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Nicknames:The Fist of the Northstar, The Man with Seven Scars(Series,Movie) The Great Bear(Manga), The Hokuto Man(Series;Dubbed)

Fighting Style:Hokuto Shin Ken(North Dipper God Fist)(The Art of the Great Bear;Manga) (Holy Fist of the Northstar;Dubbed)

Quotes:"You're already dead."---"Watatatatatatataaaa!!!"---"Woooh"

Kenshiro(or Ken for short), is a gentle hearted man, who is put through Hell (that's in all;series,movie,manga). He always does what's right and for the good of the innocent. Ken seems to keep his cool through nearly any situation. But when enraged, Ken appears almost as the devil himself. Ken is the perfect example of a true hero; does what's right, never boasts about his strength, and puts the needs of others before his own. Ken resembles a combination of Bruce Lee and Mad Max (Mel Gibson),and prefers to wear blue (series), but wears black later in the movie.