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English Dubbed Series:Zeedo

English Dubbed Movie:Zender

Fighting Style: Nothing Noticeable

Killed by: Kenshiro (movie,series, manga)

Killed with:Hokuto Hyakuretsu Ken (100 Crack Fist of the Northstar)

Zeed (or as he's called in the dubbed version of the series; Zeedo) is one of the most vicious bandit leaders on earth. Although he looks just like the rest of his men, he can be identified easily. For one, he's the biggest, and two, he has Z666 written on the left hand side of his head.

In the series: After attacking some people traveling with food, and then making camp. One of his men, comes back saying someone attacked one of Zeed's gangs. Two are found with their chests torn open, and one alive. Zeed asks him what happened, and the bandit replies"It was the Great Bear" ("It was the Big Di..."in the dubbed version). And then....his head swells up and explodes.

As he attacks the village, where Kenshiro was being held prisoner (the people thought Ken was a theif)Zeed manages to take Lynn, hostage. And although some of his men try to attack Ken. They die. Ken gives Zeed a chance to put Lynn down, but Zeed doesn't buy it. This is the first time you see Ken use his 100 crack fist. And kills Zeed (shown to the right)

In the movie: Same situation, Zeed holds Lynn hostage, but this time a large barrage of men try to attack Ken. And Ken does the same move to defeat Zeed, except you get to see the inside of Zeed's head before it explodes.(That was so cool, when I first saw it)

In the Manga: Same thing

Listen to Zeed: from the Movie

<bgsound src="zeedspeaks1.wav">