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Aaaah, Rocketshipping!
Jessie/James Relation Goodness!
As Told by the Irrepressible and Often Insane, the One and Only Dee ^_^

Aaaaah, Rocketshipping! One of the oldest shipper groups out there, and without a doubt the best! Filled full of chemistry, evidence and other good stuff, this is my strongest opinion almost since I first saw the show. Why does Dee like it so much, you ask? Why does Dee think they have a chance of workin' together? Why is Dee talking in third person? The answers to these questions and more are hidden within this page... but only if ya keep reading...

...This is the part where you scroll down... yaa, gooooood reader.

The Holy Tablet of Contents!
Vital Stats
Blockades in the Relationship
Jessie's Side of the Ship
James' Side of the Ship
Official Opinions from Us
Our Favorite Shippy Pics
The Best Shippin' Moment Award Goes To...

Vital Stats!

Technical Term: Rocketshipping- I dun think there are any other terms for it

Spark: Not a spark, baby, a flame!

Chance of Love Being Declared on TV: Oh, pretty dang good in my book.

Behind the Ship: Jessie and James, two outcasts thrown together by fate at Pokémon Tech, their only friends and allies each other. Placed into the world alone, they clung to the other for friendship and protection (Melodrama kicks, no?). Jessie and James, side-by-side, survived that world that tried to bring 'em down, going on to become Biker Legends and members of the esteemed Team Rocket.
But what if, somewhere along the way, the innocent friendship began to mold itself into something... *Puts pinkie to mouth like Dr. Evil* more?

Evidence (And Boy, is There a Lot!)

Evidence for the TR relationship? Wow. That's like asking how many popcorn kernels are in a bag, ain't it? So why am I even bothering with this insanely crazy section? Oh, one simple reason.
A certain someone who shall remain nameless *cough* HALEY! *cough* thought it would be a good section!
Well, no matter how hard it'll be, I'm gonna do it! Why? For two very simple reasons: I love James to an unhealthy level, and think he needs a killer section for he and his "partner," and because this is a team site, a team effort, so I better do one for the team!
And we'll see how much she likes it when SHE has to write about all the evidence crap, won't we?

I Don't Want Anybody Else, When I Think About You I Touch... You. Evidence... well, let's start with all the hugs and touchy-feelies that go into a Team Rocket relationship. Yes, I know, ASW (Anti-Shippers of the World), they "hug in fear, therefore it isn't a sign of affection." Well, I have one lovely li'l word for those people:

BULL. CRAP. Okay, so that's two...
Yes, most of the hugs are fear hugs (like the picture you will see if you look down, but a good number of them aren't.

Sometimes, Jessie and James hug in joy... like here

Or lean against each other... like here

Or hold hands... like here

Or are just touching each other for no particular reason... oh, golly gee, like here!

You see what I mean? They don't have any REASON to do it, they just do, because they like to make contact in one way or another. Now, let's take a poll, okay? How many of ya'lls touch your buddies all the time, for no reason at all, and aren't more than just friends with them? And no, Jet, your vote doesn't count because you hug all of your friends constantly. -_-
Er-hem, now, about those fear hugs... wanna take another poll as to how many of us hug our best friends when we're scared? Okay, I admit, if I thought I was about to die, I'd probably throw myself at the nearest person in terror, and if I travelled with the same person all the time (especially a stud like Jimmy-boy) I'd rather hug them than a total stranger. But COME ON! This is more than just an "Omigod, we're gonna die" kinda hug! Sometimes J&J hug when things aren't even that scary. After you've been shocked by the Satanic Devilchu some 300-odd times, you'd stop being afraid of it, right? But not Team Rocket!

Practically Married! Yaa, you heard what I said! Jessie and James don't need to do much more to become an official "couple;" they've already nearly tied the not. Think about it... they practically sleep together (look below for details)

Jessie drags James along on shopping sprees (a.k.a. "Princess vs. Princess"), they hold hands and say sweet stuff to each other a lot, but on the flipside they also fight constantly... the only things missing from an actual marriage are rings and sex! And, as Haley so elegantly pointed out to me, "We don't actually know for sure if the second one isn't happening."
Which brings up another point: I am and never will be the most perverted member of this group!

Manga Magic! Haha! The best proof we've got, mi amigos! At the end of the Pokémon Manga (comic book), Jessie and James are, in fact, *drum roll* mmmmmarried! That's right, and if you don't believe me, check out this authentic picture from the comic! Now, I know on a certain popular Anti-Shippers site, Pokémopolis to be exact, they say that the manga isn't exactly like the TV show, like the fact that Brock actually gets chicks ^_^;; and stuff like that. Well, I DON'T CARE! It's still proof. And, I could be wrong about this, because I often am, but aren't Animé shows usually based a lot upon the mangas that came before them (which, in turn, are usually based on books)? If I'm wrong about this, someone e-mail me so I can correct that, but I'm pretty sure that I'm right.
Jet, Haley, ST and Jess: *Eye roll* Yaa, for once.
Myself: That's ri- HEY! >.<

Love and Marriage Kay, so maybe this ain't much, but a lotta the time Team Rocket plays a married couple, like in "Pokémon Scent-sation," the Johto episode with the Bellossom, and "On Air," or whatever it was called. Just to name a few, of course. And let's not forget when they got hitched in "Where For Art Thou, Pokémon?" Maybe it was for fake, and maybe James was the bride (and a very beautiful one at that! ^_^)... BUT STILL!

Symbolic, uh, Symbols Before I go into this, I want everyone to know that I am NOT a total loser who watches this show looking for every little thing that may be Rocketshippy. I found all the stuff in this section off of other sites. That having been said...
Symbol #1: The roses. James carries a rose, the flower of l'amour, correct? Now think about this: the two colors of his favorite rose are red (the flower) and green (the stem and leaves). Now, what color are Jessie's hair and earrings? *Puts pinkie to lip* Also, roses are sort of like Jessie, you know. Beautiful, but dangerous at the same time. Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic, but I think that's very sweet and VERY symbolic. But that's just me.
Symbol #2: Cupid's Arrow. In "The Problem with Paras," Meowth falls in love with Cassandra. James tells him that he understands what he's going through and that, "Cupid's Arrow strikes when you least expect it." RIGHT after he says that, WHAM! Jessie hits him with a paper fan. See the symbolism? Think about it long and hard, folks... thaaaat's right... now you get it! ~_^
Symbol #3: Hearthands. In "Holy Matrimony," when they shake hands at the end, their hands form a heart. I'd never noticed this before until I went to a site and they pointed it out... but they kinda do! I've outlined the "heart" so you can see what they're talking about.

It makes it funnier cuz I outlined it, doncha think?

The Mighty Episodes of Proof! More evidence... let's move on to the famed episodes, alrighty? First on the agenda...
-"Pokémon Shipwreck!" Here marks the first real Rocketshipping moment we at home could witness! Sweet memories waft back to us Rocketshippers as we recall how Jessie and James clasped hands, looked at each other fondly, and James called Jessie by her full name (so maybe they just had to fill the name "Musashi" with "Jessica..." it's still sweet!) and told her that when they say "beauty doesn't last, they must be talking about us." Awww... he called her perty! And then, alas, just when Jessie could finally say something sweet and lovey-dovey, she says, eh, "I'll always remember what a wonderful dresser you were."
-_- I'll always remember what a wonderful dresser you were. -_-
What the hell kinda pick-up line is that?! And so marks the first Rocketshipping scene, as well as the first time Jessie ruins a perfectly good romantic moment. But that's not all! Later James tells Jessie and Meowth to go on without him, but Jessie, using her typical Pain Theory, slaps James and tells him she won't abandon him, EVER... now, ya'lls know that's just dang sweet!
-Moving right along... ah, yes! "The Ghost of Maiden's Peak," another episode that not only scores points for James' heterosexuality, but strengthens the bonds between the two Rocket members we love so much. Ya'll oughta know what happens in this 'un, we'll skip the formalities and move on to the fact that Jessie saves James' precious, beautiful, sexy, sweet, hilarious... *gets slapped by Jess* life! James pops up -please note that his eyes are sparkly- and says something like, "You really do care!" Once again, Jessie has a chance to say something nice, but she just sniffs and is all like, "Girls like that annoy me, always waiting for their man" bla bla bla.
Let's face it folks, this is a blatant lie. You can see seriously see it in her expression that she's making up an excuse! The very fact that she bothered to lug a giant fire bazooka up onto that cliff in about five seconds is enough proof for me!

I know there are more moments, but everyone's prolly tired of readin' about 'em, so we'll move on. Oh, and for those of you thinking, "Hey, where's the Holy Matrimony?" it's coming up in the Favorite Scene section. Be patient, young grasshopper. ^_^

The Blockades
So, we got all this evidence and junk... now only one question remains. What's keeping these Rocket lovebirds from hookin' up? I took this question into serious thought and came up with several barriers that could prove to be major problems for relationship building...

-Team Rocket Yep, Team Rocket itself could become an obstacle. Since J&J are always running around trying to catch Pikachu, get enough money to feed themselves, wetting their pants in fear of what the boss'll say about their failure, and so forth, there's very little time for romance. Which is one of the reasons why I don't think a definite, set romance can ever happen for these two until late in the series, when they'll probably either get fired or quit, or whatever. But, that's just a theory.

-Meowth Our Poképal, the street-talking scratchcat, is in fact one of the hardest obstacles Jessie and James will have to overcome in their quest for love. No, it isn't so much that Meowth has ruined possible romantic moments (unless you count the end of "Holy Matrimony"), it's just the simple fact that he's always there. It's very hard to get intimate with a person when a cat keeps popping up between you, chattering about something or other.

-Sexuality I put this 'un up because it could become a factor. If James really is gay (I still stand firm on hetero or bi!) there's absolutely no chance of the relationship working out. And if anyone asks why it wouldn't work, I'll slap you *ST is about to ask "why," but is silenced with icy glare* Of course, if this does happen, several of you shippers will throw yourselves off of the Empire State building, and that'd be sooo messy, so maybe the creators will take that into consideration...

-Jessebelle and Heritage First, Jessebelle. Yes, James hates her, but she's still technically his fiancee, and that would make a marriage or even a romantic relationship kinda difficult for the two. James' parents would probably never "okay" the marriage (not that James would listen to them, hehe), because of Jessebelle and my second reason. Heritage. I know it's a stupid thing, you know it's a stupid thing, but the truth is some people are too close-minded to see that. Jessie comes from what I like to call "the P.J's of Japan," whereas James is upper-class, Bill Gates rich. Now, if they're truly in love, neither Jessie nor James would care about this, but it might be hampering the start of the relationship. Sometimes James'll talk about how great he had it as a kid, and you can tell Jessie feels uncomfortable and jealous, and when Jessie talks about her childhood (which has only happened about twice) James feels sorry for her, but I bet kind of uncomfortable too. So, though once a relationship is declared it won't be a problem, it may be one of the things holding them back from talking about it.

-The Makers and the Watchers Ah yes, our good Japanese neighbors to the West (or East, whichever way you wanna go)! Where Pokémon Magic is made! Believe it or not, they could be a factor. Depending upon what the creators, producers, and so forth decide to have happen with the show, that's how it'll turn out. I don't know how they decide how to end things- for all we know they already created the Pokémon's finale- but it could come down to the fans. Will they go with the Rocketshippers, or with the Anti-Shippers? I think there are more Rocketshippers than AS's, but that's only the American population I can vouch for... who knows about those other countries, across the border and across the ocean... *Note to self: Write heartfelt letter to Satoshi Tajiri, asking him to grant this girl's one wish of having J&J hook up...*

-Themselves Hah! This was the last one you expected to see here, wasn't it? Well, it's true! As a matter of fact, the biggest obstacle Jessie and James have to overcome is themselves! They both must defeat their own blockades... but, I'll go into that in the next section! ^_^

Aaah, so many things my favorite couple must overcome, but fear not, loyal shippers of the world, for, as that corny song says, "Love will find a way!" Or, that other song that says, "Mm'Bop, doop dop wa doo wop..." which, roughly translated from Moronic, which I speak fluently, is, "Jessie and James will fall in love, kiss, and get married." Don't believe that's the right translation, hm? PROVE ME WRONG! YAHAHAHAHA! *Gets slapped by Jet* Ah-hem, so anyway...

Jessie's Side of the Ship

Jessie's relationship to James is based on the song, "Love hurts." As most everyone knows, she's frequently seen kicking the poo outta James, berating him physically and mentally. I have many a theory for this, though, which you're going to hear whether you want to or not.
First off, I think it's based a lot on her childhood. You have to remember, both Jessie's parents died when she was really little- or, at least, we think they're dead- so that probably scarred her quite a bit. When stuff like that happens, people usually do either two things: they become protective, or they become real quiet and secretive. Obviously, Jessie's the first of the two. Also, remember in "Where for Art Thou, Pokémon?" when Jessie lemented to her partners about how she "couldn't find anyone to love her just because she was mean, nasty and evil," or something like that? Well, to word it differently: she got her heart ripped to little pieces quite a few times (for some reason I'm reminded of Slayers' Martina... but this isn't about them). That'd also make you reluctant to have a relationship. Which may be why she hides her feelings with beatings.
But, as the saying says, "You only hurt the one you love."
And believe it or not, she really does care a lot for him, as you can tell in episodes like "Holy Matrimony," "Ghost of Maiden's Peak," and "Pokémon Shipwreck," not to mention the time when James got a beat-down from a Hitmonchan, and Jessie gets pissed off and says, "HOW DARE YOU STRIKE MY FRIEND!"

Even though Jessie doesn't really voice her feelings towards James very much, or compliment him in any way most of the time (about the only times I can think of are "Pokémon Shipwreck," where she and Meowth bow to him for having the Magikarp, and "Spinarak Attack," where she compliments him on his lock-picking abilites), actions do speak louder than words~_^

That's pretty much self-explantory, but I like hearing myself talk, so... even though Jessie's a very independent, tough person, she still looks to James for safety and support. Why? *Sniggers quietly to herself* Oh, you know the answer.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot! She sorta got mad at James when he commented on how cute Giselle was... jealousy, perhaps? *Pinkie goes to lip*

Would Jessie start the relationship? Nope, nuh-uh. She's too independent and- that's right, folks- immature to begin a serious thing like that. I call her immature because of the hitting thing- I thought only elementary and middle school kids picked on the boy they liked, instead of just being nice like we older, mature ladies are.
Jet, ST, Haley and Jess: You!? Mature!? *Stifle laughter*
Me: Grr... WAZZAT S'POSED TO MEAN!? *Lays about at all four with frying pan* NO ONE CALLS ME CHILDISH AND LIVES T'TELL ABOUT IT!

James' Side of the Ship

Yeah, it's true, I do actually think James has more of a thing for Jessie than she does for him. I mean, after all, how you could take someone smacking you and yelling at you all the time if you didn't have pretty dang strong feelings for them? So, why hasn't he just sucked it up and told her the truth? Several reasons.
Ichi (I feel Japanese today), he's probably as embarassed about it as she is. Not to mention, though James really isn't the type to be shy about ANYTHING, this would definitely be one of those times. Ni, more than likely he doesn't think Jessie feels the same way (though the way he face lights up in "Holy Matrimony" should have been a big enough clue). Could be that he's afraid if he told her, and she didn't agree, things would either get really weird or she'd just beat him severely and tell him not to be stupid. And, san, he could just be a flat-out homolicious fruit. Of course, this one I extremely doubt. ^_^;;
James shows his feelings to Jessie a lot more than she does to him. He isn't the toughest of people, so a lot of time he has to look to his partner for that sort of thing (a.k.a "Pokémon Shipwreck," which I've mentioned a bazillion times in this).
Also, James is a lot more supportive and sympathetic to Jessie, like in "Princess vs. Princess," when he hoped she won, and at the end, where he got in that very kawaii kimono to cheer her up.

Or when Jessie lamented about her boyfriends in "Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon?"

Or when Jessie lost in the "Ultimate Test," and James said a couple very sweet things. He promised to do his best for her, and when he made it to the final round, as he tossed out a Pokéball he dedicated the match to- you guessed it- HIS DARLING MUSASHI-SAMA!
Not only that, but you can tell he wants Jessie to like him the way he does her. He tries to impress her at times, too, the most memorable moment being in "Tank a Lot" when he says he just wanted her to be proud of him (I might get the sound file eventually). Aww... I'm proud of you, Kojiro-chan!
Oh yes, and of course, believe it or not folks, James does indeed get jealous. Just look at how pissed off he looks when Jessie flirts with the ol' Dr. Proctor

That strikes me as insanely cute, for some reason. ^_^
Would James Start the Relationship? Well, if I said Jessie wouldn't, you do the math. Yes, he most certainly would, because James needs the support and assistance of another person in his life. That's just how he is. And then, there's also my other reason... since Kojiro is (as he likes to tell us in "Lucky Lucky") the KOIKINGU! Love King for you English peoples, he's gotta have someone TO love, no?

Official Opinions From Us
The place where you get to hear us criticize, blast, or praise the couple! Oh, you scream in agony on the outside, but you're screamin' in joy on the inside! ~_^

Dee, who eats sleeps and breathes Rocketshipping- Well, since I wrote this whole friggin' section, you know my opinion on the matter, but to recap... LONG LIVE ROCKETSHIPPING! Yep, that about covers it.

Jess, Who can't get her mind off Gymshipping-What do I think about Rocket shipping? Gym shipping's better. No, but actually, I'm a rocket shipper. I think there's a big chance that Jessie and James will get together, probably the last episode. They make a very cute couple....not as cute as Brock and Misty. Ah hem, heh heh heh. Especially with all that manga shiznit, I think there's a pretty good chance for them. Jessie and Jim forever!

Haley, who's trying not to offend anyone and attempting to sound smart and mature- Ahh, the lovely discussions of rocketshipping. It is such a controversial subject. Many people think no, James is gay. I admit, I once thought the sexy rocket boy was gay, but then after a long time of watching pokemon, I've come to the conclusion of this: James MAY be gay here, but that doesn't mean he's gay in Japan. I think James MAY be bisexual here. (Since they do change everything, hey, why not change a sexuality or two? O_O) But the fact is, the two people he knows best in the world are Meowth and Jesse. Meowth is his talking pokemon and best friend. Jesse is his fiery partner, best friend...and maybe more? The point of my discussion is, it's very possible for these two to be in love, but it's not certain. You can't go around screaming "James is gay!" because he may not be, and you can't go around screaming "They were made for each other!" because the writers might just make them really good friends. I definetly think that they would make a good couple, but you can't get your hopes too far up, because they might just not make it that way.

Short and sweet Jet-Its a lovely thing. I love it the most tho cuz my name's Jessie and James is HOT! ~_^

ST, Who Was Feeling Semi-Sane when She Wrote This- I support Rocketshipping, despite the fact that one of my best friends is a 'James is MINE SO NONE FOR YOU, JESSIE' fan... I think it's probably going to be one of the more likely couples to happen in the show.

Favorite Shippy Pics
You actually have to go to another link for this 'un. Click here peoples.

The Best Shippin' Moment Award!
You've waited for this moment... the envelope, please... drumroll... and the winner is...

The Ending of "Holy Matrimony!"

Yeah, like you didn't see that one coming.

Allow moi to set the scene... Jessie, distraught over the loss of her partner to the Dominatrix who is Jessebelle, and Meowth, sad as well, walk down a path, discussing James' fate. Meowth sighs wistfully, but Jessie seems downright depressed... listen to the way she says "I guess James decided to hang up his Team Rocket uniform" and "I guess you're right," the next time you watch this episode. Suddenly, we hear the oh-so famous line, "Prepared for trouble?" uttered from the mouth of none other than James! Now, it's essential to watch how Jessie's face lights up upon seeing her partner... I'm seriously getting all tingly and excited just writing about it!
The balloon swoops down to the path in a graceful arc; Jessie runs alongside and James pulls her up. They kinda close-up on a laughing Jessie at this point, and I can honestly say I've never seen her happier in an episode. They chat away in the balloon, and Jessie, who's usually pretty dang greedy, brushes off the fact that James didn't get the money like its nothing. Why? Ah, ya'll know the answer: She was too happy 'bout seein' Jimmy to care.
Then they do this real cute "double trouble" thing, which is corny but sweet and makes me tingly again, and there's a MAJOR close-up on their smiling faces. Be careful to note that, although James looks innocent and happy, there's just a touch of a devious air to his features. Then there's a nifty hand close-up, which, let us note, FORMS A HEART! Don't believe me? Prove me wrong.
I know a lotta people- ASW's mostly- when they saw this ep were like, "renewing friendship vows, so what?" but there isn't a person in the world who can argue with this fact: Best friends do not look at each other all sexy with a sunset behind them and love music playing in the background!

I'm Dee, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it. ^_^

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