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Everybody Loves JAMES!

Everybody loves James! Yes, it's true, everyone does, indeed, love this sexy Rocket boy.

Jessie loves James...

Jessebelle loves James (or his money)...

Meowth loves James...

Brock loves James...

Misty loves James...

Ash, uh, admires James

Victreebell loves James!

...And Arbok...

...This... little boy.. loves James...

Yes, as you can see, EVERYONE LOVES JAMES!

And why shouldn't they? After all, how you could resist...

Those big green eyes...

That devious smile...

That devilish wink...

That cute little strand of hair in front of his eyes...

That sexy way he throws a pokeball...

This sexy new hairstyle...

Those washboard abs...

This cop outfit...

This ass...

And of course... the fact that this is the only boy in the world who looks good in a bikini...

...And swimming trunks...

That's right folks! He's rich, he's sweet, he's hilarious, and he's beautiful! James is the man, the stud of Pokémon, the sex symbol of the Animé World, the crem de la crem of the 2D generation, the Japanese girl-magnet, the AMERICAN girl magnet, the koikingu, the man me, Haley and Jet would jump in a second...
*Gets hands clamped over her mouth by Jess and ST* ST: We get the idea, Dee, James is wonderful!
Jess: Though not as hot as Brock... *Is attacked by me and Jet*
Me: ^_^;; So anyway, like I was saying, James is sexy, his voice is sexy, and his tight little butt is sexy *ignores weird looks everyone gives me* and he deserves to be recognized and loved by you, me and the rest of the universe! SO LOVE HIM!

*Er-hem* What's my point, you ask? I have none. ^_^ I just really love James! I might have a special James video up soon, but not right now. Maybe later...

You dun love James? GO EAT SOME POO! Or, go back to our Main Pokémon Page.