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Spiky and Stupido
Brock and Ash
As told by the great Jess, who has no idea how she'll survive this one.
Sigh....young love. Tis a beautiful thing. My best friend is gay (NEXT TO DIONE!), so I'm not going to say that's why I'm disturbed. Nope. It's that there is no way Brock would lower his standards that..low. But I'm going to put on a mask, and try my best to be neutral. (The key word is try.)
Holy Table of Contents Shiznit
Vital Stats
Brock's Side of the Ship
Ash's Side of the Ship
Shippy Pics
Official Opinions from Us
Best Shipping Moment Award...

Vital Stats

Technical Term: I've been informed it's boulder shipping.

Spark: None that I'm aware of.

Chance of Love being declared on t.v: Almost none. If we end up having a faerie guy behind the scenes, mebbe.

Behind the Ship: Ash comes to Pewter City to get a gym badge. He ends up defeating Brock through a serendipity (Lucky accident), and without hesitation, Brock follows Ash wherever the wind may take him......unless it's to Professor Ivy. *Shudders*

Evidence? You want evidence? There is some! I will try to make this as interesting as possible!

Hot Springs: Ok, other then that one where Brock and Misty go off together (w00t!) the eps with the hot springs in it, have Ash and Brock together. Usually separated from Misty by a wall. God knows what they were doing, I sure don't. I don't think I want to, either.

Glances: Brock and Ash are often looking at each other for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON! Seriously! They'll just be walking along, and they'll look at each other and smile. Or sometimes, get mischevious looks on their faces.

Like there. Look at that mischevious look on Ash's face! He's admiring Brock's chest. I know I am. *Giggles nervously*

Pokemon the third movie: No big things here, but two little ones.

-Brock insists that he stays behind, when Ash has to go ahead to save his mother. He fights that demonic little girl to save Ash.
-When Ash is about to fall off the edge, Brock's hand reaches out and suddenly grabs him. Kay Brocko, let's try the subtle approach. And speaking of Brocko......

The Nickname: In Pokeball Peril, Ash nicknames Brock BROCKO! How bizzar is THAT?
Note from Dee, who needs to get a life: Ah-hem... actually, the nickname "Brocko" was first coined in "The Waterflowers of Cerulean City," but "Pokéball Peril is the only other episode Ash ever used it, so the name is often associated with that episode. *Ducks as Jess beats her away*

The comment: In the ep after Ash gets the Orange League trophy, his last comment is, "Wait till Brock hears about this!" Now, I'm aware that this is probably only to make us aware of the fact that.....that...*drools*
*Gets slapped by Haley*
Um, right. That Brock's coming back! But still.....Brock...ohhh...Back to the present. But still, it's sweet that Ash thinks about his Brocko man.

And my personal favorite........
THE STARE!: I'm not sure what episode, but Ash's pants fall down, and he does a funny dance. Anyways, amusing as that may be, Misty covers her eyes, BUT BROCK HAS A GIDDY LOOK ON HIS FACE! TEEHEEHEE!

Notice how happy Brock looks. He enjoys admiring Ashs' diapers. Er, briefs.

The Blockades
I'm sorry, but there ARE blockades. The most obvious being.....

Brock: He doesn't seem to be gay. He's girl crazy! I mean, he enjoys cooking, cleaning....wearing aprons. Dammit, I KNEW I shouldn't have done this section!

Ash: He's too immature for a relationship. Other then with someone of the same maturity level, aka Misty.

Shyness: Shyness could be a factor. If they ARE faerie, they may not want to admit it. They might be embarassed. Or they may think they're imagining things.....

The Makers: I don't think they're going to give us a faerie couple. Come on, you know they're all 70 years old and wear gray every day of the year.

Brock's side of the ship
Brocko? Hmm..what should I start with?

His girl obsession: You know it, no matter what he sings, he doesn't want to be a one woman man. He might try, but he'd be drooling over any pretty girl within reach. But anyways, so I think the same would be true of a one man man.


But.....he DID look at Ash's butt!

And I quote SlowKing, "Maybe I should get some pants." Teeheehee.

Would Brocko start the relationship? I think not. He'd be too scared, or too girl obsessed.

Ash's side of the Ship
Maturity level: Ash probably doesn't understand what love IS. And if he DOES, he probably thinks he's supposed to be in love with a girl. Even if he DOES love Brock, he'd probably mistake it for respect, or something normal like that.

Misty: He has a crush on her. What else can I say?

Would Ash start the relationSHIP (Teeheehee)? Maybe when he's older. I can picture it now.......

Ash: Brock?
Brock: Yes Ash?
Ash: I'm in love with you.
Brock: That's nice Ash.......WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?

I'll leave the rest to your imagination. Sick people. I tell ya.

Official Opinions from US!
Jess, who is thoroughly ashamed of herself: I can't believe I just wrote this.....Do I support it? HELL NO! GYM SHIPPING FOREVER! But now I'm questioning Brock's sexuality....this is horrible!

Dee, who's about to get killed by Jess for insulting Brock this much in a paragraph: DAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...AHA...AHA... okay, just a second, I'll be... AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ASH AND BROCK!? Is this some kind of twisted joke? Are we talking about the same Ash and Brock here? The little stupid-ketsu retarded Thundershock-is-Neato Ketchum and Senor Squinty, the spiky-haired gym leader who gets his heart trampled in every episode? We're talking about those two? Seriously, Ash Ketchum and Brock Harrison? Geez, what retard thought that coupling up!? They oughta be hung by their fingernails and beaten with reeds and cheese graters. What a buncha shiznit... oh, and did I mention that I don't support bouldershipping? Well, in case I didn't, here it is: I DON'T SUPPORT BOULDERSHIPPING. Yup, that about covers it. *Looks up* Wow, I wasted a whole lotta space just saying I hated a couple, didn't I?

ST, Who Sums Up All the Crap Dee Wrote- Um...lesse...wrong? No... Make that VERY WRONG.

Jet, Who Sums Up All the Crap Dee Wrote in the Bluntest Way Possible- No eyes and gay boy? Gimme a break.

Haley, Who May Spend Several Days Getting Cyber-Beaten Up- O_o!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Not my Brockie. I mean, I have nothing against gay people, it's just MY BROCKIE COULD NEVER BE WITH SOMEONE THAT IGNORANT! I feel he deserves better! Besides, I really don't think Brock could have feelings for Ash. One time though, I read this fanfic, and Brock had this dream about Ash in a bar, and he had black spikes with red streaks, and he was wearing leather pants with a black shirt that was unbuttoned, exposing his chest, and then Brock came up to him, and started dancing with him, and then he kissed his...*Jess hits me with mallet* Ow...sorry, sorry! I found it rather funny though, cuz then Brock tells Ash his dream, and then they start making...*Dee, ST and Jet hit me with frying pan and I black out*

Favorite Shippy Pics

I know I've been ignoring this section, but you have to go to: Here.

The Best Shipping Moment Award!

This one's hard. There were two pretty good ones. The stare, and the comment. Actually, I'm going to do something random, and cancel them both out. The winner is the scene from Pokemon the first movie. When Brock's cooking dinner for Ash and Misty, what does he say? "The food's done!" Nope. "Doesn't this smell good?" Nope. What does he say? "I think you'll enjoy this, ASH!" He doesn't say Misty. He says Ash. How BIZARRO is THAT?!? But like I said, the whole staring at Ash's pants scene was hilarious.
And, yes, the whole "Wait till Brock hears about THIS!" Ok, I'll admit it. They'd make a cute couple. That's all I'm saying. I rest my case. Now that my cheezy lil section is over, Peace Out!

More Pokémon Shippings!