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Twerpshipping, it's so sweet I could puke
Ash & Misty's So-Called Romance
As told by Jess, that one Gymshipping Psychopath
Twerp shipping! Tis so aptly named. Well, maybe Misty's not a total twerp...after all, I'm a gym shipper all the way! *Gets attacked by the millions of twerp shipers in the world* Um, right. Anyways, I'm just doing this section because I was being my nice self and allowed Haley to work on the gym shipping page. And because Dr Jess is going to have much more fun bashing twerp shipping then blandly stating the reasons she supports gym shipping. Anyways, enough about Gym shipping, this is a twerp shipping, on with it!

A nice list of places to visit

Vital Stats
Misty's Side of the Ship
Brock's Side of the Ship
Official Opinions by Us
Favorite Pictures
The Best Shipping Moment Award!

Vital Stats!

Techinical Term: Well....most people just refer to it as AAML (Ash and Misty's love) but I so lovingly call it twerp shipping. As I've said about twenty times.

Spark: It's there, as much as I hate to admit it. It's very dim, but lit.

Chance of Love being declared on TV: Why must you torture me so? Oh, all right. Fine. There is a pretty damn big chance of it being announced in some way or another on TV.

Behind the Ship: Ash and Misty, meeting in that wonderful occasion when Ash stole Misty's bike and ruined it. Ah, yes. Love at first sight. Misty passionately gazing into his eyes, threatening him, and telling him that she shall follow him until he repays her.....or so the story begins. Does she really want to follow him for the bike, or for her own little joy ride?


Well...let's start this.....I'm not feeling particularly hilarious at the moment, so deal with my wit and humor or lack of it, kay?

The Bike: The legendary bike that no longer is. The bike which brought them together. Misty was just sitting there, fishing, and minding her own business, when along comes this twerp. He wants to save his little dying pikachu
*Dee runs in a corner, turning blue* Dee:
Me: And Misty just HAPPENS to be in the way. Poor Misty. If she had just been fishing in a different location, she would never have been dragged along in Ash's crazy mission. Of course, she would have never met the Brocko man either. But, anyways. Right. So, Ash steals the bike, and Misty follows him.
Now, Ash is able to pay for ALL his supplies, and everything. But he can't pay for a bike? Do you have ANY idea how cheap a bike is? No? Well, neither do I, but that's besides the point. I know for a fact they don't cost too much. And he could have just called his mom and explained what happened. But what does he do? Being the gentleman *cough* he is, he just ignores Misty, whose firey temper is only matched by the color of her hair.
By the way, how in the WORLD does she get her hair up like that? Do you know how much HAIRSPRAY that would take? And if she can pay for all that hairspray, can't she afford to pay for her own bike replacement? But anyways, so now they're just traveling side by side. And then, I can't remember what episode, but it's the one where Ash defeats Blaine, as they are walking away, Misty says something along the lines of.......

Ash:There's a gym in Viridian? Why didn't you tell me when we were there?
Misty: We were fighting back then! But....I can't remember why......
Brock: Don't you remember? You got mad because Ash stole your bi-
*Ash clamps a hand over Brock's mouth and chuckles nervously*
(See? Brock wants Misty to stay mad at Ash so she'll fall in love with him [Brock] instead of the twerp! I mean, Ash doesn't want Misty mad at him. He also wants her to
Misty:Oh, yeah, my bike! YOU STILL OWE ME A BIKE ASH KETCHUM!

Yadda yadda, the saga continues. But anyways, you get the point. Misty forgot why she was following Ash, and yet she continued. Enough with the fricking bike.

Pokemon:The Movie 2000: Hmm, there were quite a few parts in here. I don't want to explain the whole movie, but I'll briefly state them. There were quite a few parts where Misty said, "He's not my boyfriend!" or something along those lines. But yet when someone said, "Are you his sister?" she got offended. Hmm. Misty has a hard time admitting her feelings, methinks. TOWARDS BROCK! MUWAHAHA! Um, yeah. Anyways, did you know Brock was in Pokie Man the movie 2000? You prolly did, but I'm telling you again. He's running around behind Poison Ivy and her squinty eyes. By the way, why did Professor Ivy have square boobs? She forgot to take the tissue out of the box! HAHAHAHA! Sorry, I substitue all "blonde" jokes with professor Ivy. Anyhow, back to Twerp Shipping.
There was one cute line. I'll admit.

Misty:He'll never be alone...because he'll always have me.

Aww, that's so cute. Someone gag me with a spoon, please. I'm not sure if that was the exact line, but it was close. Oh yeah, and.....

Misty: No, this is your responsibility. (She hands Flora the flute) And he is mine.

Aww Misty. That was so cute. BUT IT'S NOT ASH! IT'S BROCK?!? DON'T YOU SEEEE?!?! ARGH! I swear, these people are so DENSE!

The Simple Things: Lots of times in episodes, The trio will just be walking along, and Ash will be looking at Misty. And then, most of the time, say, Ash falls off a cliff. Misty will scream "ASH!" before Brock does. Or if Brock and Misty are hurt, Ash will say "MISTY!.......BROCK!" Almost as an after thought. It would be kinda cute, if it weren't so nauseating.

The Eps: Oh my gosh, I'll just go through a few. But there are soooo many! I mean, cute lil things in eps. But I'll just say some of the good ones.
The Ghost of Maiden's Peak: At the very end of the episode, we see Misty....WITH HER HAIR DOWN! And she looks about ten times better! Ahem, anyways. The point is.....

Misty: Sorry I'm late Ash.
Ash: Whoah...*blush*
Misty:Huh? *blush* Come on Ash, let's dance!
*Ash grabs Misty's hand and they walk off*

Island of the giant pokemon: My poor, poor Brock is very neglected in this one.

*Ash wakes up, sees he's on an island*
*Misty groggily lifts her head*
Ash:Hey Brock.

Cute. Good Twerp shipping moment....but my Brock.....
Pokeball Peril: The episode otherwise known as "Get your poision ivy repellant" Anyways, it's not very big, but it's a good line. Jim and Jess (Not me. The one in the mini skirt) are teasing Ash and Misty about being a couple. They blush. Then Jim says something along the lines of "Go get her Romeo!" which I find hilarious.
Naval Maneuvers: Good Twerpshipping ep! Lotsa good stuff.
First off, we have Danny saying Misty's beautiful name suited her beautiful self. Then Ash goes, "WHAT?!?"
Then we have a very good line.

Danny:You and Ash must be very much in love.
Misty:I would never go for a guy like Ash *blush* (I like Brock, DUH!)
Ash:Who IS this guy, anyway?

Ash and Danny are climbing a mountain. Misty yells hi to Danny, and Ash gets mad. Almost falls and breaks his neck. People do crazy things.....when they're in love. Gah, too much Disney.
Then Ash and Danny get off the mountain. Misty runs towards them. Ash gets all excited. But then she runs straight to Danny, and Ash says the CUTEST line!

Ash:Wha.....What about me?

Aww! I think that's adorable coming from a total twerp! Ok, that's enough of the ep proof.


Cha ching! Now we come to the good part! BLOCKADES! Yes, my friends! There ARE reasons why Ash and Misty will make a horrible couple. I WILL SHARE THEM WITH YOU!

Their tempers: They're both pig heads. Misty kicks butt, I know. But that mallet travels at about 100 miles per hour! And Ash is just so....stubborn! They're immature. However, Brock is not. He's calm and composed.

Brock: Anyone who has ANY common sense knows that Brock and Misty make the perfect couple. It's written all over their faces! (Especially when Jigglypuff's around ^_^;;;) But if you want to know about THEM, go to the gymshipping section.

Shy: As much as they hate to admit it, they're both very shy. They blush when anyone so much as mentions that they could be a couple. And they begin to stutter. They'd never admit their feelings towards each other. And Brock would tell Misty that he loves her. If he ever figures it out.

The fact that Ash is gay: Which he doesn't know yet. Maybe he and Jim can double some time! *Gets attacked by Dee* Just kidding. I think Jim is bi, or straight. Rocketshippers forever! But Ash is definately something that we should keep an eye on.....see if he ever checks out guys.

Yes, Tracey. You too.

The people in Japan who make the show: They might think that little kids, who they figure make up most of their viewing audience......and are supposed to...*Haley, Jet, ST, and Dee whistle innocently*... might not WANT to see any touchy feely type thing. PUH LEAZE! If Ash and Misty ever kiss or something, I will seriously have to barf. And I'm not being sarcastic.

Misty's Side of the Relationship

Misty. Well, what can I say? She's definitely a romantic. And it's pretty obvious she wants a relationship. But Misty's whole life is kind of an oxi-moron. At times she seems like a hopeless romantic, and that she's a soft. But then at times, she gets pissed.
Yes, my friends. Our dear Misty suffers from terminal PMS. This could definately hinder a relationship. But, then again, if Ash likes her enough, he'll deal with it. Right? Right. But we don't want him to deal with*Backs off from the glares given by twerp shippers* All right, all right! Ok. Now.
We know Misty had a very messed up childhood, and was always looked down upon by her sisters. I think that's why she seems to want to be the center of attention alot. The problem is, Ash also wants to be the center of attention...ALOT. I should have put this in the blockade section. Whatever.

Will Misty Start the Relationship? But will Misty ever ask Ash out? I think she might. I mean, she's a little stubborn, but if she likes him enough, she might. I don't think it would be, like, "Oh, Ash. I love you! Please go out with me!" or whatever. It would be more like, someone saying something about them, and Misty blushing, and muttering something under her breath. Then Ash would be, like, "What did you say?" and then Misty would say "I LIKE YOU!" and hit him over the head with a mallet. Ah, yes. The Joys of shipping.

Ash's Side of the Ship

Ash, Ash, Ash. Let's see. If I could describe Ash in ten words or less, how would I do it? Twerp, dolt, dork, dense, stubborn, cute in a twerpy way. But mainly, DENSE. Is Ash a romantic? Ash probably doesn't even know what romance is. Asking if Ash is a romantic is like asking if my computer loves me. Asking if Ash is a romantic is like asking if Willy Wonka is diabetic. Asking if.....
*Gets mouth covered by Haley. Haley: Shut up
Me:....right. As I was saying, Ash is definately not romantic, but who knows how he'll be after puberty? I think he has a crush on Misty, though. But, I'm not sure if he knows it. I mean, I didn't know when I had my first serious crush on someone that I did. The first time I realized it was when I caught myself looking at him, and I couldn't figure out why. Then he looked up and grinned at me, and I thought I was about to faint. And I sorta realized it. It might be like that for Ash, he likes her, but he doesn't know it. Ok.

Would Ash Start the Relationship? Anyways, will he ever ask her out? Um, how do say this I? NO! DUH!

Our Opinions

Jess: Twerp shipping? It'll prolly work out, but I don't support it. You may be suprised, especially after reading all this, but I'm a gym shipper. *Screams as things get thrown at her*

Haley: Twerpshipping, obviously a big part of the pokemon relation world. Although I believe in Gymshipping, I also believe in Twerpshipping. It's probably the most likely to happen too, next to Rocketshipping. Poor young Misty and Ash though won't say anything. Well, actually it's partly that Ash is too incredibly STUPID too notice Misty has any feelings for him, and he's never been one to notice the opposite sex. I really wish Gymshipping would be the one shown on the show, but Ash is the hero, so it's most likely going to end up a Twerpshipping show. Ah well, they still make a good couple.

Dee: I don't understand you, Misty darling. Why is it, when Brock looks at you with his big, brown... slits... that you turn away and gaze fondly at the Ash-hole? *Johnny Cochran voice* Dat does not make sense! Between Brock and Ash, how could you pick Ash? Hell, between Ash and a Retarded Monkey, HOW COULD YOU PICK ASH!? Does the boy even know what the word "attraction" means? I doubt it. So, anyway, Gymshipping forever, even though Twerpshipping is gonna happen, and Ash can go stick his head in a blender and turn it on puree.

ST, Who Thinks Simple Is Best- It's cute, and prolly will happen...... And there's not much we can do to stop it, now can we? ^_^; Jet, Who, Did we Mention, Hates Ash and Misty?- No no no. Ash belongs with some male horn-dog and Misty should be out on the streets lookin for a quick screw with the nearest drunken person she can find... or maybe they should both over-dose and die.

Favorite Pics (Quickly written by Dee)

Well, seeing as how you have to LIKE a shipping group to have fav pics... okay, I just needed an excuse. There's no pic section because A) we're lazy, B) believe it or not they're hard to find, and C) DOWN WITH TWERPSHIPPING! Kay, so that isn't technically a reason... if you want pics of Ash and Misty making out so damn much, draw 'em yourself. ^_^

Best shippin' moment award....

There's just so much stuff, I'm not sure what to say....hmm....okay. Ladies and Gentlemen, the amazing, spetacular, wonderific......

This happened during the end of "Ghost of Maiden's peak", alot of peep's fav episode. It WAS really nifty. And it had a very good twerp shipping part. Ash is just gazing at her, and she looks really pretty, AND HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY! How often does THAT happen? Misty seems to have a thing with dancing.....(Reference to Dancing on top of Light House, in the
Gymshipping section)

Well, my friends. Tis all I have to say. Actually, I have much more to say, but this is getting long. And my fingers are tired....that didn't sound It all comes down to whether or not Ash will figure his hormones out, or whether Misty will ever admit her feelings.

Au revoir, my people! UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN! *Flys off, wearing superman cape and being suspended by a thick rope and clothesline*

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