I never asked anyone to take them with me in them...anyways, here's a robust Ryoko workin' the camera...oh yeah, that's it, make love to the camera...ahem...moving on...

This delightful gent he told me was a alter ego of a character in Sakura Wars, still worth a picture I say

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