Sensitive,when he's not losing his mind
Ugly Jenova Bob-----Final Product
F***! ---censored for delicate minds!--- This sucks!
Equation 2:
Having devoted more thought to the subject, we here at BSU laboratories believe that the first equation sucked. 2nd time around we plan to multiply first and ask questions later. That and we've added a Gundam Pilot, Zechs. So far all the steps to our equation check out.
Have determined that we need two of Duo in order to be successful:
Duo x 2 =Duo 1 & Duo 2
Our material list now reads:
Duo1, Heero, Wufei
Duo2, Quatre, Trowa, Zechs
Heero + Duo(Quatre)
Heero + Normal Quatre =Homicidal Quatre With a Braid
Ok ok ok ok, he's homocidal, but two negatives make a positive so next step reads:
Wufei X Trowa = Happy Wufei in a Clown Suit
Alright now we add Happy Wufei and Homicidal Quatre:
Happy Wufei(in a Clown Suit) + Homicidal Quatre(With a Braid) =
Normal Wufei(With a Braid,in a Clown Suit)
Using a Scientific game of jan-ken-pon, we decided that the product of the last experiment was not only be butt-ass ugly, but a shitty dresser. This is were Zechs would come in, he's not only cute, but he's he's a snappy dresser and seems to be very well-mannered (translation: this is probably the only gundam pilot that doesn't drink out of the milk jug), but he's very vengeful. Turning to Science once again, we have determined that the only way to cure this is to add him to the second Duo, and then to multiply him with Normal Wufei. So:
Zechs + Duo = Albino Duo
Albino Duo X Normal Wufei(with a braid, in a clown suit =
Pale Wufei with(Dreamy Eyes)
Damnit! That's scary! The braids canceled each other out! And it looks like he's lost a lot of blood, doctor! We'll make a back up copy then:
Pale Wufei X 2=2 Pale Wufei's
Pale Wufei(with dreamy eyes) X Ugly Jenova Bob =
kazi: i hope you learned a lesson ichiban, that suzie is a perv, AND you cant make the perfect guy out of 4 geeks and duo.
Ichiban: yeah i guess,...(pulls out service revolver and blows off jenova bobs head) BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD!!!!!
Ichiban: How'd you get out of your cage?
kazi: oi............
I love a parade!!, and Wufei looks so cute in his little clown suit!