Latest updates are at the top of the list; earlier ones are at the
bottom. In order to view updates made during the previous months, you
must visit the archives.
03 February 2002: Two updates in a row. AMAZING.
- Added Tsuzuki's gallery. ^____^ This brings the total to 18. :D
- New setup; hopefully this one is less confusing.
- The guestbook isn't working. o_o I don't know if it's been like
this for a long time or if it's just temporary. x.x
- I might update again later today to add Tatsumi and Muraki's
02 February 2002: This is what happens when
all your friends go out and you're still home. T_T
I haven't really updated in a really long time. o.O; My
FTP program was being evil and it kept discouraging me, and on top of that
I had college applications to fill out and stuff, but now that that's (more
or less) over with, I should start doing the montly updates again - or hopefully
more often than that. ^^; If some updates are overlapped, please forgive
me. :x I've gotten partial updates all over the place, so I'm trying to fix
that now, and I can't remember what I uploaded and what I didn't. If
there's something on this list that I didn't update (x_x) please e-mail me,
and I'll try to get it up as soon as possible, if school and computer
availability allows. ^^; There will probably (almost definitely) still be
images and colors left from earlier updates, and I will fix these as time
goes on. ^^; There was going to be a much larger update, but
I decided to break it up into a bunch of smaller ones, due to my beautiful
56K modem -_-; and my lack of DSL, and the crappiness of my FTP
- I might be getting a new e-mail address - this one would be specifically
for this site.
- If you want to contact me through ICQ instead of over e-mail, AIM, or IRC,
I might be getting that soon.
- I have a new idea for the layout of the site itself, which is
definitely going to make it less confusing; that'll come soon; I just
have to remake some parts of the HTML and the menu, and this update is almost
done as I'm writing this, so I don't want to go back and change it all now.
- Yami no Matsuei's anime is now licensed by Central Park Media.
^_^ Thank you, Navi and Wes! ^-^
- Volume 11 of the manga has now been released, although it may be a bit
hard to find for a while yet.
- New layout, this one for the month of February (and probably March, for
all I know).
- Added character information for Konoe, Hijiri, the Gushoushin, Oriya,
and Tsubaki.
- One new link. ^_^
- Added the anime versus manga
- Summaries are now available for volumes 1-6 of the manga. ^_____^
- Small official art (no spoilers) image galleries for Hisoka, Watari, and
- Added some CD information for the first CD, Hiiro no Tsuki.
- A new banner for linking to me added.
- Added something to my policy.
- I have now read up through volume 6 of Yami no Matsuei, so feel
free to send anything from volumes 1-6. ^^
- There may or may not be an update during March, since college applications,
etc., pick up again for me then.
- Thanks to those of you who have signed my guestbook! ^-^ For those of you
who haven't... please do? ;.; |