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Whips and Roses Just Don't Mix
Jimmy and Jessebelle
Written by the Extremely Hyper Jess-Chan
Oh jeez, this is just the beginning and I'm already tired of spelling Jessebelle. Hehehe, I'm working on this in secret. No one will know what I'm doing until it's done. And then Dee-chan will possibly have my head. Pleasant thought! Um, anyways....the whole Jess thing is confusing me. Me Jess, Jessie Jess, Jessebelle Jess. Ahem. For THIS, I'm going to nickname Jessebelle....Jess...Jessie...JB...ah, I'll just stick with Jessebelle.

Holy Table of Contents
Vital Stats
Jessebelle's Side of the Ship
James' Side of the Ship
Opinions from the Ship Shquad
Best Shipping Moment Award...

Vital Stats

Technical Term: I dunno of any. I dub it, Moneyshipping!

Spark: Depends on whose candle you're looking at

Chance of love being declared on T.V: Well...Jessebelle kind of already declared it....

Behind the Ship: James Morgan, being forced in a relationship with a woman who goes after him with a whip (And possibly a leather thong), runs away from home and joins up with team rocket. But then, when they come back home, James discovers he will only keep his fortune if he marries Jessebelle. Although Jessie and Meowth believe Jim will stay, he comes along and saves the day, making one of the most rocket-shippy moments in history.

Well, seeing as Jessebelle was only in one ep, there's not a whole heckuvalot I can say. But as always, I shall do my best.

Jessebelle chases Jim with a whip.
She loves Jim. Isn't it obvious? need evidence for that, tho'. I can't think of any. WHY does she chase him with a whip and try to force him into a relationship? We assume it's just the money, but is it really just that? How do we know? I've always liked Jessebelle, but I really think she is a total and complete psycho. That's probably why I like her. *Gets beat by Dee* Ahhhh! GET AWAY!

*Ivy and Jessebelle appear*
Ivy & Jessebelle: Did someone call us?
*...da dee dum dum..... RICHIE APPEARS*
Richie: Huh? I heard that Dee needed to see me?
*Richie closes in on Dee*
Richie: What did you need? My, you have pretty eyes!
Dee: AHHHHHH! *Dee runs off screaming*

Jess: Well, that's one way to get her out of my little summary type thing.
Ahem. Back to the evidence.

Jim didn't give us any evidence -_-. Come to think of it, neither did Jessebelle. He doesn't talk about his life back home alot. The one thing that always struck me as funny was his swimming and eating ice cream sandwiches on Kid's Day. But that has absolutely nothing to do with Jessebelle and his relationship. I can't believe myself. I never go off on rabbit trails!
Jet and ST: *Sweatdrop*

The Blockades
Blockades? This might be a little lengthier then the evidence list, lol.

The Whip: The whip strikes me as hilarious! She acts like a lion tamer or something! *Whoopcha, who's YOUR DADDY!?!* Ahem. I don't think any guys are going to be too crazy over a chick with a torturing device.

Jessie: Jessie and Jim are desperately and hopelessly in love. I mean, Jim DID come back to her at the end of Holy Matrimony, right? Right.
Basically, I guess I'm saying no matter how much money, he's not going to leave the love of his life. Ah yes, my friends. Amor Vincint Omnia (Love conquers all)

Money: And speaking of money, I think that's the only reason either of them would consider it. Jim has Jessie, and Jessebelle could probablly get better.
Jet and Dee: THERE IS NO BETTER! Haley-chan: There's always.....
Jess: BROCK!
*St, Haley, and Jess are clobbered by vicious Jet and Dee-chans*
Jess: I was saying, a relationship based off of one thing wouldn't really work out, would it?

Growlie: I don't think Jessebelle could take care of Growlie! And Growlie's sooo cute. He'd probably eat her up! Teeheehee! I think Growlie is very important to Jim. And if they got married (Jessebelle and Jim, not Growlie and Jim. Ewww.), they'd probably live at that huge old castle. And Growlie would get ignored. And then some butt would be kicked! Hi-ya! (I have no idea why I put Growlie as a blockade -_-;;;)

Dee: Dee! Duh! If Jessebelle and Jim ever decided to get hitched, Dee would jump into her television and knock some sense into Jim. And if that didn't work, she'd go after Jessebelle with a hatchet!
Dee: Hatchet to Jessebelle...happy thought!
Jess: Happy thought indeed.

Jessebelle's side of the ship
Jessebelle is obviously either in love with Jim or his money. She wants one or the other pretty badly. Jim's parents seem to like her, seeing as they faked dead to get the two together. And I wonder, did Jim ever have a southern accent? If so, what did it sound like?
Jim: Well, if that don't just beat all! The lil gal wants to know what I nahturally sound like!
Jess: Umm...I think I liked it better not knowing. Anyways, Jessebelle went after Jim with a whip!
Haley-chan: *Slaps forehead in mock suprise* No!
Jess: Yes!
ST: *Sweatdrop* Jess, you kind of mentioned that already.
Jet: Oh, only a few thousand times.
Dee: She's not obsessed or anything.
Haley-chan: Of course not.
Jess: Um, anyways...this is getting nowhere. JESSEBELLE WANTS TO MARRY JIM!

Would Jessebelle start the relationship? Duh.

Jim's side of the ship
Jim might POSSIBLY marry Jessebelle if he really got money hungry. Or Jessie died or something pleasant like that.
Dee's Quick Addition (after all, she HTML'd this, shouldn't she have a say?) WHAT!? PLEASANT!? PLEASANT!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? IF JESSIE DIED, JIM'D LOSE IT! HE CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT HER! *Is beaten away by Jess-chan*
Would Jim start the relationship? I think not. Wait a second. NO!

Official opinions from us

Jess, who is actually pretty pleased with herself: Nah, it wouldn't work. Rocketshipping 4-eva, dudes and dudettes. But it's kinda cute.


Haley, Who Basically Says What Dee Says, Except Without the Caps Lock: No, no, AAAAAAAAAAND NOO! Jessebelle just wants him for his money, and even if she didn't she's a total freak!!!! What's with the whip thing? Ew....and besides that, James doesn't like her. It's obvious! And if you're gonna say he's hiding it by acting like he doesn't like her, I SAY HE'S NOT A CHILD!!! James doesn't want a friggin dominatrix!!!

ST, Summing Up Dee and Haley in a Single, a Couple... Yeah... Sentences: No no no no no. No one should be forced to marry someone that creepy and oppresive. And most of all... James doesn't like her. So to sum it up... No.

Jet, Who Is Even More Obsessive The Dee (But Just Barely): .....Jessebelle...with... MY JIMMY?!?!?! HELL NO! I'LL OPEN UP A CAN...NO NO...A CASE OF WHOOP ASS ON HER! SHE CAN'T HAVE HIM! HES MINE!!!!! ...and she should die. Okay I'm done.

Best shipping moment award goes to....

ANY PART WITH A WHIP! *Throws confetti in the air*

Wait, I've officially decided that Jessebelle's in love with her whip! I wonder if I could do a whole section on that.....hmm...Poor Jim. Of course, if he ever came to like Jessebelle, he could have fun with that whip.

Jessebelle: Who's YOUR DADDY?
Jess: Ummm....ewwww.....yucky mental picture....ICK!

That's all I have left to say ^-^

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