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I want chicken I want liver...
Jimmy and the Kitty
As told by- run for your life, it's Dee ^_^

James and Meowth, Meowth and James... sure, it's weird, sure, it's kinda sick, but after an episode like "A Better Pill to Swallow," it's impossible to avoid!

The Big Content Table
Vital Stats
Meowth's Side of the Ship
James' Side of the Ship
Shippy Pics
Official Opinions from Us
The Best Shippin' Moment Award...

Vital Stats

Technical Term: I was gonna call it Pussyshipping, but since some people might not appreciate that, it's Kittyshipping.

Spark: Oh, I dunno, it might be there

Chance of Love Being Declared on TV: Meowth already did ^_^;;

Behind the Ship: After being rejected one too many times by the sweet cat Meowsy, Meowth swore he would never love again... until James came along...


The evidence pointing to this shipping group isn't as much as some of the others, but the amount of proof may surprise you...

Buddies Meowth and James have gotten a lot closer in Johto, which is really a pretty dramatic change from the early episodes. Though they fight a lot, they've always been pretty good friends, and they say the best couples start out as friends...

Common Interest Jimmy and the Kitty have a whole lot in common.


And sleepin'...
And they also share a common lust for money, power, and love. Though neither seem to have much luck in any of the three departments.
And they've always got that "white tomorrow..."

If you're a pervert, you'll get this ^_^;;

"A Better Pill to Swallow" Yes, the episode where all is revealed, and Meowth makes his love known to the world! And who cares if the hormone stuff did it to him? The scratch-cat just needed a push in the right direction, that's all!
Go, Meowth! Lick attack!

You sly old cat you ~_^


Love may not get its way this time, as the list of blockades are long and pretty hard to get around.

Pokébeastial, yuck! A Pokémon and a human hooking up is really pretty sick when you think about it. Okay, even if you don't think about it, it's STILL pretty sick. Haley claims that the show itself teaches us that Pokémon and people can work together as friends AND lovers, but I doubt it. And besides, if they hooked up you know WB would just butcher it anyway.

Jessie- Do you really think Jessie would allow her lover to get together with a cat? Nuh-uh.
Haley: *Pokes me* Uh, Dee, you're not supposed to say stuff like that... since it isn't the Rocketshipping section and all...
Me: I'm not? Well, fine then. *Holds up sign that reads "ROCKETSHIPPERS 4 EVER"* Technically, I'm saying nothing! ^_^


'Nuff said

Meowth's Side of the Ship

You know, people are always saying James is the fruity member of Team Rocket, but to be honest, I find Meowth to be "questionable" member. I mean, the few moments these two have had were brought on my the cat, plus there's his odd jealousy to Persian OVER GIOVANNI... and we won't even get into his perverted little kitty mind... anyone remember a certain line about "blowing 'em away" in that Pichu and Pikachu episode?
Me: And also, there is his pathological desire to become human, so it would make sense that he would fall in LOVE with a human.

Would Meowth Start the Relationship? In a word: YES! True, he'd have to fight Victreebell, Jessie, and possibly Butch and Brock for him... aheheh... but he'd do it! By croikey! *Slaps self* Too much Croc Hunter...

James' Side of the Ship

Ah, Kojiro-sama. Though he's grown a lot closer to his feline friend in the past season or so, I don't think he's feeling the same way Meowth is. I think I've said this before, but I'll say it again anyway. I feel sorry for James, 'cause he's getting lusted after by women, men, AND Pokémon. That would suck, especially since there's only one love, and that is-
Haley: *wags finger* Nuh-uh
Me: *Holds up sign that says "JESSIE!"* ^_^ I need to get my mind out of the Rocketshipping world for half a second, don't I?
To be honest, the only sign of affection James has ever REALLY showed to Meowth was in "Meowth Rules," (KAWAII-EST EP EVER!) when he and Jessie were leaving the cat.

I think that's very sweet, but not really shippy or anything. ^_^;;

Would James Start the Relationship? HECK NO! Even if he is gay, he's not a pervert, and hooking up with a Pokémon would just be sick! The only person I the show who would ever even THINK about doing that would be...

I rest my case

Best Shippy Pics

There are quite a few cute pictures of Jimmy and the Kitty, so you can mosy on over to my little linky page of pics. They sure do make a cute team, don't they?

Official Opinions from Us

Dee, Who Loves 'Em Both But Not Together- No, no, no, and ah... no! Not gonna happen, even if Meowth is in love with Jimmyboy. James just ain't like that, doncha know. He loves his Musashi-sama! ^_^

Jess-chan, Who's Just... Yaa- Meowth and Jimmy would sure as Hades make an interesting couple, but I don't think Pokemon would do it cuz 1) They're not doing any gay couples, far as I can tell. 2) They don't do human/pokemon relationships. But my own opinion is, I think Jim loves Jessie, an' Meowth loves himself. I'm against it, in case you couldn't tell.

Haley, Who's Sufficiently Grossed Out- I think they're cute together, as in friends, but romantically?!?! Hold on a tic...*runs behind couch and gagging sound is heard*

ST, Who Sure Do Make Up Great Shouting Noises- O_o Meowth and James? In the words of one of my own characters... "Whahahahahaaaaaa?" *sweatdrop* Seriously... Friends. If there is that slim chance that James IS gay... I doubt its gonna be for a cat....

Jet, Who Thinks It's Funny But Ridiculous- lol. lmao. roflmao Hell no. FRIIIIICK no.

Best Shipping Moment Award...

Hm. I'm gonna say...

The Scene Where James Thought Meowth Was Gone for Good, and He Bravely Held Back Tears

Shippy? Not really, but I was feeling random and James looks so KAWAII!

Well, that pretty much wraps this section up. Did you learn anything? No. Were you grossed out? Probably. Did it leave you with a warm, fuzzy feeling inside? Of course not, that's Hot Cocoa! Erm... I should just go before I say something really embarassing... Um, Long Live James and Touga. Ta-da. The End.

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