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Those Other TR Members...
Butch and Cassidy Relationshipping
As Told by the Clinically Insane Team Rocket Fanatic, Dee ^_^

Neoshipping, the relationship supported by almost all Rocketshippers, simply because hey! It's Teeeeeeam Rocket! Even though there ain't a whole lot to say about these loveable (or hateable) side characters, I'll pull up even the tiniest details to give to you. Why? Because it's fun to watch your eyes pop out and hear you say, "You call THAT evidence!? All they did was LOOK at each other!"

La Tableau de Contentes (does that sound French to you?)
Vital Stats
Blockades in the Relationship
Cassidy's Side of the Ship
Butch's Side of the Ship
Official Opinions from Us
Favorite Shippy Pictures
Best Shipping Award Goes to...

Vital Stats

Technical Term: Neoshipping, though I haven't a flipping clue why.

Spark: If they're a TR couple, trust me, it's there.

Chance of Love Being Declared on TV: Pretty slim, but I'll discuss my theories later.

Behind the Ship: Butch and Cassidy, the successful TR group that manages to be foiled by either their rivaling screw-ups or the twerp troupe, somehow finds a way to experience a little bit of romance in between trips to jail...


Erg... three episodes really isn't a lot to go by. I mean, the duo only appear once every season! O.o But anyway, I'll see what I can do...

Oh, the Closeness Butch and Cass aren't quite as *eh-hem* "obvious" about their affection towards each other as the more touchy-feely couple of Team Rocket. Even so, there is moderate leanage involved at times, and they're rarely seen more than a few feet apart...

You get the idea. ^_^

They're a TEAM ROCKET GROUP, remember? Let's face it folks, it's very hard to spend every waking and sleeping moment with the same person ALL THE TIME and NOT start getting stronger feelings for them! (especially when your choices are people like Butch and James... *drool*) This is actually the biggest bit of evidence I've got, but you take what you can get. -_-


For a relationship that's not very definite, there certainly are quite a few things that could keep 'em apart...

-Team Rocket The Team that brought them together... could be the thing that tears them apart! *audience gasps* Like I said in my Rocketshippin' section, TR couples are so busy making up schemes, playing harmonicas in jail, and avoiding the wrath of "Da Boss" that they don't have a whole lotta time to get their freak on... er, you meant what I knew. ^_^;;;

-Butch's Voice Good God people, HAVE YOU HEARD HIM!? Sexy he may be, but, Lordy, that voice could break glass! It sounds like someone ran over his vocals about thirty times with a lawnmower, then threw it in a blender and set it on grate. *Takes breath* Ranting is fun! But anyway, this probably isn't a blockade 'cause I bet in Japan "Kosaburo" sounds perfectly normal, but I just needed some room to complain.

-James Weren't expecting this, was ya? Yup, it's true, one of James' goals in life may very well be to make it with every Team Rocket member!

I rest my case

-The Fact That They're in THREE EPISODES!! As much as I'd like to see more in-depth Team Rocket-ness, the fact is it has yet to happen. Butch and Cassidy at this point have the personalities of Cheese Sandwiches, and unless the directors magically decide to kill off Ash, have Misty, Tracey, Gary and Brock join Team Rocket, have Professor Oak reveal his secret identity as *dun dun dun* Giovanni's Wife *Laughs like a maniac until she gets smacked by ST* and center the entire show around that team... we probably won't see much action in this department.

Cassidy's Side of the Ship

Erm... I'm just gonna go off the deep end here and talk about an idea of mine.
Okay, since B&C are major side Rockets, the likelihood of a set relationship is slim to none. The most we can hope for is a little hint. My theory (well, it's more of a hope, I guess) is that at the end of the series Jess and James will get hitched. ^_^ Now, I think it would be kinda cool, if, when Jessie throws the bouquet, Cassidy catches it and looks at Butch all funny. *Sweat-drops* I know, I'm weird, but it's just a thought.
Okay, now back to what I'm supposed to be talking about... yes, I think Cass likes Butch- it'd be hard not to... or, she's a lesbian. Hey, quit giving me that skeptical look! Her eyes are purple and she has triangle earrings! SHE'S TINKY-WINKY REINCARNATED! *Gets slapped by Haley* Um, just kidding, of course. I'd better wrap this up before I ramble forever...

Would Cassidy Start the Relationship? Probably. I don't really know. Like I said, three episodes isn't a lot of time.

Butch's Side of the Ship

Yummy, is Butch lookin' good in that pic! I considered putting this one of him that looks really hot, but decided you hormone-driven girls out there probably couldn't handle it. ^_^ Does Butch like Cassidy? More than likely. It's just, unlike Jessie and James, they're mature enough not to show it. They can handle their emotions! Most of the time, anyway...
Butch looks kinda ticked off, don't he?

Not as ticked off as Jessie, though. ~_^

Would Butch Start the Relationship? *Makes face* I kinda hope not. Just picture it... you're hanging out with this cute teal-haired boy, looking up at the stars. He leans over, kisses you, then, croaks in THAT VOICE, "Let us make sweet sweet love by the fire." Not the most romantic picture, is it?

Official Opinions from Us

Also entitled: The part where you have to hear us yammer even more

Dee, Team Rocket Fanatic- Yeehaw! More Team Rocket couplings! Of course I'll support it if it involves lovely Rocket members, and isn't totally sick, like Giovanni and Jessie. *shudders*

Haley, The Girl Who Loves EVERY ANIME BOY- I think Butch and Cass make a great team! I mean, it would be hard to spend that much time with someone and not get fairly close to each other. But mm....Butch is sexy. *stares off into space, Dee smacks me* I was saying, the only thing that I think keeps them apart is how serious they are. They're just too into work to keep from real relationship, but I do think there is sometin there.

Jet, Team Rocket Fanatic Number Two- I love it! Although Butch could lay off the 3 pack of cig's a day, but hey, we all have problems.

Jess, Who Has Finally Lost It- Butch and Cassidy have only been in what, 3 episodes? There's only one thing about them that really poofs out. It's BUTCH'S FRICKING VOICE! It sounds like a scratchy record! I absolutely hate it! I actually threw my video with his first appearance against the wall cuz it was bugging me so much! Anyways, from what we've seen, they're a cute couple. They appear to like each other, and get along much better then the other Jess and Jim. Not the other Jim, just the other Jess. I picked up a new saying. It's "Jim is the biggest fry!" I dunno why, but I say that, like, all the time now. Anyways, back to the matter on hand, yes, I support Neoshippin'!

ST, Who Very Well May be the Weirdest One of All- Well, I guess if the series goes into depth with these two at all, I've missed the eps. ^_^; But, I guess they'd be cute together... *sweatdrop* I actually like Butch's voice...... But, um, back to the point... It seems kinda like rocketshipping, but taking away james and putting in a.. smarter guy... *shrugs* I don't know. I guess I support it... ^_^;;;;;;

Favorite Shippy Pics!
Well, here's a site... it's not Neoshippy, but it's got some nice Butch/Cassidy pictures under the "Our Cute Little Faces" Section... Here Ya Go!

Best Shipping Moment Award...

*Nervous giggles* Let's see, uh, hm, oh... ya know what? All I can think of is when Butch looks ticked at James for grabbing Cassidy's arm, but I don't really wanna do that so I'll just move my finger across a pageful of Butch and Cassidy pictures and choose...


Hey, I think Kosa-sama's lookin' at Yamato's boobies ~_~

Peace, Grease and Old Navy Fleece!

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