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Paws For Thought, Chapter 1

            Yagami Hikari led on her back looking up at the stars that shone brightly above her on this clear summer night in the Digiworld. Her Digimon partner Gatomon lay beside her, idly playing with her tail-ring. They were on a camping trip with the eldest two female digidestined, Sora and Mimi, and their partners.

            “What does it feel like,” Hikari asked, “to change forms so often? To evolve from a feline to a humanoid shape and then back again with little time to truly enjoy the effects of the change?”

            “It does seem weird sometimes.” Replied Gatomon, “But it would really be impossible to describe the feeling. You would have to experience it to fully understand how the change affects you.”

            “I sometimes wish I could experience it, if only for a short while.” Said Hikari, wishfully.

            “Well… there is a way,” Gatomon said hesitantly, “but I’m really not supposed to let you try it or even talk about it really.”

            “Really?” gasped Hikari, “How? Please, I must know how it feels to evolve and de-evolve.”

            Gatomon removed her clawed gloves and handed them to Hikari. “Okay then. This goes against my better judgement, but you’re my friend, and I really do find it hard to deny you anything. If you put on my gloves, then a strange force that not even Gennai understands will temporarily change you into a Gatomon. When you take off the gloves, you will return to normal. You might also want to remove all your clothes before you put the gloves on, because the change in your dimensions may damage them.”

            Hikari quickly removed the clothes she had been wearing to keep the chill off and, shivering slightly, slipped on the gloves. For the first few seconds nothing seemed to happen, but then a strange itchy feeling started in her cheeks. Reaching up to her face Hikari felt whiskers growing from either side of her mouth. This was strange not only because of the whiskers’ sudden presence on her face, but also because she could feel them through the gloves, almost as if they had become a part of her.

            A few seconds later Hikari felt her hair being pushed aside as her ears grew outwards from the side of her head, assuming a shape much more like that of Gatomon’s, with little tufts of purple hair growing at the end of each one. They soon stood out several inches more than her ears had previously done. Hikari gave her head a little shake as the sounds around her suddenly became louder and clearer, her senses changing to match the new form she was taking. With a wriggle, her nose changed ever so slightly, allowing her to locate Gatomon, even with her eyes closed, merely by breathing through her nose and following the distinctive scent that, scant seconds before, she would not even have been able to smell, let alone recognise and pin-point its source.

            She gave a little yelp and stood up quickly as something moved beneath her. Her tail, for that is what it was, snaked out from the bottom of her spine to a length of almost three feet. She felt something changing within her mouth and ran her now surprisingly supple tongue across her teeth to investigate. She found that all her teeth were now sharper than before and that her canines, in particular, were a good deal longer than she was used to.

            “Wow!” exclaimed Hikari as the changes drew to a close. “That was amazing. How do I look?” Hikari noticed a worried look pass across Gatomon’s face. “Wh-what’s wrong Gatomon?”

            “The changes didn’t go as they were supposed to.” Gatomon replied. “You were supposed to change completely into a Gatomon, but you seem to have changed into a human with Gatomon features. I think you had better change back quickly. Take the gloves off.”

            Hikari glanced down at the gloves she was wearing and, with a small sigh, started to tug on them. After a second she began to pull harder and then harder still. After a few seconds she looked up with a terrified expression on her face. “Gatomon, they’re stuck!”


