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Attack List Attack List

Big Bang Attack -An energy attack created by 
placing the caster's hand at a 90 degree angle to the 
wrist. The attack is fairly slow but has a great 
amount of power. This narrow beam doesn't take long to 
power up. 

Multi Form -This is the ability to split one 
body into multiple copies. Each copy has skills equal 
to that of the original, but strength, speed, and 
power level is less with the more copies created. The 
Shishin No Ken creates 4 copies by the host splitting 
into two and then those copies splitting into two 

Dodon Pa -An energy ball shot from the tip of 
one of the caster's fingers. 

Kamehameha -This attack was first performed by 
Master Roshi after training for years, and Goku picked 
it up just by watching! The caster places his hands in 
the shape of an open clam shell and focuses his ki 
into a devastating blast. This attack can be combined 
with other techniques to become a versatile and deadly 
onslaught of energy. 

Final Flash -An extremely powerful attack 
unique to Vegeta. It is cast similarly to the Kame 
Hame Ha, but takes a longer time to power up which 
causes it to be more powerful. This could be an 
upgraded version of Vegeta's Gallic Gun attack (used 
in his first fight with Goku).  

Masenko -This technique was first created by 
Gohan during the battle against Frieza. The caster 
overlaps his hands over his head and then brings them 
down in front of him. The blast created is similar to 
a Kame Hame Ha, and can even be formed into a ball. 

Renzouku Super Doughnuts -The caster creates 
giant rings of energy which he uses to surround and 
bind his opponent. This attack is unique to Gotenks.

Spirit Ball -A small sphere of energy formed in 
the caster's hands. It is thrown much like the Spirit 
Bomb and can be controlled in mid-flight.  

Spirit Bomb -An infinitely powerful sphere of 
energy. The caster raises his hands in the air and 
gathers energy from all living things withing a 
certain radius. The larger the radius, the more living 
things can supply energy for the attack. Goku is 
eventually able to gather energy from entire solar 
systems and galaxies creating a devastating attack. 

Tri Beam Attack -The caster places his index 
fingers and thumbs together forming a triangle. This 
blast attack is extremely powerful, but only due to 
the fact that it sacrifices the caster's life energy. 
This attack is unique to Tien. 

Power Absorbtion -This is the ability to absorb
energy through special spheres in one's hand. Some 
androids use this as a way to replenish their energy 

Assimilation -The ability of a fighter to 
absorb another being. The fighter then takes on some 
characteristics of the being absorbed and adds its 
powers and techniques to its own. 

Instant Transmission -A technique allowing the 
user to instantly transport to any location in the 
universe (or afterlife) The only task needed to do 
this is to lock onto someone's ki that is in that 

Body Change -A technique used to change bodies 
with another being. The caster shoots a beam out of 
his mouth and into the mouth of the target, then the 
two switch personalities, and the caster is in the 
body of the target. This technique is unique to 
Captain Ginyu. 

Regeneration -A technique native to Namekians 
but able to be learned by others. The caster 
regenerates a limb (or limbs) restoring them to full 
health instantly, normally at the cost of the caster's 
power level. 

Solar Flare -By fanning his hands over his 
face, the caster can concentrate his energy into a 
huge amount of light which temporarily blinds anyone 
nearby. This technique is invented by Tien, but is 
taught to other members of the Z Team. 

KaioKen -This technique was created by King Kai 
(the North Kaio) who cannot perform it even himself. 
The user increases his power, strength, and speed at 
the sacrifice of stamina. The strain on the body 
increases with use and higher levels and can even 
cause the user's body to explode. 

Jan Ken- Rock Paper Scissors Attack -An attack
much like "paper, scissor, rock" where you either 
attack with a eye poke, punch, or slap.	

Kame Hame Ha- Turtle Blast Wave -An attack 
where the person cups both of there hands on the side 
of there body. They than yell Kame Hame Ha in 
intervals "" unleashing a 
powerful Ki blast.	

Rou Ga Fuu Fuu San- Wolf Wind Attack -Yamucha's 
finishing attack where he crouches
like a wolf and charges at his opponent.	

Guru Guru Gama- Turning Round and Round Gum -
You spit a gum from your mouth that
wraps around your target and doesn't allow him to move
Ten Kuu Peki Ji Ken-	Sky X Attack -This is an 
attack that is used by Namu, he flies down
from the air at his opponent with his arms crossed in 
an "X" formation. When he hits his opponent, his
opponent is knocked unconscious.	

Yoikominminken- Child Sleep Attack -An attack 
used by Kamesennin that hypnotises the opponent and 
causes them to fall asleep.	

Zanzoken- After Image Technique -The person 
using this attack moves so quicklu that they
leave an image of themself behind. The person then 
attacks from another spot.	

Kamehameha Gaeshi- Turtle Blast Wave Warfare -
Using one Kame Hame Ha to counter another
Kame Hame Ha.	

Ban Koku Bitsu Kuri Shiyou- Bangkok Method -An 
attack that uses an electric energy net to trap
the enemy and stop from being able to move.	

Dodon Pa- Finger Blast -A blast shot out of one 
finger that explodes when it hits its target.	

Akuma Kousen- Devil Light Ray -When the Ki 
blast hits you it causes all the evil in your
heart to expand making you explode. If you have no 
evil in your heart the move will not work on you.
Nin Pou Bun Shin no Jutsu- Ninja Arts Dividing Art -
A technique that allows you to split
yourself into 5 of yourself.	

Nin Pou Tatami Kaeshi- Ninja Arts Tatami Mats -
The art of using Tatami Mats to block
on coming attacks.	

Saikitsuku-	Recovery Attack	-An attack that 
uses ki blasts from the eyes to paralyze your
opponent, as long as your mind stays focused on the 
attack you can keep your opponent paralyzed.	

Shi You Ken-	Four Arm Attacks (directly translated, 
it comes out to mean "right to use")-A
move that causes two arms to grow from the person's 

Chou Nou Ryoku- Psychic Ability -A move that is 
performed by putting either one or two
hands infront of you. With the move you can control 
someone's movment or cause them to feel pain. As
long as you keep your concentration on the move alone, 
you can maintain it.	

Ki Kou Hou- Spirit Success Cannon -The person 
using this blast puts the finger of each hand
together and there two thumbs together. An energy 
blast is formed around both hands and when the blast is
fired it it very powerful, but sacrifice's the life 
force of the person performing it.	

Hai Kyuu Ken- Sphere Attack -
Tien's "volleyball" attack. He hits the opponent 
up into the air and then flies up above them and slams 
them back down to the ground.	

Ma Fuu Ba- Evil Seal Attack -a blast of energy 
that traps the opponent in it and then the blast is
controlled into a container where the enemy is 
trapped. The container is called the Denshi Jar. The 
Mafuuba kills the person performing the blast.	

Baku Riki Ma Ha- Strength Evil Blast -An 
extremely powerful ki blast that when used
pretty much kills everything in its way.	

Iai Giri- Katana Blade Attack -a fast slicing 
motion that is performed with a sword.	

Ma Kou Sen- Evil Beam -Ki blast that are 
gathered in your arms and are shot one after the

Supa Dodonpa- Super Finger Blast -Same as 
Dodonpa, but stronger.	

Sou Ki Dan- Following Energy Ball -A round 
energy ball formed in someone's hand that looks
and is thrown much like a Genki Dama.	

Shi Shin no Ken- Four Body Attack -A person 
splits into two and then into two again
forming 4 copies of the person. The four parts can 
each fight independently, but each has the power and
speed than if all four were one.	

Chou Kamehameha- Ultra Turtle Blast Wave -This 
is Gokuh's ultimate Kame Hame Ha and is
used on Piccolo Daimo.	

Ashide Kame Hame Ha-	Legs Turtle Blast Wave -
The ability to fire a Kame Hame Ha from your feet.	
Bu Kuu Jutsu- Light as Air Art -The ability to 
fly by using one's Ki.	

Furu Pawa Shou Geki Ha- Full Power Crushing Attack -
An attack used by Piccolo that destroyed the 
entire Tenkaichi Budoukai arena.	

Tsui Bi Dan-	A very powerful Ki blast that can 
track the target.	

Ma Fuu Ba Gaeshi- Counter Evil Beam -A move 
used to reflect the mafuuba back at whoever fired it.
Ma Sen Kou- Evil Flash -This blast is formed by 
holding your hands above your head, one
behind the other, and the blast is fired when the 
hands are thrown forward/brought down.	

Ma Kan Kuu Sapou- Evil Death Beam -This is 
Piccolo's finishing move. Piccolo's Index and
middle fingers are brought to his fore head the gather 
up energy. Piccolo thrusts forward his arm shooting
out the blast. The blast has one straight ki shot and 
another blast that coils around the straight Ki blast.	
Kaku San Dan- Scattering Bullet -Holding each 
had in front of you, you shoot out two Ki
blasts and bring them about the target. Then the two 
blasts are split up into many smaller Ki blasts and 
these blasts can be controlled to hit many different 

Giyaritsuku Hou- Gallic Gun -a move that is 
powered up like a Kame Hame Ha, but when the attack is 
fired the hands are separate and the palms are facing 
the target.

Genki Dama- Spirit Ball -An attack where Gokuh 
stands with his arms in the air and gathers
the energy of all the living things on that planet. 
The energy is formed into a ball and is thrown. The 
strength of the attack depends on the size of the 

Ki En Zan- Energy Circle Attack -A flat disc of 
Ki that slices through whatever it hits.	

Kaiou Ken- A move used to power up. When this 
move is used the person's speed, power, and senses are 
inhanced. This move can be  multiplied to be more 

Kuraya boru-	Crusher Ball -A ball of energy 
that is produced in the palm of someone's hand
and then thrown at a target.	

Ireiza gan- Eraser -A Ki beam shot out of 
someone's mouth.	

Bode ichienji- Body Exchange	-A move used by 
Ginyu. He extends his arms and legs and yells
"CHANGE". An energy beam is shot out and when it hits 
it target Ginyu switches bodies with that person.
This move can be blocked though by throwing something 
in the way of the energy beam.	

Dai Chi Retsu Zan- Earth Line Blast -An attack 
that by swinging your hand with two fingers
extended creates an invisible beam that travels a long 

Hitsu Satsu Ken- Slice Attack -An attack used 
by Trunks where he split Freeza in half using his 

Shunkanidou-	Instant Transfer Movement -You put 
two fingers on your forehead and search for a ki. When 
you find a ki you can teleport to that Ki source.
Enerugi Kyuushuu- Energy Absorbment -Some of 
the androids use this. From round balls in your palms 
you can absorb people's Ki.	

Bigu Ban ataku- Big Bang Attack -This is 
Vegeta's Final Attack. Vegeta holds hits hand
forward and fires a massive blast from his palm.
Heruzu Furayu- Hell's Flash -Powerful blasts 
are shot from guns under your arms.	

Ji Baku- Self Explosion -The move used by Cell 
when he set off a self explosion device inside of 

Cell Jiyuniaumidashi- Cell Juniors -These were 
the Cell Juniors created by Cell.	

Fuainaru Furayo- Final Flash	-One of Vegeta's 
tradmark attacks. It is an extremely powerful attack 
that takes a long time to gather the energy for.	
Oyako Kame Hame Ha- Parent and Child Turlte Blast 
Wave -This is a Kame Hame Ha that is assisted on 
by someone who is dead. Such as in Movie 10 when Goku 
helps out Gohan and Goten or during Gohan's fight with 

Seki Ka Tsuba- Stone Saliva -An attack where if 
hit by the persons saliva you will turn into stone.
Kou Shiyoku-	Light Eating -With this attack you 
can eat Ki.	

KameKame Ha- Turtle Turtle Wave -This is 
Goten's mistake pronunciation of the attack 
Kame Hame Ha.	

Satan Ka Rei Naru Hitsu Satsu Waza-Satan Miracle 
Super Awesome Power Punch -This is one
of Satan's most powerful punches. In reality it is 
just a normal punch.	

Supa Gosuto KamiKaze Ataku- Super Ghost Kamikaze 
Atack -An attack where Ghost's are
shot out of the person's mouth and look like the 
person who created them. The ghost's are given a 
target and blow up upon hitting their target.	

Giyarakuteika Dona- Galactic Donuts	-Ki rings 
that are fired, and when fired they wrap around
the body of your opponent and hold him.	

Chou Genki Dama- Ultra Spirit Bomb -This is 
Gokuh's ultimate Genki Dama and is used on Kid Buu.
Ki no Tsurugi- Sword of Energy -A long sword 
that is made up of your ki.	

Geki Totsu Arutora Buu Buu Bareboru-	Ultra Assult 
Buu Buu Volleyball -All this attack is when 
someone forms a ball of ki and is able to throw and 
hit is around.	

Bejita Sai Shuu Sai Go no Reza- Vegeta's Final End 
Technique -An attack where one gathers a lot of ki 
in the attempt to blow themselves up.	

Hara no Niku Kougeki- Flesh Attack -A move used 
by Fat Buu where he rips some of his body off and 
wraps it around his target. Whoever is wrapped up can 
not move.	

Tasai Na Waza No Kazukazu- Attack of Great Variety 
Technique -An attack where you rapidly attack your 
opponent using punches and kicks.	

Chikyuu hou Kai No ichi Geki- The Blow That Caused 
the Earth to Cave In. -An attack used by Kid Buu 
that blew up the Earth.	

Jin Rui Zetsu Metsu kou Geki- Mankind Destruction 
Attack -Super Buu uses this attack.
He finds every single person on earth's ki and then 
fires out a blast that kills every person it kills.
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