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Nifty VideoDisclaimer: Er-hem... Dee would like to announce that she owns no characters, songs, or pictures, though she does own the video. She would also like to say that she isn't going to be a piss-ant and tell you not to steal it, because
A: Even if she did you'd steal it anyway if you really wanted it, and B: she considers it a compliment for you to like it that much. ^_^
Dee would greatly appreciate it if, if you steal it and put it on your website, that you give her a li'l credit. After, you wouldn't be able to enjoy it without her, no?

Many thanks to the websites she mentions in the video, and others too many to name! She couldn't have done this without the sites, Pokémon, and Miki Sinichirou, the yummy voice of Kojiro-sama! ~_^

Oh, yaa, you're gonna need winzip and a media player of some kind to get the file, so go out and get 'em... AND HURRY UP ABOUT IT! Ah-heh, jus' jokin' but you really do need it...

Oh, yes, and Dee would also like to apologize for the crappy quality of some of the pictures. Remember, she makes no money, so is running on a pretty dang low budget! She hopes you enjoy it, and, if you do, would you be ever-so kind as to e-mail her so she feels loved? Arigatou.

The Pokémon Shipping Video!
