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Don't Say that Name...
The Relationship of Poison Ivy and my Brocky-wocky
By the great Jessica, who currently resides in a mental institute

The joys of Ivock! Nah....too slovic.....umm..Irock?...Sounds like Iraq....THE JOYS OF IVYSHIPPING! Aha! *Mumbles under her breath "Note to self: Kill Dee"

Table of Contents
Vital Stats
Ivy's Side of the Ship
Brock's Side of the Ship
Official Opinions from Us
Best Shipping Moment Award

Vital Stats!

Technical Term: None that I know of. But I've lovingly dubbed it Ivyshipping.

Spark: It was there.....Oh jeez, I can't believe I just admitted that....until Ivy....*gasp*...HURT HIM IN A WAY I CANNOT PUT INTO WORDS! But we'll get into that later.

Chance of Love being declared on TV: A lil late for that, dontcha think?

Behind the Ship: Our little Brock comes to Valincia island with his buddos, Misty and Ash. There, he meets Poison Ivy. (Er, Professor Ivy. I meant Professor.....really.) Her and her three lesbian sidekicks can't clean their own house, so Brocko feels sorry for them. He does the nice thing, and stays behind. The fact that the C-cupped professor wears a very low cut shirt has nothing to do with it. Of course not.
Anyways, so Ash and Misty continue on their little journey. They go through the Orange Islands, and Ash wins the little trophy. * Oh, yeah, and Tracey comes along too -_-
They come back to Ash's house, and find to their great suprise, BROCK!

Naturally, they're excited. (Some more then others *cough* Misty *cough*) But.....what became of Poison Ivy? The trio asks Brock, but every time Posion Ivy's name is mentioned, Brock becomes very blue. Literally.
Will we ever find out what happened? Knowing the peeps behind the pokemon, prolly not.

*This is about when all of the people in Brock's Pokemon league got excited. BPL is the yahoo club where most of us met. We were posting about 30 times a day, knowing Brock was coming soon. Sharing our opinions, all that fun stuff. Just wanted to share that.


What the heck am I supposed to put here? Ya know what? I'll just make this section my theory for what I believe happened while Brock was in Valincia island.

Everyone: *Groans*

Me: And if you don't like it, tough. Anyways, at first, everything's great. We're all happy happy joy joy people. Ivy professes her undying love, and Brock is joyful. And then....that fateful day. Brock is cleaning, and he walks into Poison Ivy's room. To his great suprise, Ivy and her three sidekicks are all doing the matress mombo. Shocked, Brock exits the scene. Quickly, he gathers up his things. He can still hear the lesbian sidekicks groaning with pleasure, but Ivy has run out, buttoning her shirt.
She protests, and accidentally says, "Brock! Stay! I need you to clean!" Brock gasps, his eyes widening.....wait. No, cut out the eyes widening. Ivy quickly realizes her mistake. "No! I! Yes!"
Brock groans, tears flowing down his tan cheeks. He mumbles something, and she asks, "What?" He glares at her, and replies loudly, "Your trio seems to be doing a good enough job."
He leaves, his bag hung over his shoulder, a hat on his head. He somehow ends up in Pallet down. And that's that.

Brockades in the relationship (Just kiddin', Blockades)

Umm.....the fact that he can't hear her name might be one. OH YEAH! AND ALSO THE FACT THAT SHE BROKE HIS PRECIOUS LITTLE HEART AND NOW I'M OUT TO GET HER BLOOD!

Ivy's Side of the Ship
It is my personal opinion that Ivy was simply using Brock. I don't think she really had any interest in him, as difficult as that is to believe. I think she simply wanted him to clean, and she really is involved with the three midgets.

Brock's Side of the Ship
I think that he really liked Ivy. (Not anything like how he feels for Misty, of course.) He didn't realize she was simply using him, and was happily cleaning, believing he was doing it for love's sake. Then something happened. It might not be what I said, and probably isn't. But she obviously hurt him. That makes her EVIL! NOT NUTRA SWEET EVIL EITHER! NOT JUST ONE CALORIE! FULLY EVIL! COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY! NO ONE HURTS MY BROCKY AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!

Official Opinions from us
Jess, who can't believe she actually wrote this section - Brock and Misty forever. That's all. Ivy is an evil scheming monster who must be stopped. *Walks around, wearing an "Against Poision Ivy" badge*

Haley, Who Doesn't Want To Be Reminded of HER-AAAAAAAAAAAAH!- *clasps ears* NO! She hurt my Brockie, she tore out his heart and crushed it, and then crushed it some more right in front of him. And then, she threw it at a wall, and then she played soccer with it, and then she I dunno! BUT SHE DID TERRIBLE THINGS WITH MY POOR BROCKIE'S HEART! MY POOR SWEETIE! NEVER CAN THEY BE TOGETHER! She'd only hurt my poor Brockie.

Dee, Who's Been Reading too Much Harry Potter- Let's change the subject. I don't like talking about she-who-must-not-be-named. Witch. I don't have any real affections towards Brock (for me, he's more like that one friend you pick on all the time) but you-know-who is an evil little satanic succubus who must be stopped. I mean, who knows... she-who-must-not-be-named's next victim could be *dun dun duuuun* JAMES!? *Gasps, faints dramatically*


ST, Who Confuses Everyone, Including Herself- two words: Evil and morally wrong. Okay.. that was four... but..

Best Shipping moment award............

The winner is.............................

THE ENDING OF "Pokeball Peril!"
Ah, yes. This was my least favorite episode ever. I cried, and cried, and cried. But the ending was pretty sweet. Brock leaves his bestest friends, one of whom is the girl of his dreams, just to help. As he put it, "This Ship needs a Captain." Ain't he a sweetie? And prolly lotsa shippy moments in between Pokeball Peril and A Tent Situation. But we only saw that one episode ^_^;;;

I'm done now, because I'm scaring myself. I feel dirty, talking about Poision Ivy that much.

Brock: Don'
Brock: *Shrugs*
Me: *Starts chasing Brock, laughing insanely*

Until we meet again, farewell!

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