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Fighting Style:Nanto Bakusatsu Ken (Explosive Fist)

Killed by:Kenshiro(Series,Manga),Jagi(Movie)

Killed with:Unknown(Movie)

Jackal is a large individual, leading a group of bandits called the Warriors. He has dark brown hair, gotee, and always wheres blue animal fur on his arms and upper body. He is usually depicted with a cigar, to light dynamite with.

In the series: Jackal is another goon for Shin, who leads a group of mercanaries known as "The Warriors". He attacks a small village, inhabited by children (Bat's/Bart's old home), where he comes face to face with Kenshiro. Surprisingly, Jackal is one of the few that escape Ken, without having his body turned inside out. He later releases Devil Rebirth, in hopes to kill Kenshiro.

In the movie: Jackal has a rather small part in the movie. He doesn't get use his cunning and dynamite throwing abilities in the movie, or is even depicted with his cigar. He is a goon for Jagi. And when he wants to inform Jagi that one his men was missing (Heart), Jackal sees Jagi's deformed face and nearly vommits. As Jagi awakes, he's disappointed in Jackal's lack of bravery and kills him.(The picture to the right is a shot of Jackal being hurled against the wall before his head exploded)