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Suggestive Tamers Screenshots

Or, as I like to call it, the Perviness of Digimon!

Hullo sis. What're you up to?

Just commentating on all these dodgy pictures.

Schweet! Can I help?

Sure. Knock yourself out.


Let's start with this little number. This is from the second episode of season 3, 'Digimon, Digimon Everywhere'. As we can see, Takato and Guilmon seem to be very friendly after knowing each other for so little time. Personally I don't kug on first dates, but these two obviously subscribe to the Meatloaf school of relationships. "Used to be sex was a fine hello" indeed.


Oooookay. Re the previously mentioned phallic nature of Guilmon's 'tail'. Here we see Gorillamon apparently forcing Guilmon's appendage into the barrel of his 'weapon'. And this is supposed to be a kid's show!


Here we see the same digimon being fingered by the evil and twisted Juri. Shortly after this scene was filmed Juri tried to skin her lover in an attempt to create a new 'glove puppet' with which to further terrorize her fellow cast members.


What can we say about this... The whole skin-stripping thing seems designed to give little kids nightmares. If I didn't know better I'd say that they're deliberately trying to kill the franchise with this series by freaking their viewers out so much they end up in a mental hospital. Either that or this is a shot of Juri making a new glove puppet.


Takato riding a bike, whilst Guilmon rides him.


You read far too much into this you know.
Oh yeah? Well lets not forget whose brain waves are powering this shall we.
No comment.
All screenshots harvested from The Digimon Experience, the best factual Digimon site out there.




What the hell is that sticking out from in-between Guilmon's legs? A tail? I think not. I think Guilmon's boasting about his length. Terriermon certainly seems to be impressed anyway.


Here we have two pictures of a graphic sexual act being performed on poor Culumon. First Guilmon 'gets it in the mood' before then moving in and copulating in full view of the voyeuristic Takato and Lee. Disgraceful.


Ruki and Renamon caught at an intimate moment.


Having sex in the back seat of a car, fine... But a motorbike?