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And for the One Who's Left Out...
The Tan Nurse Joy and the Chubby Chub Chubbo Chub Chubster
As Told By Dee, Who Hopes Pokémopolis Doesn't Sue Her For That Title ^_^

Kayakshipping... *Snorts* Yaa, like anyone's ever even heard of this one! You probably never heard the name because, well, I made it up! Because I like making things up! This is dedicated to the budding romance of the Watcher and the Woman he Watched, the Sassy Tan Nurse Joy! Why did Dee make this one-episode love affair into a whole section? DEE WILL TELL YOU WHY! Because she thinks Tracey is sexy, and darn it all, he needs at least one section on this blinkin' page! *Takes breath, giggling nervously* So-ho anyway... On with the Kenjiness!

A Table Lined with Contents
Vital Stats
Tracey's Side of the Ship
The Tan Nurse Joy's Side of the Ship
Official Opinions from Us
Favorite Shippy Pics
Best Shipping Moment Award...

Vital Stats

Technical Term: *Shrugs* I just call it Kayakshipping

Spark: Tis there, I'm sure

Chance of Love Being Declared on TV: Slim to Very Very Very Slim

Behind the Ship: Tracey-tachi ^_^ meet an unusual, Tan Nurse Joy who runs around in a kayak saving Pokémon. Tracey admires the Tan Nurse Joy for her bravery, skills in a kayak, and the fact that she hasn't been totally turned off boys, since she'd never met Brock. ~_^ He admires her so much, in fact, that the young watcher even decides to risk his life for her...


Oh, golly gee, maybe the fact that he goes out in a storm to try and save her! ...It's too bad she ends up saving HIM, and that stupid Ash and Misty are hanging around, so no love moment can take place... Hm... I wonder if it would be hard to make out in a kayak? Would it tip over a lot? I've never tried it before... hey, anyone who knows the answer, go ahead and E-mail me, okay? I'd appreciate it greatly.
Rest of Shipping Crew: -_-;;


Argh... One Episode Romance... They make an absolutely kawaii couple, unfortunately, just like with all Brock's love interests ('cept Misty, o' course ~_^) this one only comes around once, and then *Poof* gone in the span of thirty minutes. Heck, for all we know, Tan Nurse Joy's Magikarp turned Gyrados decided he/she/it wanted to try Tan Nurse Joy ala Carte...
Jess: Well THAT'S a lovely visual!
Me: Yeah, almost as nice as picturing Ash with his face eaten off and all his Pokémon feasting upon his innards... *Jess runs off to hurl*
Jet: COOL! Did they turn into cannibals and starting eating each other and did Pikachu get his leg ripped off and...
Me: That's my cousin for ya.

Well, Technically it's not Cheating... The Tan Nurse Joy might get pissed off when Tracey starts hitting on her sisters and cousins ^_^;

See what I mean?

Professor Oak *Holds off angry Tracey fans* ALL RIGHT! ALL RIGHT! I'M SORRY I WAS JUST KIDDING!
But you have to admit that this picture speaks a thousand words. He never used googly eyes on Tan Nurse Joy, did he now?

Tracey's Side of the Ship
Erg, I don't really know what to say... I mean, he obviously likes her and all, it isn't as if Tracey tried to hide that out anything. So, um... yeah. *Note to Self: NEVER do a section on a one-episode Romance EVER AGAIN! Grr!*

Would Tracey Start the Relationship: Yesh. Yesh he would. Because he is Kenji! What does that have to do with anything? Nothing. But he is Kenji!

The Tan Nurse Joy's Side of the Ship
Does Joy like Tracey? No doi. Just 'cause he's pasty pink and wholesome doesn't mean he isn't kawaii. Does she like him that way? Hm. Probably not- not yet, anyway. See, Trace is like 14, and the Tan Nurse Joy's like 20 or something... so... you know, it's just weird right now.
Jet: *Snorts* Says the girl who plans on marrying a 23-year old!
Me: Not for another ten years or so... ^_^;

Would The Tan Joy Start the Relationship? Unlikely, because of what I said earlier. And besides, everyone knows Joy and Jenny are secret lovers.
ST: I didn't know that! O.o
Jess-Chan: Me neither
Haley: You just made that up!
Me: Erg... eheh... Uninformed fools! *Presses buttons with their names on them Dr. Evil-style and cackles as they are forced to listen to The Johto PokéRap over and over*

Official Opinions from Us
Dee, Who's Horribly Disappointed at How This Turned Out- All I wanted was a section for Tracey... that was all... *wails* AND I COULDN'T EVEN FIND ONE DAMN PIC OF HIM WITH THE TAN NURSE JOY! *Blinks* My opinion? They're perfect for each other. Now excuse me... *Cries once more*

Jet, Who's Never Even Seen This Episode- ~_~ Tracey and her are fine together. I don't care. As long as it's not James.

Haley, the one who tries to rhyme too much- It's a cute-aly, wute-aly, patute-aly couple! I mean, obviously the tan joy didn't mind him, thought he was a sweetie. And Tracey OBVIOUSLY liked her, and they're oh-so-good together.

ST, Who Isn't The Only One With No Crazy This Time- Don't remember there being much substance, *sweatdrop* However, it would be VERY cute ^_^ *sighs* Where'd my crazy go? How much you want to bet everyone else has a paragraph of crazy, wonderful opinions, and I'm just "it would be VERY cute ^_^"... Oh well.....

Shippy Pics

Best Shipping Moment Award...
I don't even care anymore! Lord, this turned out horrible! I've disgraced Tracey's name with this garbage! You want a best moment? Just take the whole episode- IT'S ALL SHE WAS EVER IN ANYWAY!
I'll leave you with this sexy picture of Tracey- maybe it'll compensate for the utter crapiness of this section

And now, pardon me, but I have to go drown myself in tears of self-pity and humiliation... MAN this sucked!

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