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The Pokemon and a Condiment
The Romance Between a Pikachu and Ketchup
Told by Me, HALEY!!!!! :D

Don't ask me what I've been smoking, CUZ I'M NOT GIVING YOU ANY! *ahem* Shall I go on...?

Vital Stats
Blockades in the Relationship
Pikachu's Side of the Ship>
The Bottle of Ketchup's Side of the Ship
Official Opinions From Us
Our Favorite Shippy Pics>br>The Best Shipping Award Goes to...

Vital Stats!

Technical Term:Piketshipping

Spark:I don't care what anyone says, it's FLAMIN!!!!

Chance of Being Love Declared on TV: Um...well, very very slim, but THERE'S FEELINGS! And there's something you don't know...

Behind the Ship: It seemed an average day when Pikachu arrived in Darktown, but there was something there special, waiting for him. A bottle of Ketchup. This bottle of ketchup helped them later in the episode of "Showdown at Dark City", and Pikachu had to leave it, but it held a special place in the yellow pokemon's heart...


There isn't going to be a lot of evidence because there was only one episode with these two, but it's strong evidence

Pikachu's Behavior Pikachu is almost always a strong personality, never does anything out of whack, just very predictable. She/he whatever it is is not very silly usually. Except for once, when he/she/it saw that dazzling red bottle of 100% tomatofied ketchup. Then she/he/it just started licking it. Now, it's not like Pikachu to do something like that. He/she/it usually stays by Ash's side and stays fairly serious. But people do crazy things...when they're in love.

The Blockades
Many people don't know this, but there is a certain reason why the ketchup and Pikachu can't be together...
Brock's Special Homemade Meatloaf After walking home from Dark City, Pikachu had her/his/its precious ketchup bottle. Pikachu slept with it that night, but the next morning it was gone. He/she/it searched frantically for it, and stood in horror as he watched Brock bring out a meatloaf. And what goes in meatloaf my friends? *Jess:Meat!* Er...yes, but also ketchup. Poor Pikachu cried for hours that night. But they decided not to show this scene, for it was highly emotional. *wipes eye*

Pikachu's Side of the Ship

SOOO SAD! *blows nose* Poor Pikachu loved the ketchup, more than a favorite food item, but as a lover. *sigh* I can't even put will it start a relationship. WAHHAAAAAAA!

The Bottle of Ketchup's Side of the Ship

Even though it's just ketchup, it loved when Pikachu licked it's slender glass outline. ^_~

Would the Bottle of Ketchup Start the Relationship?


Official Opinions From Us

Haley-who's heartbroken-Poor pikachu!

Jess-who would say a stupid thing like meat when asked what goes in meatloaf-"Piketshipping tis a wonderful thing...I personally believe in Ash and Pikachu, but whatever. It's beyoooootiful!"

Dee, Who Puts Ketchup on Her Ketchup- Ketchup is good. Pikachu is evil. Yet, for some reason, I find them to make a very kawaii couple. Go figure... hey, outta curiousity, if Pikachu and a bottle of Ketchup had kids, what would it taste like? Things that make you go hm...

ST, Who Loves Squirtle (and who doesn't?)- Okees, well, I don like ketchup that much, and Pikachu isn't my favorite pokemon... >_< The two together? Sure, why not... I think Pikachu should elope with its ketchup and ride off into the sunset... leaving ash to find some cooler pokemon... or maybe get back his old cool ones *cough* SQUIRTLE *cough* YAY! PIKETSHIPPING! *stops* O_o ... don't mind me...

Jet, who can't write a lot with sleepy eyes- I think its great. My sleepy eyes effect how long I type. I'm done. Just don't invite me to their wedding, and don't send me any pics of their kids. Cuz they'd be ugly.

Favorite Shippy Pics

I COULDN"T FIND ANY!!!!!!!! AHHH! Email some to me at if you have any. ^_^; Would be greatly appreciated!

The Best Shippin' Moment Award
Alrighty, there's not much to choose from these two. There weren't a lot of moments between them, but the moments were...*sob*wonderful. Now, I don't have a pic but I have to choose...

When Pikachu Is Licking The Bottle of Ketchup For Hours and long as the ep...
I'm so mad that I can't find the stupid pic! But if you have seen "Showdown at Dark City, you know what I mean. She/he/it just keeps licking Mr. Heinz over and over and over again! ^_^;
So the next time you eat a Meatloaf, try not to cry about these two hearts who have been ripped apart!

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