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Welcome To Heiki & Taika's Anime House!

Heiki:Alright this is the deal on our page, we'll have a bunch a crap all the popular anime shows, it doesn't matter if its old school, computer animated, sci-fi, or fantasy like, or anything else, as long as its not lame we'll try to make sure to get at least a little bit of info and smack it on the page for ya. P.S. We don' belive in hentai, yaoi, or anything else like that so don't ask for it. We also hate pokemon so there won't be any of that on here either. We will be excepting stuff for our fandom page so if you think its good enuff to bet pass the judging of Taika and myself go ahead and try but unless its really good it probably won't make it because I only except really good fanart and fanfics, but its mainly the fanart you have to look out for, I'm very picky on that. So thats all for now folks, see ya in the funny papers! Taika: Yeah, see ya! Oh, yes if you want to contact me or Taika you can E-mail us at either Taika's) or mine at or at (the last ones mine too)or you can click on the Email adress at the bottom of the page if you prefer. Another P.S. by Heiki: Lookie at the top, my kawaii little Duo has sprouted little demon wings and is flying, Heeros in the too somewhere. Also just to tell ya, Duo is mine(when I say this I mean I'm dating him) so don't even think of trying to steal him away from me!!

Stuff About Us

Here are the hallways through our house of anime

Here are some pretty dope bios on me and Taika
These are a couple of pics on our favorite anime peoples
This is our fandom page so if ya think you can draw or write well enuff to get on our page send in your stuff
This page is dedicated to all those sites we think are cool, check you might like em' too
These are the links to the other parts of the gallery
Heiki:(*laughs, and snickers*) Heres a bunch of all of my old artwork(*busts out laughing*)
Yeah! Its all of our comicbooks! (note: I'm still putting up all of the comics)
Here are some suviniers that I got on my visits to other websites
Heiki's video game shelf ( YEAH! FF7 RULES! Don't worry though I have other games than that though)
This is the page with the banners that you can link us with is
This is something I've been working on lately it isn't that good but if you like Digimon and Mimato go here
