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Pokémon Shipping
The Shippings of Pokémon
Celebrating the Beauty of Innocent, Young Love...

Or Something Like That ^_^;

Check out an exclusive music video, created by the site's very own Dee!

Welcome welcome to the Pokémon Ward, a place to explore the beauties of Pokémon Shipping, from Ash & Misty to Giovanni & Delia, and everything in between! We're gonna have fun fun fun till our parents take the keyboards away...

Jessie/James Relationshipping
Written by: Dee ^_^
Supported by: Dee, Jet, Haley, ST and Jess (That's all of us for the mathematically impared)
Love Calculator Rating: James Morgan and Jessie= 74% (
Musashi and Kojiro= 64%

Brock/Misty Relationshipping
Written by: *trumpets* Haley!
Supported by: Dee, Haley, ST and Jess
Love Calculator Rating: Brock Harrison and Misty Williams= 85%
Takeshi and Kasumi=15%

James/Brock Relationshipping
Written by: Dee ^_^
Supported by: Dee, Jet and ST, but they like to think of it more like a huge joke than anything else.
Love Calculator Rating: James Morgan and Brock Harrison= 18%
Takeshi and Kojiro= 76% HAHA!

Ash/Chikorita Relationshipping!
Written by: *Trumpets* Haley
Supported by: Jet, Dee, Haley, Jess and ST
Love Calculator Rating: Ash Ketchum and Chikorita= 45%
Satoshi and Chikorita= 64%

Brock/Professor Ivy Relationshipping
Written by: The Great Jess (And HTML'd by Dee, who worked her ass off to put the codes in for Jess' pieces *sighs*)
Supported by: NOBODY!
Love Calculator Rating: Brock Harrison and Violeta Ivy=16% *Does victory dance*

Ash/Misty Relationshipping
Written by: The Great Jess
Supported by: Nobody, not really
Love Calculator Rating: Ash Ketchum and Misty Williams= 36%
Satoshi and Kasumi= 34%

Brock/Ash Relationshipping
Written by: The Great Jess
Supported by: Um... No one I tink
Love Calculator Rating: Brock Harrison and Ash Ketchum= 77%
Satoshi and Takeshi= 47%

Butch/Cassidy Relationshipping
Written by: Dee ^_^
Supported by: Da Whole Gang
Love Calculator Rating: Butch and Cassidy= 2% (We didn't even know it could go that low!)
Yamato and Kosaburo= 94% (Quite a turnaround, no?)

Ketchup/Pikachu Relationshipping
Written by: *trumpets* HALEY!
Supported by: Jess, ST, Dee, and Haley of course. (Jet unknown)
Love Calculator Rating: Ketchup and Pikachu=13% ^_^; so was Mr. Heinz and Pikachu. But there was an improvment! Ketchup Heinz and Pikachu=26% heh...

Delia Ketchum/Sammy Oak Relationshipping
Written by: *trumpets* HALEY!
Supported by: Uh, Dee and Haley so far
Love Calculator Rating: Delia Ketchum and Samuel Oak= HOLY TOLEDOES! 92%!
Professor Ookido and Satoshi's Mom (she really doesn't have a name in Japan)= 66%

James/Jessebelle Relationshipping
Written by: The Great Jess
Supported by: *Gack* NO ONE, THANK GOD!
Love Calculator Rating: James Morgan and Jessebelle= 63%
Kojiro and Rumika= 62%

James/Meowth Relationshipping
Written by: Dee ^_^
Supported by: NO ONE! EW!
Love Calculator Rating: Meowth and James Morgan= 89%
Nyasu and Kojiro= 63%

Tracey/Tan Nurse Joy Relationshipping
Written by: Dee ^_^
Supported by: Jet, Haley, ST and Dee so far
Love Calculator Rating: Tracey Sketchi and Tan Nurse Joy= 73%
Tan Nurse Joy and the Chubby chub chubbo chub chubster= 91% ^_^; (I don't know Joy's Japanese name, and I'm too lazy to look it up)


Everybody LOVES JAMES!
Written by: Dee ^_^
Description: Just a special on the many people who love James, and the many reasons to love him! ~_~

NOBODY Loves Ash!
Written by: The Great Jess
Description: Horrible, horrible rip-off of Dee's James thing... still worth a look, though ^_^

Great and Holy Reading Material- Fanfiction! Go READ IT NOOOOOOOOW! ^_^;;

E-mail one of us. Go ahead. You know you want to.