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The Pokemon Master and a Pokemon ^_^;
The Relation Between Ash and Chikorita
Told by Ms. Indecisive, Except When It Comes to Wierd Couplings, Haley :D

Alright, I know that there isn't a lot out there supporting this couple, of course there isn't many saying they hate it. But why don't people talk about it? Sure, they're two different species, BUT SO WHAT?!?! Love knows no age, er race...whatever. Let me just explain some more, k?

Vital Stats
Blockades in the Relationship
Chikorita's Side of the Ship>
Ash's Side of the Ship
Official Opinions From Us
Our Favorite Shippy Pics
The Best Shippin Award Goes To...

Vital Stats!

Technical Term:Chikashipping-nicely put, don't ya think?

Spark:It's there, you just have to look for it.

Chance of Being Love Declared on TV: Well, it sorta has already happened. There's just a few little problems. I'll explain more.

Behind the Ship: We first meet Chikorita in Johto during the episode "The Chikorita Rescue" where Ash-tachi finds a stubborn hurt Chikorita, and then saves it in a snowstorm, gaining its respect. A litte more than he bargained for...


Alrighty, here's where I get to explain to you exactly what evidence there is. Now just try to be a little open-minded!

Affectionate Chikorita Chikorita obviously has a liking towards Ash. Every chance she guts, she rubs against his leg, jumps toward him, or shows some sign of affection. The very next episode after Ash catches Chikorta (The Chikorita Resuce, as I'll prolly mention several times) this happens...

I KNOW THIS PIC SEEMS WRONG! BUT SHE WASN'T DOING...THAT! Anypoo, Brock says (he's Mr. Obvious, but I still wuv him! :X) "It seems Chikorita has a little crush on Ash". LITTLE! HA! She totally adores him.

Chikorita's JealousyIn the episode "Chikorita's Big Upset", Chikorita seemed to get really depressed after Pikachu finished a battle that she started. (It's okay Chikorita, YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT LITTLE YELLOW RAT!) Ahem, as I was saying, so then a Nurse Joy says she had been doing some Pokemon Therapy. After talking to them for a while, she found that Chikorita must be jealous of Pikachu because it finished the battle. (It doesn't take a genuis to figure that out.) So, at the end, Ash says Chikorita can ride on his shoulder with Pikachu, and she does.

BUT DOES SHE EVER AGAIN?!?!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! And they look so cute there. :(

I Love My Pokemon, Blah, Blah, Blah We all know how annoying Ash can get when he starts crying b/c his pokemon are being sweet, or one of them leaves, etc. But how much does he really love his pokemon? Maybe, just maybe, enough to be in a relationship with one...

The Blockades
I know, I know, there's a HUGE problem. And it is...

Pokemon Problem Chikorita is a pokemon. Ash is a human. Now, those are two compeletely different species. (But in the show, the Narrarator would tell us "Pokemon and humans can work together as friends.") ^_^; Ya, in the show they're always good friends with their pokemon, but do you think someday the narrator is going to be like "Pokemon are great friends, and they have great bodies. You know, with all that battling, they get in great shape. Pikachu is getting a better body everyday. Damn, that Pikachu is sexy." You get the idea. Of course, there is that thing with Professor Oak. Just what does he do with Muk and Heracross? They seem to spend a lot of time there. O_o And, there are those rumors that Professor Oak is Ash's dad, and you know how certain things run in the family...But even then there is still a problem! If Ash even started getting those sort of feelings for a pokemon, would they be for Chikorita? Or would they be for...

Pikachu Ash's first pokemon. Aw, how sweet? *makes gagging noise* Alrighty, Pikachu isn't all that bad. Sure, Ash has had Pikachu for a while, but still!!!! Chikorita rocks!!! Poor Chikorita. Just think, you fall in love with someone, and they always have this person ride on their shoulder, and they were their very first person! And they beat other people in the Orange Islands, and the Indigo League! Okay, that wasn't a very good example. But Pikachu is the center of the spotlight, right there with Ash. Ash always hugs Pikachu, and sure, he's not too mean to Chikorita, but he sure doesn't give her as much affection as Pikachu. The one thing that bothers me most though, is Pikachu doesn't even understand!!!

See, right here! Pikachu's giving Chikorita a wierd look!!!!! WHY?!?! Just because she likes Ash! Grr...THAT MAKES ME MAD!

I don't think Pikachu hates Chikorita, it just doesn't understand her. Chikorita has a right to be jealous of Pikachu! And at least she hasn't made a plot to kill Pikachu or something! I think she's handling it very well. Poor Chikorita.

Chikorita's Side of the Ship
Alright, this isn't too hard. Chikorita adores Ash, and she knows it.

Would Chikorita Start the Relationship?

In a way, she already has. She lets Ash know she likes her, he just has returned the feelings. She has to win them!

Go Chikorita! GO WIN ASH! (Sorry, I know that was corny. I just wanted to put that pic in there. ^_^;)

Ash's Side of the Ship

Ash certainly has a love for his pokemon, but not that kind. He certainly cares for Chikorita, but I dunno if he'd go as far to have a relationship with anyone (and it's even less likely with a different species. ^_^;)

Would Ash Start the Relationship?

No, no, no Most likely not. We have to face something here folks. Ash is how do I say thee? Ah, romantically challenged? Or emotionally challenged? A bit of both. You see, he's totally stupid when it comes to most things, and especially when it comes to emotions. So, most likely it won't be him.

Official Opinions From Us
(Question: Why do we call it official? ^_^;)

Haley, WHO WROTE THE DAMN THING SO YOU SHOULD ALREADY KNOW! ^_^-I guess I should just recap for you. First off, who else is going to care about Ash as much as Chikorita does? Secondly, Ash always says he LOVES HIS POKEMON! So, I think they make a cute couple. Chikorita rocks! And she should get who she loves. That's what I think.

Jess, who sounds like she has sense, yet no sense AT THE SAME TIME!-Chikashipping....sad. What is the world coming to? Sigh. I believe that Ash and Pikachu are secretly a gay team. Unless pika's a girl. Chikorita has a mild crush on Ash, maybe, but I think she's really just jealous of all the attention he pays to pikachu. For obvious reasons.

Dee, Perverted, but not as perverted as Haley (after all, Haley's the one who made this, no?)- Chikashipping is BEAUTIFUL! I totally support it! Why? Well, other than the fact that I think Pokébeastial relationships are ha-ha-hilarious, I also think Chikorita is the only one who would ever go out with Ash ('cept maybe that evil pikachu). And, since the only things Ash ever shows affection to are Pokémon, it makes the 'ship all the more loveable!^_^

Jet, who is much like Dee (well, they are cousins)-I don't see anything wrong with it. Chikorita is the only one that will fall in love with Ash.

Favorite Shippy Pics

There aren't too many, and not all of them are just Ash and Chikorita, but stuff that has to deal with that idea. Anypoo, if you have anymore email me! TANKINS! :D

The Best Shippin' Moment Award!

Where Chikorita Looks Like She's Humping Ash!

Alrighty, I know what you're thinking. "Ew! She's sick! She just likes it cuz it looks funny!" That's not the reason! Although, it is pretty funny...ANYWAY, the reason I picked it is because this is where we found out Chikorita had a crush on Ash, and this is where it started getting crazy. This was a huge moment, even though most people don't realize it, b/c this where the whole huggy and affection thing started.
Okely dokely. I hope you read all this carefully, because if you did, then maybe you can see why I support this couple. And if you don't support them, just look into this swinging watch...

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