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Two young men killed in a car accident are offered a second chance of life by a mysterious voice. Upon accepting they are transported to a laboratory where they meet the man who gave them their second chance.


            “Welcome to my lab. My name is Gennai.” The young man with the brown robe and thin ponytail walked towards them. “My condolences on your premature deaths, but we will have to work fast if you are to help us. Please follow me.”

            Gennai walked over to a machine attached to the far wall of the lab. Standing near it were two Tokomons. “These two are to be your entity partners. Once your powers have grown enough you will be able to help these two digivolve as well as helping your partners to digivolve. But for now, they’re here to keep you here. Vincent, if you could step into this booth here and whichever of you two Tokomons wants to be Vincent’s partner would go into the booth next to it. Thank you.”

            Vincent stepped into the booth indicated whilst one of the Tokomons toddled into the other booth. Once they had both entered a door slammed shut behind each of them. There was a whine and Vincent suddenly found himself surrounded by a kaleidoscope of colours. He felt something in the air around him, a kind of sticky greasiness that seem to imbue his body. All at once he heard a soft feminine voice in his head. “Hi. I’m pleased to be your partner. I’m sure we’ll get along just fine.”

            Needless to say, Vincent was rather shocked. “Who the hell are you?”

            The voice in his head sounded quite hurt as she replied. “I’m your entity partner. I’m sorry if I’ve annoyed you, but I thought I’d just pop in to your head and say hello.”

            “Pop into my head? Are you psychic or something?”

            “Not exactly, but we do share a mental bond now. Hmm, I can see in your mind that you seem to place a great emphasis on names, so I had better choose one. We can’t have both you and your brother calling my sister and I Tokomon, we’ll never know who’s talking to whom. Hmm, I know, I’ll call myself Prozac!”

            “Prozac? That’s the name of an antidepressant. You can’t call yourself that.”

            “Sure I can. I’ll just have to make sure I live up to my name. While I’m around, you’ll never be depressed!”

            At that point the lights and sensations faded and the door opened. Vincent wondered what he had let himself in for as he stepped out of the booth. Martyn asked what had happened and Vincent replied. “Not a whole lot, but just watch out for when the Toko starts talking in your head. And try to get her to pick a better name than her sister. Prozac the Tokomon. Sheesh.” At that point a pink ball of fur bounced out of the other booth and landed on Vincent’s shoulder and started nuzzling his face.

            Martyn shook his head as he walked into his booth and his Tokomon toddled into hers. The doors slammed shut once more and the whine started again. From outside the booth Vincent could see nothing that was going on inside the booth, but from his own experiences he had a fair idea. After about three minutes the doors opened again and Martyn stepped out. “How did it go?” Vincent asked his brother.

            Martyn’s answer was just one word long. “Valium.” He said, with a look of extreme annoyance on his face.

            Vincent’s reply was as unwelcome as it was immediate. But once he had stopped laughing long enough to talk again he started ribbing his brother. “You’re kidding me right? Valium? That’s even worse than Prozac.”

            Martyn wasn’t happy with the situation. “I can be a painkiller as well if I want to be. Keep being a pain and see how fast I kill you – again!”

            “Knock it off you two.” Gennai said as he interceded the brothers. “It’s time for you to meet your partners.” He led them over to another part of the lab where to miniature elephants were playing cards. “Guys, meet your partners. Vincent and Martyn, meet Tapirmon and Tapirmon.”

            The two tapirmon looked up from their game of cards expectantly, but their faces fell when they saw the two. One looked particularly upset. “What, no girls?” He cried.

            “I bet he’s your partner Martyn.” Vincent laughed. “It would be really ironic if he was your complete opposite.”

            “Actually, I am his partner. What do you mean the opposite. Please tell me he’s not gay.” The tapirmon almost pleaded.

            Martyn was quick to come to his own defence. “No, I’m not gay. Can’t say the same about Vinny though.”

            Vincent glared at his brother. “Well, neither of us is gay, but no-one who isn’t is as apathetic about girls as you are Goth Boy.”

            Gennai broke in. “I can just tell being around you guys is going to be a laugh a minute. I’m glad I don’t have to spend that long with you. Here’s the rest of your equipment.” Gennai handed them each an unusual digivice. It looked like a d-arc, but with a handle on one side and a knife blade in a scabbard on the other. “Due to the rather short-handed nature of this party, we’re giving you these weapons so that you can help your partners out in combat. But be careful, because if you’re killed again we won’t be able to help you. To activate these blades concentrate on the blade and give the activation code which, well, we can’t really tell you, but you’ll know it when you need it. They’ll also help you to focus the powers you’ll develop later. And now, I hate to love you and leave you, but I don’t love you and I have to leave you. Ciao!” Gennai pressed a button on a device he had just picked up and the floor beneath the Brother’s and their digimon opened up and the fell away screaming. Gennai pressed another button to close the floor up and looked contemplative. “Thank goodness they’re gone. Their incessant bickering was starting to do my nut. It just remains to be seen whether or not they can pull themselves together enough to save the world as well as themselves.”


