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Ash Sucks, End of Story
NOBODY loves Ash!!!

Nobody loves Ash! Yes, it's true, everybody indeed hates this twerpy pokemon-master-wanna-be.

Misty hates Ash...

Brock hates Ash...

Jessie hates Ash...

James hates Ash...

Pikachu hates Ash... hate Ash...

Retarded Monkeys hate Ash....

Even Ash's mom hates Ash!

Yes, as you can see, NOBODY LOVES ASH!!! And why should they? After all, it's so easy to resist......

That annoying way he pulls his eyelids inside out...

That corny smile...

That majorly un-sexy wink...

That smug look he gets after winning a badge...

Those damn annoying Z's under his eyes...

The whole "____, I choose you!" thing...

Those....lack of abs.

How he can't get any real friends so he's constantly bonding with a furry rat...

Just his....stupid self...


That blank look which usually occupies his face...

How he whines when he actually finds someone that likes him...

That's right folks! He's an idiot, he's annoying, and he's butt ugly! He's the star no one likes, the scum of the earth. The slime underneath a rock in a pond, the toe jam between your toes. In other words, he's a maggot-eaten, canker-blossomish, foul-smelling son of a milksop.

Dee: Is it just me, or is she totally ripping off my "Everybody loves James" page?
Haley: I think that's the general idea.

Me: As I was saying, Ash isn't sexy, his voice isn't sexy, and his butt sure as hell ain't sexy. He doesn't deserve to be recognized and loved by me, you, or the rest of the universe. SO HATE HIM!!! *Er-hem* What's my point, you ask? I have none. ^_^ I just want to point out how much I hate Ash.

You like Ash? .....THOU FOUL-SMELLING SON OF A MILKSOP! Go away!!! At least go back to our Main Pokemon Page