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Reading and Riting and THANK GOD no Rithmetic!
Romantic PokéWriters
And the wild things we come up with ^_^;;

Like the title says, these are either anti-shippin' fics, or shippin' fics, and the variety should bring delight to your little literature-lovin' minds!

By Jet-Chan
Insert Title Here
The Anti James/Misty fic that makes Dee laugh and laugh and laugh...

By Dee-Chan! ^_^
Pocket Monsters 2005
9 out of 10 readers agree this story kicks Poké-arse! Has all the characters you know and love in it (well, the main six anyway), and it's got lotsa shipping themes in it... but we can't ruin the story. ^_^ Loooong, but worth it!
Not as gay as the title suggests! Actually, tis pretty good! Revolves around Dee's fav characters- Team Rocket of course!