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Oh, the Shippyness of it all...So... many Rocket pictures...

<--Okay, so this isn't Rocketshippy, but doesn't James look good in that detective outfit? *Drools on keyboard*
Haley and I just find it hilarious how James look at Jessie like this almost the entire time they're in the Mecha-Rhydon. It's like he's thinking, "Hmm, Jessie's lookin' pretty good today." ~_^

*Sighs wistfully* How sweet. And I didn't know James was that strong. Go boy!
I really like this one 'cause James is so nice to Jessie in the scene. Plus, the red roses in the background are a sign of LOOVE!
*Giggles insanely* One word: KAWAII!!!
Next time you watch "Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon," look for this. Jessie literally throws herself into James' arms.
Don't worry Kojiro-chan, your Musashi-sama would never abandon you! ^_^
Wow, they're close enough to make a single "R" with their uniforms...
You know, they keep physical contact through about the last 30 minutes of this movie...
Ain't the kanjii pretty?
Funny how most of those FEMININE BOYS have SEMI-LONG BLUISH-PURPLE hair, don't you think? -_-;;
Well, I think it's kinda sweet, even if everyone else finds it incredibly jacked-up.
Notice the hand placement. That isn't a "just friends hug!"
Aheeheeheehee... could only be funnier if Jessie were grabbing James...
...Well lookie here! Nope, changed my mind, they're equally hilarious.
Wow, James' hand actually went up Jessie's shirt that time...
Oh geez... are they all... are they wearing any... AND THIS IS JAMES' CRYSTAL ONIX FANTASY! He ain't the Koikingu for nothin', you know!
I don't have a clue what the hell is happening here 'cause I never saw the episode... it's from "Holiday Hi-Jynx..." apprently Jessie and James are gettin' into the *er-hem* holiday spirit... ~_^

On to the Manga goodies!

Not really shippy, but it is funny how Jessie's boobs are growling at James ^_^
Yes, Jessie, we'd all like to touch James' ass too...
*Jumps up and down screaming* AWWWWWWWW! HOW CUTE HOW CUTE! Oh, I get tingly just lookin' at it!
*Mouth open in surprise for a moment, then* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! HOW GORGEOUS! KODAK MOMENT! And look, Kojiro-chan made the first move! That's my boy! ~_^

That's all the pics I feel like stickin' up! If you want lotsa Shipping Galleries, you can go to our links page in the Pokémon Ward.

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