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E-Mail The Ship Shquad!

Now you get your own chance at talking to each of us! The only real choice is... *Pulls back curtain and blinking lights flash* WHO WILL YOU E-MAIL? Let's go to the contestants.

Dee is a psychotically obsessed Rocketshipper who just became a full-fledged Mega-Loser after she bought boot-legged Utena discs through Ebay! She's still mourning Touga's tragic death on "Utena," which just shows you how much of a moron she really is. You can write her Here!

Haley is an indecisive pervert who loves all the really weird couplings. She's the one least likely to cuss you out or send you a virus if you bash our website, so for those of you who think we suck, this is the place to go! You can e-mail her Here!

Jess-Chan is so Pro-Gymshipper that just mentioning the possibility of Ash and Misty hooking up sends her into a firy rage! Did we mention that she's planning a wedding with Legolas, you know, the elf from "The Lord of the Rings?"
She also likes bubble baths and warm walks on the beach. ^_^; Talk to her Here

ST is currently the sanest member of the group- and coincidentally the most inactive- because her muse ran away with the spoon... er... as soon as she tracks her creativity down, we're sure she'll be writing sections like there's no tomorrow (either that, or Dee'll strap her to her chair until she finishes one...) Here she is!

Jet is a loveable Otaku, and so cawazy it's no wonder she and Dee are related! Talk bad about her men, though, and you may just find a friendly *er-hem* message awaiting you in your e-mail box. Take a chance with this livewire Here!

So, who will you pick? It's a win-win situation, doncha think? Hell, why not take 'em ALL!?

Everyone mutters monotonously: Gotta write 'em all...


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