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Character Bios

Advisor Black
Secondin command of the red Ribbon Army, Advisor Black 
helps commander Red collect the dragon balls under the 
ussumption that Red plans to wish to become taller,
Black shoots him and takes over the army. His coup is 
short-lived, however, as Goku kills him and destroys 
the terrorist organization.

Agent Purple 
A martial Arts master- and a all-around creep-Agent 
prurple is defeated by Goku in Muscle Tower 

Akane Kimidori
Appearing in the Dr Slump/Dragon Ball crossover, Akane 
Kimidori is a tomboy-ish main character of Dr Slump.

The fourth and final fighter of Uranai Baba,Akkumanhad 
a devilish appearance.He should of been able to kill 
goku with ease;however, Goku possessed no evil within 
him, making him immune to Akkuman's technique of 
destroying people by awaking their inner evil 

Taurus’ henchman in third Dragon Ball Z movie, Amondo 
is killed by Goku

Android 8 
A frankenstein's monster-looking robot, 8 is ordered 
to kill the young goku after he tries to defeat the 
Red Ribbion Army , but he doesnt like to fight, 8 
refuses and teams up with the young saiyan .After the 
army's defeat, he goes to live a peaceful life with 

Android 13 
Created by Dr. Gero SuperComputers, 13 was designed to 
kill Goku.After Dr. Gero died the computer built upon 
his hatred and created the three android 'ssent to 
kill goku in the seventh movie.After Adnroid 14 and 15 
were destroyed, 13 was assembled various parts
from them to transform himself into super 13.After 
creating a giant Genkie Dama and turning Super Saiyan 
twice,Goku was able to win the fight. 

Android 14 
Created from Dr.Gero hatred for Goku, 14was big and 
grey.Immesely powerful,14 fought against Trunks and 
was winning until Trunks transformed into a Super 
Saiyan and killed him with his sword. 

Android 15 
Shot and Blue, Android 15 was created by Dr Gero’s 
hatred for Goku, Android 14 was big and grey. 
Immesnely powerful, Android 14 fought against Trunks 
and was winning until Trunks transfomed into the Super 
Saiyan and killed him with his sword.

Android 16* 
Future Trunks is Unaware of his existence, because he 
is not awakened in the future timeline. Android 16 
doesn’t fight any of the Z senshi, due to programming 
that identifies Goku as his only enemy. He is 
shattered by cell but rebuilt by Bulma and her father,
However when attempting to blow up cell with his 
internal selfdestruct bomb, he is shattered once 
again, leaving only his head. His final words are 
encouragemnet to Gohan to allow his anger to explode 
so that his hidden powerwould be released (SSJ 2).

Android 17* 
The most evil of hte androids, Android 17 turns on his 
creator, Dr Gero, and kicks his head then proceeds to 
shatter it into peices. He is unwillingly abosrbed by 
cell to help Cell reach his full potential 
(profection), and when Cell dies, so does he. He is 
wished back (by the Z Senshi) to life, but withought 
his self-destruct bomb, which all of the androids 
possess, even Cell. After being absorbed, he isn’t 
heard from much again until Dragonball GT, when he 
fuses with Artificial Android 17 to become Super 17. 
At that time, he kills his creator once again.

Android 18* 
Android 18 is unwillingly absorbed by Cell but is spit 
out when Super Saiyan 2 Gohan punches cell hard in the 
stomach. Krillin is in love with her and wishes for the
self-destruct bomb within her to be removed. They 
eventually marry and have a daughter named Marron. 
Android 18 is originally human but is 
given “enhancements” that make her into and android. 
In trunks’ future timeline, she and Android 17 are 
responsible for the death of the Z Senshi and most of 

Android 19* 
The weekest Android, next to android 20 of course, 
Android 19’s bes technique is to absorb energy through 
his palms. Je amd Amdrpod 20 are the first to search 
for Son Goku and are mistaken for the androids that 
future Trunks warned about. When android 19 had Goku 
on the ropes and was about so kill him, Vegeta 
interferes because he feels it is his right alone to 
kill Goku. Vegeta fights 19 and eventually kills him 
with his lethal technique, the Big Bang Attack.

Android 20* 
See Dr Gero*

Angel Developes a crush on Gohan after seeing him in 
his Boxers. Gohan agrees to go on a date with her only 
because he thinks she knows he is the Great Saiyaman. 
However, she quickly looses intrest in him and moves 
no to another guy.

A henchman of lord Slug, Angira is killed when Goku 
fires Angira’s mouth blast back at him.

Annin is the Guardian of the Rfurnace of Eight 
Divinations at the border between Earth and the After 

Aoi Kimidori
Apearing in the Dr Slup/Dragonball Crossover, Aio 
Kimidori is the sister of Akane.

A fighter from the East galaxy aqua faces Goku in the 
semi-finals. he does pretty badly until he uses a 
special technique wich causes the ring to turn into a 
large lake. However, Goku returns the ring to normal 
knocks Agua out of it. Being the good sport that Goku 
is, he congratulates Aqua for nearly defeating him and 
says that he hopes to fight him again in the future.

Arale Norimaki
The main character of Dr Slump, arale is a robot built 
by Senbe. During the Dr Slup/Dragon Ball crossover, 
she saves goku by defeating Commander Blue.

Baba/Uranai Baba
The sister of Muten (Master) Roshi, Uranai Baba is a 
gifted fortune teller who can see battles when the TV 
can no longer pick up the cammera is broken.

A member of the Ginyu Force, Burter believes he is the 
fastest warrior in the universe; however, Goku easily 
defeats him after his 100x gravity training. When in 
battle, he usually fights along side his Ginyu force 
teammate Jeice

The evil magician who resurrected the Majin Buu. Babi-
dee is the son of Bibidi and has magical powers 
to 'charm' fighters with evil in their heart into 
becoming his slave. At one time he tried to charm 
Vegeta only to find that he could never control 
someone with so much pride. Eventually buu gets tired 
of of Babi-Dee’s costant insults and kills him.

The only participant in the Tenkaichi Budoukai that 
never bathes, Bacterian is a disgusting and weak 
fighter. His only main attacks are his body odor and 
breath. He is eventually defeated by Krillin.

The lone saiyan warrior who fouhgt frieza is the 
father of Goku and Radditz.When on planey Kanassa 
Bardock acquired the ability to foesee the future, 
seeing he destruction of Planet Vegeta.Also seeing the 
future of his son Goku.Bardock attempand ted to fight
Frieza to save Goku an his home.Unfortunatily, he was 
no match for Frieza and was destroyed along with the 
Planet Vegeta.His last words to his son were to kill 
Friezaso that he would die by a Saiyan's hand. 

The last of Tsufurujins.Bebi was made from the DNA of 
the Tsufurujins King.Genetically created by 
Dr.myuu,Bebi's goal is to kill all the saiyans to 
avenge the extiction of his race. Because he is a 
parasite, he infests people by entering through a
wound or other body openings.After failing to control 
Trunks, Bebi travels to Earth while goku and the other 
are searching for the Dragon Ball's.Bebi is easily 
defeated by Goten but eventually succeed in taking him 
over/He then move to Gohan and to his final target,
Vegeta.When Goku returns to Earth, all of humanity-
except Mr.Buuand Mr. Satan - is under Bebi control 

Mr. Satan's (Hercule) Dog, Biru was brought to Mr. 
Satan (Hercule) by Buu.Buu is confused why he didnt 
run away from him in fear, as most human do.Upon 
learning that the dog's leg is broken.Buu heals him 
and Biru become's very fond of his savior.Buu never 
seems afraid of any enemys particarly the Evil Buu. 

Creator of Majin Buu, and father of Babi-Dee.he was 
killed by KaioShin because of his evil actions. 
Before that occured, he was forced to seal Majin Buu 
due to the fact that he couldn’t control him. With 
Majin Buu out of the picture, KaioShin was able to 
kill him.

The strongest of Bojack's henchman.Like all of his 
companions, his past is not revealed.He is 
eventuallyis punched in half by Super Saiyan 2 Gohan . 

Bio Warriors
Created by Jaga Bada in the 11th movie, the Bio 
Warriors probably would have Easily defeated Mr Satan 
(Hercule) if it werent for Goten, Trunks and Number 18

Henchman of Frieza, Blueberry is dog-like in 
appereance. When searching for Vegeta and the dragon 
balls, he and his teammate Raspberry incounter Bulma, 
who has a dragon ball. After Learning what the balls 
can do, Blueberry descides to find them for himself
and take over the galaxy. He is eventually killed by a 
giant crab after mistaking its eggs for dragon balls.

Bojack, an incredibly strong warrior who was sealed 
inside a star by the Kaios.After goku destoryed Kami-
Sama Planet . Bojack is freed and he takes over the 
budoukai.After easily beating Vegeta,Trunks, and 
Piccolo, Bojack fight Gohan.However, Bojack is easily
defeated after Goku helps Gohan become Super Saiyan 2. 

King Gurumesu’s Terminator like henchman in the first 
DB movie, Bongo follows orders withought question. 
When Fighting Goku, he is defeated, but not killed.

Bon Para, Son Para, Ron Para
Bon Para, Son Para and Ron Para are the three brothers 
hired by the Mutchy-Motchy to gather the Dragon Balls. 
They use a strange Technique that makes their enemies 
to unwillingly dance until they run ot of energy. When 
Goku asks for the Universe’s energy, they help out.

Father of Upa, Bora protects Karin tower. When 
attacked by Tao Pai Pai, he is killed,, but
is later restored when Goku gathers the Dragon balls. 
He doesnt make many more appearences in DB GT, but 
does help when Goku asks everyone on earth to give him
energy to kill Majin Buu.

Boss Rabit
Gang leader Boss Rabbit has the ability to turn people 
into carots. When confronted by Goku, he is defeated.

Vegeta and Bulma second child, bra doesnt have much of 
a role in either DBZ or DB
GT.She has the ability to control ki, as seen when she 
flew to help Bebi, but never
transofmed into a Super Saiyan 

The legendary Super Saiyan, Brolly was born with a 
power level of 10,000. His hatred for
Goku dates back to his childhood, when Goku, who was a 
child at the time, made him
cry. Brolly makes three movie appearences in 8, 10, 
and 11.

Kaiosoma’s small monkey friend. Bubles wwas the first 
to step in Kaio’s training. To
overcome his planet’s unusually strong gravity, the 
student would chase bubbles until he
cought him. It took Goku two weeks to catch him.

Budoukai Announcer
The announcer for all Tenkaichi Boudokai (exept for 
the one helled 100 years after the
end of Dragon Ball GT), he had a great appreciation 
for martial arts. He was always
exited to see Goku and his friends since they were the 
only true martial artist on Earth.

The most psychicaly powerful of Bojack's men. He is 
easily killed by Super Saiyan 2 Gohan 

Bulma was once a mixed-up teenager with blue hair, a 
pink outfit and a personality quirk
that wouldn't allow her to stop talking for a second. 
She was immature, emotional,
self-centered, impatient, argumentative, boy-crazy and 
given to fits of hysterics. Now
she's blossomed into a mixed-up woman. She may have a 
new hairstyle and outfit, but
she still has that same personality quirk. For that 
matter, she's also still emotional,
self-centered, impatient, argumentative and given to 
fits of hysterics. Fortunately, she's
also incredibly talented and determined. She is 
responsible for most essential inverntions
(such as the dragon Ball radar) She will do whatever 
it takes to get what she wants, and
she won't let anything stand in her way -- not 
mountains, not alien invaders, not even
pride. As a mechanical genius who can operate and fix 
anything, Bulma is very important
to the team. She discovers the capabilities of the 
Saiyan Scouter and enhances it for their
use. It enables her to save the day more than once for 
the rest of our heroes. Still, the
team concept doesn't always sink in and her 
independence sometimes flies in the face of
her friends' aspirations to work together. 

Paricipant in the 25th Tenkaichi Boudoukai, Butter is 
one of Krillin’s opponentes. He
underestimates Krillin bacause of his size, but 
krillin whipps him with easy.

A fat monster encountered by Goku in Muscle Tower, 
Buyon is defeated when Goku
punches a hole in the wall, causing the cold to freeze 

300 years ago an evil magician named Bibidi created 
the Majin Buu, a demon who's
intent is pure evil and destructive . Bibidi could not 
fully control Buu at first. Eventually
Buu killed all but one of the Kaio-shins (the north 
Kaio-shin survived). The east and west
Kaio-shins were easily defeated. The south Kaio-shin 
put up a good fight but was
absorbed by Buu at the last minute. This caused Buu to 
inherit the physical traits of the
south Kaio-shin. Buu then absorbed the Master Kaio-
shin and transformed into the fat
Buu. Since master Kaio-shin was kind, gentle and fat, 
Buu was watered down a bit and
easier to control. Majin Buu was later resurrected by 
his son Babidi. Buu goes thru many
transformations including returning to his first state 

Captian Chicken
The so-called super heo who participates in the 28th 
Tenkaichi Budoukai , he forfeits
after seeing the Guku and Uub fight. Pretending to 
hear the cries of a “damsel in
distress”, he runs away.

Captian Ginyu* 
The horned leader of the Ginyu Force is also the most 
powerful. He was second to only
Frieza before Goku trained in 100x Gravity. He has the 
ability to switch bodies with his
opponents. Swapping bodies with Goku, Ginyu confuses 
the Earth warriors and
ambushes them. Captain Ginyu nearly defeats our heroes 
before he accidentally switches
bodies with a toad. 

Cardinal Mutchy-Motchy
the gigh priest of Lude, Mutchy-Mothcy would terrorize 
anyone who failed him and his
god, Lude, with a whip and a device that turns people 
into dolls. He hired the Para
bothers to obtain the dragon balls for him so they 
could resurrect thier god. He was killed
when his pet Leon was defeated and Blew up.

One of the Minions of Garlic Jr. When Garlic Jr 
returns, Cashew is fairly strong, but is
killed like all the others.

Goku’s opponent in the first round of the afterlife 
martial arts tournament. He tries to
tickle Goku until he gives up, and it looks like he is 
going to, but then goku breaks free.
Goku then comments on how week Catapy is. This angers 
Catapy so he creats a coccon
around himself. Since he wont hatch from the cocoon 
for twleve-hundred years, goku
wins the Match.

Cell is Dr. Gero's finest creation and the deadliest 
android of them all. Cell's biology
contains DNA from many of the universe's mightiest 
fighters, including Goku, Vegeta,
and Piccolo. As a result of Cell's composite DNA, his 
fighting skills surpass those of
Earth's greatest warriors, and he is able to use their 
signature attacks as well. In other
words, Cell is virtually invincible. In addition, Cell 
can use his tail to absorb the energy
and powers of his opponents. When Cell first appears, 
he is in his most imperfect form,
and his body resembles that of a giant lizard. He then 
proceeds to kill trunks and take his
time machine to go back in time to absorb the androids 
to reach perfection (trunks killed
them in his time). However, after absorbing a few 
victims, he absorbes android 17 and
transforms into Cell Stage Two, and finally, absorbs 
android 18 and transforms into
Perfect Cell. But don't let Perfect Cell's handsome 
face fool you. Every stage of Cell's
metamorphosis is more dangerous than the last. When 
Cell finally achieves his perfect
form, he challenges the warriors of the Earth to a 
great battle tournament he calls The
Cell Game. He first fights goku, and when it looks 
like Goku has one from shooting of
Cell’s head with a Kamehameha, he rejuvenates it and 
Goku gives up. Next gohan fights
cell, and Reaches Super Saiyan 2 level after cell 
killes Android 16. He then hurts cell and
de-evolves him into his second stage by making him 
spit out android 18. But cell uses
one last techinique- Self destruction. So Goku does 
the only noble thing, he transports
cell away from earth and dies with the blast that cell 
creates. Cell then reguvinates
himself from one cell, and goes back to earth. He 
killed trunks but is eventually killed by
a one-handed Kamehameha fired by Gohan.

Cell Junior 
Cell created these to see Gohan real power they look 
like Cell but in a small form.They
are fairly powerful but were easily killed by Gohan 

This short alien is Olivu’s first opponent in the 
afterlife tournoment. He is increadibly
fast, and fightes very will but is defeated after 
using the split form attack.

By far the weakest ki controling Z fighter.he is left 
behind from the cell fight.Chaouzu
was an emperor throughout Z and GT ans stick aound 
Yein, who treats him like a brother 

Chi Chi* 
The strongest wife in the universe! Chi Chi is the 
wife of Son Goku. She met Goku when
they were young. At that time Goku made a promise to 
marry her and she does not forget
this. When Chi Chi and Goku meet up again as teenagers 
Goku doesn't recognize her.
Angry that Goku does not remember her, she enters 
herself in a fighting tournament
Goku participated in and fights him before letting him 
know who she really is. Goku
naturally wins the match and by the end of the day 
they are husband and wife. Chi Chi
and Goku have two children: Son Gohan and Son Goten. 

Chii Shenron 
It possesss the power to absorb and to control other 
creatures, was invoked when Bulma
desired that all the human beings died for Majin 
Vegeta came back to the life, guard of
the seventh sphere. 

Chindai ken
Owner of a martial arts school, Chindai ken is a 
master of the Seikyokuryuken.
Unfortunately, he sufferes from a disease that quickly 
drains his energy.

Chinshyou Ken
Son of Sensei Chindai, chinshyou Ken, like Vegeta, is 
vey proud of his strength and
thinks Goku is weak. To prevent goku from 
participating in the Tenkaichi Budoukai, he
puts a laxitive in his soup.

Goku saves this little girl during his second trip 
around the world. After he saves her, she
asks him to save her entire villiage from Ginkaky and 

Met by Goku during his training with Mr Popo, chyuri 
asks Goku to help her find her lost
bird. Having a good heart, Goku helps her.

This small child was to be sacrificed in the 10th 
movie to save a village from a monster.
When Videl, Trunks and Goten arrived, she is spared, 
as the promised to take care of the
monster themselves.

Commander Blue
Incredibly powerful, Commander blue’s only weakness is 
his fear of mice. He also hates
women. He and goku fight in mid-air after he trieds to 
kill everyone with a time bomb.
Both crash into the mountains near Penguin Village. 
When Blue returnes to Red
Ribbon’s Headquarters, he is killed by Tao Pai Pai.

Commander Red
The leader of the Red Ribbon Army, Commander Red 
secretly wanted the dragon balls to
wish to become taller, rather than take over the 
world, as his minions had thought. When
Advisor Black learns of this, he shoots Commander Red 
nd takes over the Army.

Cooler, friezas brother, goes to earth to exact 
revenge on the person who killed his
brother, his power is much greater than Frieza’s and 
he has one more transformation. He
appeares in two dragon Ball Z movies, five and six. In 
the sixth movie, he returns as a
metal cyborg and attacks the new Planet Namek.

Crane Master/Tsurusennin
The teacher of Tenshinhan and Chaozu, trurusennin is 
Kamesennin’s rival. At the end of
the 22nd Tenkaihi Budoukai, his students face off 
against Goku and Friends. Upon
learning of Tsurusennin’s evilness, Tenshinhan and 
Chaotzu leave his school. Enraged,
Tsurusennin is abot to attack his former pupils, when 
he is blown away by Kmesennin’s
(Roshi) Kamehameha.

Piccolo second offspring,Cymbol is sent to find the 
dragon ball's.While attempting to
steal goku's ball.this unlucky alien is cooked and 
eaten by Yajirobe. 

Daigorou Kurigashisar 
Appeared in Dr.Slump/Dragon ball CrossOver 

The leader of the underworld's demons and the Prince 
of darkness, Dabura was known to
be the 'Devil' himself. Charmed by Babidi, he is the 
primary fighter in Babidi's legion. 

Dai Kaio 
Said to be the afterlife’s strongest warrior, Dai Kaio 
is the head of all the Kaio. He
presides over the afterlife tournament and promises to 
personnally train the winner,
making him or her his first pupil. After Goku wins the 
tournement, Dai Kaio reneges on
his promise because he is afraid the Sayan will show 
him up.

Dai KaioShin 
The god of gods, Dai Kaioshin is kindly and fat. 
During East Kaioshin and Majin Buu’s
battle, he saves East Kaoshin and blowes Buu into 
peices. When Buu reforms himself, he
absorbs the bonevolent god, resulting in Fat Bu (mr 
Buu). However Buu retains some of
Dai Kaioshin’s Kindness, changing him into a laid back 
chow hound.

Daisko, a sumo-like fighter, compestes in the 9th 
movies tournament. After reaching the
finals, he, like all hte others, is sent to a second 
island go compete. Howevef, he is killed
almost instantly by Bido.

Turlus’s minion in the third movie, Daizu is killed by 

The small Namekseijin rescued from Dodoria by gohan 
and Krillin, Dende is taken from
his vilage after his familly is killed. After Cell is 
descoverd and Kamesama fuses with
Piccolo, Dende is brought to Earth to become the new 
god of the Earth and to create New
Dragon Balls.

This fat, purple henchman of frieza is killed by 
Vegeta after revealing to him the truth
about planet Vegeta’s destruction.

this reclusive prophet of Lude is fascinated with 
dolls, especially the Pan doll. During his
infrequent public appereances, he preformes many phony 
miracles to dupe his followers.
He eventually turnes all of Lude’s followers into 
dolls so Lude can steal their energy and
revive himself.

Domma, Lenne’s betrothed, joins goku and the others 
when they face Zunama, despite
thinking that he didn’t stand a chance of returning 

this member of the Cooler Tokusentai is kille by 

Dorobado, lord Slug’s gargoyle-like henchman, is 
killed by Piccolo

Overlord to the demon world, Doubler travels to earth 
with Babi-dee in hopes of
gathering enough energy to resurect Majin Bu. Whith 
this special ability, he turns Krillin
and Piccolo into stone before being eaten by Buu.

Dr. Briefs 
Father of Bulma, and the owner of the famous Capsule 
corp. He builds three ships used
by the Z Senshi during DBZ. He also helps repair 
android 16.

Dr Frappe
Android 8’s creator, dr Frappe is a brillinat 
scientist whose genious is exploited by the
Red Ribbon Army. When android 8 refuses to kill Goku, 
the Saiyan saves both Frappe
and Android 8. Afterwards the doctor removes Android 
8’s Bomb.

Dr. Gero* 
An evil mad scientist who Goku fought in dragon Ball. 
He was working with the Red
Ribbon army, but Goku let him go after he defeated 
him. Dr gero Vowed to exact
revenge on him and he built several androids 
(including Cell) to kill him. He even went
so far as to turn himself into an android (Android 
20). He and Android 19 were mistaken
for the androids that Trunks told them about. He was 
easilly killed by android 17.

Dr Kochin
Dr Wheelo’s assistant, Dr koshin’s Job was to find the 
one strong enough for Dr Wheelo
to take over. He became too odd after Dr Wheelo was 
imprisoned and was replaced by a

Dr Kori
The scientist in the 11th Dragon Ball Z movie who 
helped create the Bio Brolly.

Dr. Myuu 
Dr Myuu is the genius reponsible for creating Bebi. 
After being killed by his creation, the
docter is sent to HIFL, where he meets Dr Gero. 
Conspiring together to complete the
unfinished Android 17, the two create another 17 who 
merges with Android 17, creating
Super 17

Dr Raichii
This sicentist is the main willain of the DBZ OVA 
special. In attempt to rid the univers
of the Saiyan, he sends Destron Gos-emmiting Machines 
to Earth, capable of destryouing
all life. The Z senshi destroy all but one, which is 
protected by an unbreakable energy
shield. Traveling to the dark planet to face dr 
Rachii, the Z senshi fight and easilly kill
the doctor, however, his cyborg proves to be more 
problematic. Combining all of there Ki
attacks, the heros destrou the cyborg, causing the gas 
machine to explode.

Dr Wheelo
One of the smartes men on Earth, Dr Wheelo used his 
genius for evil and was imprisoned
in ice, which preserved his brain. After his 
assistant, Dr Koshin, uses the dragon balls to
free im from his icy tomb, dr Wheelo seeks out Master 
Roshi to obtain his body. After
learning that Goku is the world’s strongest, however, 
he settles on a new target.

Dracula Man
the first fighter of Oranai Baba, Dracula Man is fast 
and has the ability to change into a
bat. he wins the first battle by sucking blood from 
krillins head. He is defeated by upa
and Puar when they use crosses and garlick to trick 
him into flying out of the ring and
then smacks him into the water.

Created to finish off Tenshinhan, Drum was Piccols’s 
third child. When Goku Arrives to
help, he is easilly killed.

East Kaio
The only femail Kaio, east Kaio loves jet bike racing, 
in order to compet in the afterlife
tournement, Goku hd to race her and defeat her.

East Kaioshin
East Kaioshin, one of the higher gods of the univers, 
kills bibi-dee after Majin Buu is
sealed away. After learning that Babi-dee was trying 
to resurect Buu, he travels to earth
with Kibito to stop him. He is nearly killed by Buu 
but is healed by Kibito after he is
resurrected by the dragon balls. Feeling that there is 
no other choice, KaioShin brings
Gohan to planet KaioShin Kai to free the Zed Sword. 
kaioShin eventually fusees with
Kibito when they take off off opposite Potara earings 
to demonstrate the Porta’s power.

One of the bio-warriors who works for Dr Wheelo in the 
second DBZ movie, Ebifurya
looks astonishingly like Recoome from the Ginyu 
forces. His special attack is a freeze
blast which can immobilize opponents. He is eventually 
killed by Goku.

This robot from planet M-2 faces off with Goku after 
he and Trunks escape from the
scanner. He has the abilities like most of the robots 
of M-2, which include sinking into
walls and floors. When Goku blast them all with Ki 
attacks, they combine and for the
Mega Cannon. After Goku learns of the Mega Cannon’s 
technique, he becomes bored
with it and destroys it with a Kamehameha.

Another robot from planet M-2, EC4 is sent to take 
care of Pan, after learning her
fighting techniques from Giru’s data. Unfortunately, 
even Giru didnt know Pan’s true
power; upon learning what Giru had done, Pan cries and 
releases her anger on EC4,
destroying him.

A classmate of Gohan’s at Orange Star High School. 
Eliza seems attracted to Gohan,
asking him to sit next to her and for a ride home.

Emi is one of the children abourd the stealth ship of 
orphans that krillin, Gohan and
Bulma become trapped in on their way to Namek. When 
Krillin and Gohan try to
convince the orphans that they aren’t their enemies, 
she kicks Krillin in the Shin.

Emperor Pilaf
Emperor Pilaf believed he is destined to rule the 
Earth. He uses his fortune to search for
the dragon balls and have his wish granted. Although 
he comes very close, he never quite

A contender in the GT tenkaichi Budoukai, Ebichiyu 
makes it to the semi-finals.

A fighter from the South galaxy, Frog fights against 
Mariko in the semi-finals of the
afterlife Budoukai. In the hope of winning, Frog tries 
to expand his body to a point that it
would push his opponent, Mariko, out of the ring. 
Mariko, however, throws Frog to one
of the Planets hovering above, causing Frog to deflate 
into his original form.

Possibly one of the most important characters in DBZ, 
he is responsible for destroying all
the Saiyan race, their home planet, and eventually is 
the cause for Goku to reach the
Super Saiyan level. Haughty, malicious, seemingly 
invincible and power-hungry with
absolutely no compassion, Frieza is feared as the most 
powerful and evil being in the
Unvierse with no rival being even close to his 
strength. Upon learning about the
legendary Namekian Dragonballs, Frieza is consumed 
with a desire to obtain the
Drabonballs, summon the Dragon, and gain his wish for 
immortality. Then he can rule
the entire universe, unrivaled, forever. Understanding 
the capability of the Saiyans as
fighters, he eliminates their planet to destroy the 
competition. In his search for the
Dragonballs on Namek, he ruthlessly and predictably 
eliminates all who get in his way.
The very mention of his name strikes dread and fear 
across the universe. Zarbon and
Dodoria are Frieza's two evil right hand men. They 
carry out his requests promptly and
without question, knowing Frieza's character too well. 
Frieza also employs the legendary
Ginyu Force to take care of his business. The Ginyu 
force is defeated by Goku and the
gang, and Goku and Frieza square off to fight. Goku 
seems to be doing well, when Frieza
clames he is only using 1% of his power. Then Goku 
goes for his ultimate attack, the
spirit bomb. It eventually forms and is gigantic,and 
Frieza can not dodge it, it is a direct
hit. But when all seems going well, Frieza re-emerges 
and kills Krillin. This pushes Goku
over the edge. He then becomes Super Saiyan Goku, and 
beats the crap out of Frieza. He
tries to Give Frieza a chance to turn from evil, but 
Frieza won’t listen and eventually
goku kills him, or so we thought. Later on in the 
Series, He comes back as as half
robot(rebuilt by his father). They are both killed by 
Future Trunks. He isnt heared much
of until movie 12, when he is killed by the Great 
Saiyaman gohan.

Future Trunks/Mirai No Trunks
One of the DBZ saga’s most important character, he is 
the son of Vegeta and Bulme.
Tunks comes from the future, when Androids 17 and 18 
kill all of the Z Senshi and caus
havoc all over the Earth. Trunks is trained by Son 
Gohan, the only surviving warrior.
Upon Arriving in our timeline, he easily kills Frieza 
and King Cold. He Keeps his identity
secret from everyone, exept for when he tells Goku to 
preserve his existence. Trunks
carries a sword given to him by Tapion.

Gajira Norimaki
A pair of Angels who speak a language understood only 
by Arale, Gajira Norimaki
appear in the Dragon Ball/Dr Slump crossover.

Garlic Jr* 
Garlic Junior's evil is disproportionate to his size. 
An elfish creature of puny stature,
Garlic has only one goal in mind: to become the ruler 
of Earth. This desire is in his genes.
Garlic Junior's father, Garlic Senior, tried to steal 
the role of Earth's Guardian from Kami
ages ago. Fortunately, Kami prevented this disaster 
from happening. When the young
Garlic tries the same stunt, the Z Warriors are 
standing by to send this villain to prison in
the Dead Zone. Garlic escapes with vengeance on his 
mind and Black Water Mist in his
hand, a devilish toxin that turns heroes into zombies. 
With his henchmen, the nefarious
Spice Boys, Garlic Junior once again tries to take 
over the Earth. Garlic Junior draws his
strength from the Makyo Star. Garlic becomes more 
dangerous as this star comes closer
to Earth. At his most powerful, Garlic Junior is able 
to transform into a monstrous giant. 

this giant demon from the second movie travels by 
means of clouds and fights using ribbons

General Silver
The first member of the Red Ribbon Army who faces off 
against Goku, General Silver is beaten but not killed

Ginkaku is the youngest brother of Kinkaku. They are 
defeated by goku, who forces them
to work for the people of the villiage.

this short, green henchman of garlic Jr was killed by 
Goku’s Kamehameha

Not to be confused with Garlic Jr’s Henchman, this 
Ginger was Piccolo’s driving
instructor, when he and Goku were forced by Chi Chi to 
get driver’s license. She seemed
very nice and happy, but once she started driving, she 
lost it and developed a bad case of
road rage.

Giran was one of Goku’s opponents in the 21st 
Tenkaichi Budoukai. He used the
Guruguru Gom to paralize Goku. When Goku uses his 
strength to break the gum, Giran
fofeits the fight.

Goku, Pan and Trunks meet this robot, also known as T-
2006, on planet Imegga. After
Giru eats the dragon radar, the heroes have no choice 
but to take him with them. The
gang eventually discovers that Giru is Dr Muu’s 
serveant; however, the robot betrays his
master to help his new friends. After finding all 
seven black star Dragon balls, they return
to Earth. Accompanying Trunks back to the Capsule 
Corporation, Giru meets Vegeta.
After learning that Bebi had taken control of Vegeta, 
Giru attemps to confront him but is
destroyed by a Ki blast. Giru doesn’t return until the 
evil Shenrons are defeated and the
original Shenron restores all life.

Grandma Hakkake
Living by herself, in the norther forest, Hakkake 
taught Chi Chi to be a good wife. She
also provided the Basho Sen that was used to 
extinguish the flames that imprisoned Gyuu
Mao’s castle.

Gogeta is the fusion of Goku and Vegeta. He makes two 
appearences, the first is in the
12th movie, and the second is in Dragon Ball GT. He is 
extremely powerful, thwough not
as powerful as Vegetto in DBZ. He beats more of a 
resemblance to Son Goku, and has a
dual voice, just like all fused Saiyans. His special 
technique is a ball resembling a
rainbow that causes opponents to explode five seconds 
after impact. Like all fused
warriors, Gogeta has a black and Orange vest.

Goten, Son* 
Goten is the youngest son of Goku and Chi-Chi. He is 
born a year before Trunks. He
follows in his fathers footsteps in which he doesn't 
work on his studies...instead he plays
with his best friend Trunks and fights. He also looks 
similar to his father and dresses the
same. He is the youngest to turn Super Saiyan and is a 
real player once he gets to GT. In
GT he becomes more of a Ladies man rather then a 

Gohan, Son* 
Gohan, Goku and Chi-Chi's four-year-old son, was named 
after his adoptive grandfather.
Physically, he resembles a young Goku, right down to 
his tail and his propensity to
become a raging Giant Monkey when he looks at a full 
moon. Spiritually, he is good and
pure of heart. Because of his protective mother, Gohan 
begins life as something of a
wimp, but when the Earth is threatened, he reveals his 
tremendous potential as a fighter.
In one instance, he uncontrollably "powers up" in 
order to rescue his father from a
desperate situation. Soon Gohan is forced into 
training in preparation for the eminent
arrival of the evil Saiyans. As a result, he becomes a 
formidable fighter in his own right
under the guidance of Piccolo (the former archenemy of 
Gohan's father, Goku. Gohan
first masters survival training. He is abandoned for 
six months in the wilderness, where
he must battle hunger, scorpions, saber tigers and 
dinosaurs, among other things. Next
comes intense fighting against Piccolo to train Gohan 
in the art of war. His mission: "to
kill the Saiyans and save Earth." Gohan learns many 
lessons under Piccolo, such as "don't
see the enemy, feel him." Their special bond results 
in Piccolo stepping in front of
Nappa's mighty blast to save Gohan's life. Initially 
caught between "wimp" and "warrior,"
Gohan's loss of nerve in the battle against the 
Saiyans costs his friends dearly. Haunted by
his failure, he is determined to make up for his 
cowardice. This determination leads
Gohan to Planet Namek, where he searches for the 
source of the original Dragonball so
that he can wish his friends back to
life. In the end, Gohan comes through in the final
battle as he looks at the moon, turns into a Giant 
Monkey and lunges toward Vegeta,
causing him to flee. Gohan's power when initially 
kidnapped and placed in the spaceship is 710. It jumps 
to 1,307 when he sees Goku hurt, then to 28,000 when 
he goes to fight after Piccolo is injured. His 
tremendous power is credited to his unique genetic 
makeup, which makes him a stronger being. Later on in 
the DBZ series he becomes the Super hero
known as Great Saiya Man, while he attends orange star 
high school.

Goku is the hero of Dragonball Z, a good-natured and 
trusting soul. He is also the most
powerful warrior on Earth and the first Super Saiyan 
in over 1,000 years. Having honed
his skills and strengthened his spirit to a level 
never achieved by any being on Earth,
Goku is able to fly, shoot energy beams from his 
hands, move at incredible speeds and, in
a pinch, power up to a fighting level so high it 
creates an energy aura around his body.
Goku hasn't learned these skills just for fun: his 
life is forced down this path as he battles
the evil Saiyans in the final battle to save Earth. 
When the Saiyans arrive it is a total
shock in more ways than one. Not only does Goku meet 
his deadliest foe ever, but he
learns the mysterious secret of his own past: he is a 
Saiyan formerly named Kakarot who
was sent to destroy Earth. Goku's destiny is altered, 
however, when he is discovered in
the wilds as an infant and raised by a peaceful wise 
man. A near-fatal head injury
scrambles Goku's programming. Instead of growing up to 
become a destructive
super-warrior, he becomes innocent and pure of heart, 
fighting only for good. Goku is
very protective of his family and friends and is 
always there to help them. If he has a
weakness, it is his trusting nature. Goku is always 
looking for the good in people and can
often find it where others do not. This costs him 
dearly when be believes that the Saiyan
named Raditz has turned away from evil. Goku later 
pays the ultimate sacrifice to rid the
Earth of Raditz. Fortunately for our hero and for 
Earth, it's not the end of Goku. He is
taken to the Upper World to train under King Kai in 
preparation for the coming of two
even stronger Saiyans. The Dragonballs will summon him 
when the Saiyans approach
Earth. Goku has many powerful fighting techniques 
including the powerful Kamehameha
wave and the Kaio-Ken, which he learns from King Kai. 
His most powerful weapon is an
immensely powerful energy ball. This ball can only be 
used once and must be guided
carefully, for it can destroy the planet if used 
inappropriately. Goku's power level
changes rapidly, rising from a 300 level in the early 
episodes to 5,000 after training with
King Kai, to 8,000 when he is angry and to 21,000 when 
doing the famous Triple
Kaio-Ken. And all of this is before his Super Saiyan 
stage. To further aid him, Goku still
has the famous Nimbus Cloud and Power Pole. In Dragon 
ball GT, Goku is transformed
back into a kid by the black star dragon balls, and 
reaches the firnal and true form: Super
Saiyan 4. Whether or not he dies it is not known, for 
as in the last episode of Dragon Ball
GT he merges with the Black Star Dragon Balls.

Goku Jr. 
The third-generation decendant of Goku, he is the 
grandson of Pan, but it is never know
who his parents were. He only makes one appearence in 
the Dragon Ball GT series-
During the Tenkaichi Budoukai that occured 100 years 
after the end of DB GT. Goku Jr
is the main character of the Dragon Ball GT TV 
special. At the beginning , he is
cowardly. But when Pan is hospitalized, Goku Fr 
embarks on a mission to Mount Paozu
to recover the four star dragon ball and wish for Pan 
to get better. He is joined by Pahku,
the bully who picked on him. They become friends after 
saving eachothers lives. When
Goku eventually finds the dragon ball, he is 
confronted by Goku, who explains how he
needed all seven balls to make a wish. Goku also 
explains taht to save a loved one, one
needs courage, not a magical wish.

The swordsman of Bojack’s team, Gokua was very strong 
being that he was able to fight
evenly agains Trunks. However, once Trunks transformed 
into Super Saiyan, Gokua is
easily defeated.

The result of Goten and Trunks fused together, 
Gotenks has an attitude like he could
take on anyone. This is mainly due to his age and 
immaturity. He has two very powerful
and unique attacks, Super Ghost Kamikaze attack and 
the Shine Shine Missile. He has
many other atacks, that he just had to give names to , 
that aren’t very effective. he is also
the second, and last person to ever reach Super Saiyan 
3 form. He has an increadible
amount of strength, and almost defeated Buu, but the 
fusion wore off due to the
procrastination of going Super Saiyan 3. he did this 
because hewanted the fight to be cool
and exiting.

Blue demon of HIFL, Gozu hit Goku over the head when 
Goku attempted to take one of
Lord Enma;s special fruit. Learning of who Goku was, 
he decided to have fun with him,
pretending to help Goku escape and return to the path 
of Snake way. After playing for a
while, his partner Mezu wanted to play also, and Gozu 
watched Goku compete against

Grandpa Gohan
Kindly old man, Grandpa Gohan found Goku in the Saiyan 
pod, and took him in as his
own grandson. At first, Gohan was having trouble 
keeping Goku under contol, but after
accidently dropping him off a cliff, Goku became a 
loving grandson. Teaching Goku the
art of Kempo, he was able to awaken some of the power 
that was within him. Unaware of
Goku’s transformation when seeing a full moon, Gohan 
was crushed when goku
transfomed. he does return later on in the Dragon Ball 
series when Goku went to see
Uranai Baba, using his only day back on Earth to se 
his grandson.

Great Saiyaman
Defender of Hercule City, the Great Saiyaman was the 
identity Gohan assumed to
maintain justice. Contantly perfoming strange poses to 
express his power, like the Ginyu
Tokusentai, the Great Saiyaman isn’t taken serioulsy 
at first. When participating in the
tenkaichi Budoukai, Gohan dresses as the Great 
Saiyaman to avoid being recognized.
However, when gidel was nearly killed, he transormed 
into Super Saiyan, which removed
the bandana on his head. When competing against 
Kibito, Gohan was recognized.

Great Saiyaman 2 
Identity Videl appeared after she joined Gohan, 
fighting crime in Hercule City. She only
appears as the Great Saiyaman 2 once in the series and 
in movie 13.

A small cricket-like alien, Gregory was the second 
step in Kaiosama’s training. The
student would be given a large mallet and training was 
to conquer the gravity, but
Gregory’s training was to develop speed.

This strange four-eyed creature is the smallest and 
weakest member of the Ginyu Force.
But what Guldo lacks in sheer brute force he makes up 
for in crafty mind tricks. He has
the ability to read thoughts and can freeze time at 
will. Because of this, he can kill any
warrior, but is decapitated by Vegeta before.

Guru /Denoir elder
The only surviving Namekseijin after the weather 
catastrophe on Planet Namek, the
Senoir elder gave birth to every Namek to repopulate 
the planet. He was also the creator
of the Namek dragon balls. A kindly old man, he powerd 
up gohan and Krillin in hopes
that it would help them in their battle against Frieza.

Devil looking henchmen of lord Lug, he is killed by 
slug when insulting Slug’s age. 

Chinese orphan, Gohan met him when he escaped from 

Thief employed by the Red Ribbon Army, Kasukii was 
hired for 1,000,000 Zeni to steal
Goku’s dragon ball. But she never succeeded.

Though very Annoying, he is one of the most cruicial 
characters in DBZ. Whithout his
presence, the entire universe would have been 
destroyed. His influence over the people of
Earth gave Goku the amount of energy needed to 
complete the Genki Dama (spirit
Bomb) and kill Majin Buu. He is also the father of 
Videl, who is the future wife of

Monster created by the Black magicians, Hiredugarn was 
amazingly powerful, but had a
flaw in that a special ocarina could immoblize him, 
giving a warrior time to slice him in
half with a special sword forged by gods. When this 
was done on the Planet Konack, one
half was sealed within Tapion and the other within 
Minosha. Unfortuantely , when tapion
was released from his seal of Earth, the two halves 
joined again. After cocooning and
re-emerging as a more powerful monster, all seemed 
lost until Goku went Super Saiyan 3. 

One of the black Magicians responsible for the 
creation of Hiredugarn, Hoi came to earth
to seek the other half of his creation to wreak havoc 
and destrucion throughout the
universe. He is eventually killed by Hiredugarn after 
becoming whole.

giant mutant bug, Iedei was the last resort of the 
Arlian king to defeat Nappa and Vegeta.
But he was no match for the Saiyans and was killed.

Icarus/Hir Dragon
Making only appearences in movie 3, 4 and the Garlic 
Jr Saga, Icarus was Gohan’s best
friend. But Chi Chi forbade Gohan to be friends with a 
dragon since it would desterd his
studies. In movie 3, Icarus helped in getting contol 
of Gohan’s mind while he was

A rude kid, he participated in the youth 25th 
Tenkaichi Budoukai. Angry that his first
opponent was Trunks, he would constantly insult him. 
Withought even trying, Trunks
defeated him.

Li Shenron 
The strongest and most evil of hte Shenrons, Li 
Shenron was the last for Goku to face.
Even as Super Saiyan 4, Goku couldn’t beat him, 
especially when he absorbed the other
dragon balls/ When Vegeta arrived and became Super 
Saiyan 4, they fused together and
became the strongest warrior ever, Gogeta Super Saiyan 
4. Gogeta Super Saiyan 4 would
have easilly defeated Li henron if the the fusion had 
lasted more than a couple of minutes
(because they were Super Saiyan 4) rather than lasting 
30 minutes. Thinking that he had
finally killed Goku, Li Shenron proceeded to destroy 
Earth. After easily beating Gohan,
Vegeta, Goten and Trunks, all seemed lost until Goku 
arose with the genki dama (spirit
bomb). Gathering energy from all over the univers, 
Goku defeated Li Shenron and
restored the original Shenron.

Brother of Idarsa, Ikose also participated in the 
youth division of hte 25th Tenkaichi
Budoukai. Like his brother, he was rude and angry that 
his opponent was a little kid.
Unfortunately, the little kid was Goten. Ikose was 
easily defeated withough much effort
from Goten

Large baor that tenshinhan and Chaozu used as part of 
their con act, Inoshikachyou
would destroy a town, tehn Tenshinhan and Chaozu would 
step forth and pretend to kill
him for money. They would trael from town to town 
preforming this con, until Goku
interferes and ruins it.

Invisible Man 
The second fighter of Uranai-Baba, the invisible man 
was taken on by Yamucha. Not
being able to see him, Yamucha was loosing pretty 
badly, until Krill having this great ide,
got Bulma and Roshi to arrive. Positioning the two of 
them, Krillin pulled off Bulmas
top, causing Roshi to shoot blood from his nose, as he 
does any time he sees a girl,
covering the invisible man, and allowing Yamucha to 
see him.

Jacki Chun
A play on Jacki Chan, Jacky Chun was the identity 
Master Roshi assumed when
competing in the Tenkaichi Budoukai to avoid being 
recognized. he was the 21st
Budoukai after beating Goku, but in the 22nd, 
Tenshinhan defeated him.

Jaga Badda
Cousin of Hercule, Jaga was jealous of Hercules 
popularity and stature, and blackmailed
him into going to his island to face his bio warriors. 
(if Jaga wasn’t allowed, he would
tell the world that Hercule used to wet his pants.) 
Being very short and weak, Jaga
couldn’t fight Hercule on his own, and had to create a 
Brolly clone.

Result of all evil to have been passed throgh hdes, 
Janemba was formed to to a kid
demon’s neglect to watch the evil cleansing machine. 
At first, Janemba was a playful,
extremely large, yellow spirit-like demon. After being 
defeated by gok as Super Saiyan 3,
he transformed into a smaller, red demon, which 
neither Goku nor Vegeta was able to
beat. Once sucsesfull in the fusion dance, Gogeta was 
able to defeat Janemba with ease. 

Jeice's flowing white mane makes him look like a rock 
star, and he has the confidence to
match. He is neither incredibly strong, like Recoome, 
nor incredibly fast, like Burter.
Instead, he strikes a deadly balance between the two. 
Once he sees Goku defeate
Racoome and Bartaa, he runs for the help of the rest 
of the Ginyu force. He then sees
Vegeta, and thinking he is still stronger than him, 
tries to take him on. Vegeta easily
beats him with a Ki blast.

Runner up in the 24th Tenkaichi Budoukai, Jewel 
thought of himself as a ladies man. In
the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai, Jewel was immediately 
knicked out of the ring by Android
18 during the battle royal for trying to hit on her.

Orphan met by Gohan after escaping from the 
wilderness, Jinku had the physical features
of a fox. He, like all the others, were taken to the 

The android member of Turlus’ Team in DBZ movie 3, 
Kakao first battles Yamucha and
rather easily beats him. He is eventually killed by 

Kaichyuu Oyaku
Family of gian worm-like creatures that Vegeta and 
Goku encouter while searching for
Gohan and the others in Buu’s body, the Kaichyuu Oyaku 
had incredibly powerful
exoskeletons since the head of the family took ki 
blast from both Goku and Vegeta
without even being stunned. When it is discoverd that 
they aren’t enemies, Goku and
Vegeta leave.

Kaizoku Robo
A giant robot constructed by pirates to guard their 
treasure, Kaizoku Robo is beaten
easily by goku. His main wepons are the machine gun he 
has for an arm, which never
runs out of ammo, and a flame thrower.

Kamesama is the god of the Earth. He tried to become 
god of the earth long ago, but was
denied because of the evil within him. To resolve his 
problem, Kamsama split himself
into two beings, one good, and one evil. The result of 
the evil was Piccolo Daimoa, to
whome he had a spiritual link, meaning that if one 
dies, the other dies as well.

People whom Bardock and his group are attacking in the 
begining of the Bardock Story,
the Kanassajins have powerful psychic abilities and 
knew that the Saiyans were going to
kill them.

Child namekseijin, Kargo was killed when Dodoria 
attacked Dende Muuri’s village.

Grower of the Senzu Beans and protector of the sacred 
water, Karin lives in a tower a
little below Kame’s place. He is very wise and 
inteligent, and helps Goku when fighting
Tao Pai Pai. He is seen very little in Dragon Ball Z, 
but alwasy pulls through to have
Senzu Beans grown.

Met by Goku during his training with Mr Popo Karinto 
was the one that Goku was
seeking to teach him “Quite like the sky”

Kenpau Ka
Street fighter who offers people 100,000 zeni if they 
can beat him, Kenpau Ka fights
goku and loses very easily. Goku uses the money he 
wins to find Bulma’s house.

None of his past is revealed, but he is the assistance 
of Kaioshin. he is killed by Dabura,
but is resurrected when Shenron is summoned by Bulma 
after Vegeta killed many
spectators of the Tenkaichi Budoukai. His special 
ability is souki idou, instantaneous
movement, to any lower planet and to KaioShin’s world. 
He eventually fuses with
KaioShin to demonstrate the power of the pateras.

Kid Katsu
contender in the GT Tenkaichi Budoukai, Kid Katsu made 
it to the semi-finals

Killer was a tall black man who competed in the 25th 
tenkaichi Budoukai. He makes it to
the free-for-all match between Android 18, Jewel, 
Hercule, and Mighty Mask (trunks and
Goten). Because mighty mask wanted to fight 18, he 
knocked Killer out of the ring

Father of Frieza and Cooler, Kingo Cold looks kind of 
like Frieza’s second form exept he
wears battle armor. He is killed by Mirai No Trunks in 
our timeline by getting blasted
near the heart, then completely blasted. He makes 
about two more appearences in the Z
timeline, one oafter goku dies in the cell saga, and 
during the Buu/goku Fight.

King Don kea
King of hte planet Imegga, Don Kea was a ruthless and 
greedy leader. He was
dethrowned when facing Goku and the others, his 
bodyguard Ledgic is beaten, and leaes
Don Kea to take care of Goku himeslef, Not being very 
strong he could do nothing
against them and gives up.

King Gurumesu
Appearing in Dragon Ball movie 1, King Gurumesu is a 
normal person who became
currupt when he found rubies that gave him have an 
insatible hunger.

King Yama
The overseer of HIFL, King Yama decided whether a 
sould would go to heaven or HIFL.
He is very short tempered, and loses it very often in 
the series.

King Kai/North Kaiosama
god of the Northern Galaxy, Kaiosama lives on a small 
planet with his friends Bubbles
and Gregory. When the Saiyans were on their way to 
Earth, goku ventured the path of
snake way to seek training from him, since he was 
thought to be the greatest martial artist
of the northern galaxy. He isn’t very serious at all 
and constantly makes bad Jokes. when
his planet is destroyed by Cell, he and Goku travel to 
Dai Kaiosama’s world to visit old
friends and meet strong fighters.

King Kuresu
Father of Princell Miisa, King Kuresu’s Kingdom was 
constantly attacked demons. When
Goku arrives, he saved the kingdom by sealing all hte 
demons in HIFL, saving princell

King Moai
Dictating ruler of planet Arlia, King Moai was killed 
by Vegeta after trying to plea for his

King Vegeta 
King Vegeta is the father of the proud Prince Vegeta. 
Unlike most Saiyan fathers, he
dicided to keep his son with him rather than send him 
to a planet to conquer. Having a
large hatred for the tyrant Frieza, he gathers all his 
elites to go kill him when Frieza
attempts to destoy planet Vegeta. Though very strong, 
he is easily killed by Frieza with
only two hits. After he died, frieza kills the other 
elites that came withought any

Kinkaku was a thug whome goku meets when he is 
traveling around the world. Kinkaku
and his brother, Ginkaku, would terorize the people of 
a mountian village and force them
to give them food once a month. Kinkaku’s main wepon 
was a man-eating gourd that
sucks people in and turns them into snakes.

Kinoni Sarada
Appearing in the Dr Slump/Dragon Ball crossover, 
Kinoni rode around on a tricylce. He
had a kind of a light-hearted and strange personality.

Participant of the Tenkaichi Budoukai at the end of 
DBZ, Kirano was to face Captain

Bio warrior in DBZ movie 2, Kishime;s main attack was 
the use of electric tenticles
which he had attached to his arms. He is killed by Goku

King of Earth, as it seemed, Kokuou didnt hold much of 
a role in any of the three series,
though he did care about his people and was a popular 
ruler. When attacked by the
Piccolo Daimoa, he was forced to renounce his throne. 
After goku killed Piccolo he
became king once more.

Little fox-like kid whom Goku encounters on his trip 
around the world, Konkichi is a
theif, but only steals to survive, Because Goku saved 
his life, he treated Goku like a King.

Ten-year-old competitor in the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai 
Children’s division.

He is a monk, and as a young boy, Krillin studied 
martial arts with Goku under Master
Roshi. Originally he and Goku were fierce rivals, but 
now they've become the best of
friends. Krillin realizes that the Power of Light is 
very strong within Goku and holds him
in very high respect. A short, bald warrior, Krillin 
provides comic relief in tense
situations as he tries to keep up with Goku and the 
other powerful warriors. But don't get
the idea that he's a helpless buffoon. A good fighter 
on his own accord, Krillin is always
there to help Goku. He has saved the lives of his 
friends on more than one occasion. In
fact, Krillin can unleash an incredibly powerful 
energy blast shaped like a flying disk that
literally slices through mountaintops. Krillin is 
incredibly dedicated to his friends,
especially Goku, and holds friendship in high regard. 
He is willing to fight against the
Saibaimen and Saiyans even though he knows that he can 
never be brought back to life
by the Dragonballs. Goku constantly encourages Krillin 
to have confidence in his own
abilities. He is the cause of Goku Going Super Saiyan. 
He is the strongest earthling.

Kui went to Planet Namek to face Vegeta after he went 
in search of the Dragon Balls. He
is killed fairly easily by Vegeta after he begged for 
his life.

Kurikinton Soramame
Appearing in the Dr Slump/Dragon Ball crossover, 
Kurikinton was a barber.

Lanfan fought against Namu in the 21st Tenkaichi 
budoukai. She used her sexuality to
distracter her opponent, leaving him open to attacks. 
When Namu remembered his
mission to get water for his vilage, he closed his 
eyes and knocked out Lanfan.

First enemy encounter in Dragon Ball GT, Ledgic is the 
bodyguard of King Don Kea, and
the reason he was still in power. When faced by Goku, 
he starts to win, but when Goku
Transformes into Super Saiyan, he sees his power and 
strength, he walks away and leaves
the warriors in peace.

Forced to marry Zunama, Lenne wore a dragon ball in 
her hair, and in exchange for
taking care of Zunama for her, Goku and the others 
would receive the dragon ball. Trying
to trick Zunama, Trunks dressed up like Lenne to 
infiltrate Zunama’s lair, where he
would cut off his antennas.

Gigantic lion-like monster, Leon was Mutchy-Motchy’s 
per and would destroy anything
if Muchy couldn’t take care of the problem himself. It 
was easily beaten when Goku fired
a ki blast into the wall, causing a huge boulder to 
crush Leon.

Vampire-like demon in DB movie 2, Lucifer attempts to 
destroy the sun to create a wold
of absolute darkness. When he is about to fire the 
laser cannon at the sun, Goku’s
Kamehameha moves the cannon to a position so that the 
laser cannon fires ddirecly at
Lucifer, killing him.

Lude monster
The creation of Dr Myuu, the monster, was the idol 
that was said to be god. In order for it
to receive full power, energy from people needed to be 
absorbed. It had three stages of
power, and was revived at the stage two due to Goku 
and Trunks defeating Mutchy. IN
order to reach level three to beat Goku and Trunks, 
Lude changed doll-Tucky into a doll
and threw him and Pan into the monster for it to gain 
the energy requeired. he was finally
defeated when Goku and Pan hit its cell at the same 
time, freeing those who were all

Possessing no ki power, Lunch has the ability to 
transfor from a good-hearted young girl
into a maching-gun-wild wielding gangster. during the 
training of Goku and Krillin by
Master Roshi, she was a cook. She is seen rarely in 
dragon Ball Z and has a thing for
Tenshinhan. After Tenshinhan dies in the battle with 
Nappa, she is seen getting drunk in
a bar (this sceen was cut from the american versions).

Servant of Pilaf, Mai, along with her teamate Shu, 
attempts to aid Pilaf in his mission to
conquer the Earth.

Majin Buu
Majin Buu is the final and most powerful villian in 
Dragon Ball Z. He is a demon created
from magic by Bibi-dee. Buu was sealed away by Bibi-
Dee due to how uncontrollable he
was. IN the final chapter of DBZ, Babi-Dee and Dabura 
gather enough energy to
resurrect him. Buu was responisble for the death of 
almost every earthling, and destroys
the Earth itself. During the Buu Saga, he undergoes 
six transformations that occured for
reason such as absorbtion and removal of good and evil 
from within. Untrusting, the
entire Earth didn’t help until Hercule screamed for 
them to. thinking that it was Hercule
fighting Buu, the whole earth Donated their energy, 
creating a Huge Genki-Dama (spirit
bomb). With it, Goku finally killed Buu.

Participant in the 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai, his first 
match was against Jackie Chun.
Man-wolf wanted to exact revenge for Jacki destroying 
the moon and keeping him
permanately in his wolf form. When using a special 
technique, Krillin’s head, Jackie
Chun changed Man-Wolf back into a man. Once this 
happend, Man-wolf no longer had
any bad feelings towards Jackie, and forfieted the 

Fighter of hte west Galaxy, Mariko faced Goku in the 
Finals of the afterlife tournament.
giving goku a good match, he was eventually defeated 
when goku kicked him in the rib
area and threw him out of the ring by the tail.

The first Girlfriend of Krillin, Maron is very 
unintelligent and uncommitted. Also very
honest in her feelings, she often calls chi chi and 
bulma old ladies, which makes them
want to kill her. Thinking that Krillin would never 
want to marry her, she leaves him.
Later in the Android saga, she goes to the Kame House, 
looking for Krillin saying he was
the only man she eer loved. After beeing groped by 
Master Roshi and learning that
Krillin wasnt there, she leaves and is never heared of 

Daughter of Krillin and Android 18, Marron doesn’t 
play a major role in DBZ or DB GT.
She is named afer the first girlfried of Krillin, 
Maron. In DBZ, she look ed exactly like
what 18 and Krillins child would, having blond hair, 
no nose, and a large forehead. In DB
GT, however, she looks much more like her mother.

Master Roshi/Muten Roshi/Kameseninn
Also known as Kameseninn because he is a well-known 
martial arts techer, Master Roshi
trained Child goku and Krillin. He spent 50 years 
mastering the Kamehameha, which
Goku was able to do right after seeing him do it. He 
is the biggest pervert in the Dragon
Ball world, as many fans say, and its obvious the way 
he ats. He is killed when trying to
defeat Piccolo Daimoa using majuba, but is resurected 
after Goku defeats Piccolo. He
lives with his sea turtle, Umigame, and his small 

An extremely strange frog, Medametcha was a henchman 
of lord Slug, with the ability to
creaty energy-sucking clones of himeself. However, he 
wasn’t strong enough to battle
Goku as he was easily killed.

Magane Buta
Appearing in the Dr. Slump/Dragon Ball crossover, 
Megane was a pig who would
announce town news from a tree.

A large terminator like android, Metallic battles Goku 
in muscle tower, but loses when
his batteries run out.

Red demon of HIFL, he wanted to play with Goku, but 
lost when he and Gozu did paper,
scissor, rock. After doing some work, he whined that 
Gozu was having all the fun, so
Gozu let him play with Goku as well. He promised to 
show Goku a secret way out of
HIFL if he won a race, but didn’t think that Goku had 
a chance, sice he was the fastest
demon in HIFL. But, after tricking him, Goku one the 
race and was shown the way out.

Midori Norimaki
Teacher of Arale’s, Midori eventually maries Arale’s 
creater Senbe. Together they have a
sun named Taabo.

Mighty Mask
Competed in the 24th and 25th Tenkaichi Budoukais, 
Mighty Mask was not very strong,
in the 25th, Trunks and Goten wanted to fight the 

Dog-like alien from the northern galaxy, Mirogen is 
7,000 years old and fought against
evil aliens in his time. He trains on Dai Kaio’s 
planet, hoping to one day be trained by
Dai Kaio himself.

Bio warrior in DBZ movie 2, Mikokatsun’s main 
technique was the use of his obesity. He
is defeated when Goku uses Kaioken and flies through 
him, causing him to deflate like a

Younger brogher of Tapion, he and his brother sealed 
the two halves of Hiredugarn
within themselves and were tehn sealed into separate 
oracles. When Minosha was freed,
Hiredugarn was too eventually. Being the noble warrior 
that he is, he attempted to battle
the half of Hiredugarn that escaped, but he was killed.

Living at a small mountian village, Minto was a little 
girl whome Krillin meets, and has a
thing for.

Mooses Family
Large family which consisted of 12 members, the Moose 
family were encountered by
goku during his training with Mr Popo. the family 
consisted of two parents, Moose and
Eclair. Then there were nince children, Pudding, 
Cookie, onuts, Biscuit, Jelly, Crepe,
Sugar, Chocolate, and Babaro. The Grandfathers name 
was Karintou (fried dough Cake).

Mou Kekko
Defeated by Hercule in the second match of the 27th 
Tenkaichi Budoukai, Mou Kekko
tried his luck gain in the 28th Budoukai. 
Unfortunately, his opponent was Pan, and
thinking she was just a weak little brat, he 
completely underestimated her. With two hits,
he was defeated.

Mr. Buu 
Originally part of the Majin Buu, Mr Buu was the good 
part of hte Majin, and became
friends with Hercule. When buu was restored to his 
original form, and about to kill
Hercule, Mr Bu expelled himself from within the Majin 
to protect his friend. Although he
wasn’t strong enough to hurt Majin Buu, he was able to 
distract him long enough for
goku and Vegeta to gather energy for the Super Genki 
Dama. IN Dragon Ball GT, he
remerges with Uub, who was the reincarnation fo Majin 
Buu, to fight Bebi-Vegeta.

Mr. Money
Created the movie-nine tournament as a gift for his 
son who was a huge Hercule fan.
Originally meaning for the finalist to compete against 
students of Hercule dressed as
aliens, his plans were ruined when Bojack and his men 
took over.

Mr. Popo 
Kame’s best friend and apprentice, Mr Popo is sort of 
the caretaker of Kame’s place.
Though he looks pretty weak, he is actually very 

Mr. Robot 
Never appearing in the American Dubbs, Mr. Robot was a 
character met by Gohan
during the first six-month training period with 
Piccolo. Gohan became trapped in a cave
that was completely empty exept for a robot that was 
turned off. Gohan constantly turned
to him to ask for help, But Mr. Robot felt hat he had 
to stay off forever. Like with
Piccolo, Gohan’s innocence cause Mr Robot to care 
about Gohan and when a boulder
almost smashed Gohan, he caught it and made Gohan 
escare. When finally getting away,
Gohan realized his nw friend was crushed and walks 
away crying (you may remember the
sceen where the dinosaur dies, and Gohan walks away 
crying, when he walks away, that
was really taken from the Mr Robot sceen).

Mr Shu/ Su Saiaku sensei
Ehe evil tutor of Gohan’s; Mr Shu considered himself 
the greatest tutor on Earth. He used
a whip to control his students and thought of gohan as 
very Disobedient. When insulting
Goku, gohan rebelled against him and destroyed the 
whip, and was about to punish Mr
Shu when Chi Chi walked in After requesting more 
money, insulting Goku, and insulting
Gohan’s inteligence. Chi Chi threw him out of the 

Mrs. Briefs 
Mother of Bulma, Mrs Briefs holds an extremely small 
role in each of three Dragon Ball
series. Mainly, she enjoys buying cakes and bringing 
everyone drinks. Her intelligence
level isn’t as high as her husband or daughter, but 
Bulma’s beauty was from her.

Circus owner in Hercule City, Musuka stole a Pteradon 
baby named Chibi that Gohan
had played with since he was a kid. Chibi’s parents 
came to save him, Gohan was forced
to knock them out to stop them from hurting anyone in 
the city. Unfortunately, before
reverting to this he screame that it was gohan and 
they needed to calm down. This
confirmed Videl’s notion that Gohan was the Great 
Saiyaman. After knocking out the
Pteradon parents, Gohan brought them back home along 
with Chibi. Musuka promised
never to kidnam animals again.

The actual high preist of Lude, Mutchy disguised 
himself as a whip that Cardinal
Mutchy-Motchy used. He was extremely powerful and 
could control anything that his
whips touched. he was killed by a ki blast from Trunks.

Martial-arts elder of a small village, Mutaito faced 
off against Tao Pai Pai, who was the
hired bodyguard of the village’s righest man. though 
strong, he was no match for Tao Pai
Pai and would have been killed had it not been for 
Gohan’s interfearence. Mutaito was
eternally grateful to Gohan for saving him and his 

Village Elder, Muuri was very wise and brave.He broke 
Frieza scouter so that he could
not track down the other villages. But he angerd 
Dodoria, who after killing the other
Nameks, killed him also.

The third fighter or Uranai Baba, Myra was able to 
defeat Yamucha pretty easily by
beating him up and forcing him to forfeit the match or 
he would drop Yamuchu off a
platform to his death, However, when fighting Goku, he 
was defeated. 

The only Namek warrior, Nail was the protector of the 
senoir elder. To delay Frieza from
returning to his ship, Nail fought bravely but 
unssucessfully. When found half dead by
Piccolo, he gives piccolo the gift of himself, 
allowing Piccolo’s power level to rise

Participant in the 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai, Namu won 
prize money so he could buy
water for his village. His first match was against the 
suductive Lanfan, which he won by
closing his eyes and knocking her out. When fighting 
Goku, he puts up a good fight, and
when attempting a second Diving X, he is knocked out 
of the ring.

Nappa is the terrible Saiyan warrior that accompanies 
Vegeta to Earth in search of the
seven Dragon Balls. He is large in size, but small in 
intelligence. As Vegeta calmly
stands by, Nappa displays his great strength by 
swiftly defeating a number of Earth's
greatest fighters. Possessing more brawn than brain, a 
fact that is evident in battle, he
nonetheless does away with Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Tien and 
even the mighty Piccolo. When
his brute force is simply not enough, Nappa solicits 
the help of the artificial plant
warriors known as the Saibamen. Nappa is ultimately 
defeated by Goku, which
disappoints Vegeta to such a great extent that he 
destroys Nappa on the spot. 

Memeber of the coller toku.Neizu was a turtle-like 
alien.He was killed by Piccolo. 

Henchman of Garlic Jr. Nikki was tall and blue.He was 
killded with Ginger by Goku's

Niko chan daiou
Appeared in the Dr Slump/Dragon Ball crossover, Niko 
chan Daiou was an alien who
became stranded on Earth.

A participant in the 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai, he 
unsucsesfully fought vegeta. After
feeling how strong his opponent was, Nok quit.

North Kaioshin 
God of the northeren universe. North fought with a 
sword against buu and unaware that if
he cut him in half he would not die, and buu quickly 
killed him.

Obo Chyaman
Inhabitant of Pengouin cillage, which shows up in the 
Dr Slump/Dragon Ball crossover

Considered the greatest fighter from the Northern 
Galadxy, Olivu was actually from
Earth. He gave Pikon a good fight but lost.

Oorinji no Senpai
the oorinji no Senpai, elders of the school that 
Krillin attended before training with
Roshi, Beat up Krillin just for fun

Oolong posseses the ability to shape-shift, but was 
very weak and cowardly no matter
what form he took. 

Otoko Sukii
Otoko Sukii was delighted to see that pretty boy 
Trunks was his opponent in the 28th
Tenkaichi Budoukai. It is assumed that Trunks won.

Ox King
Father of ChiChi, the Ox King is mainly the lovable 
grandfather of Gohan, constantly
brining gifts for his grandson.

Pikkon, West Kaio’s prize pupil, was the strongest 
fighter in the Afterlife. When
introduced, he is given the task of traveling to HIFL 
and taking control by defeating Cell
and Frieza, he was then expected to win the afterlife 
tournament, though nobody knew of
Goku’s true power.

Originally, he was a blly who picked on Goku Jr. When 
Goku Jr sets out to find the
dragon balls to save his grandmother Pan, Pahku joines 
him. After they save eachother
they become friends.

Pagosu was a member of the Penguin Village’s police 
force. He appeared in the Dr
Slump/Dragon Ball crossover.

The daughter of Gohan and Videl, shes' an essentail 
character in Dragon Ball GT.When
goku was a Golden Oozaru, pan got control of his 
mind,causing him to transform into a
Super Saiyan 4. 

Member of Bardock's Crew.He was killed by Dodoria's 

Rescued from Oolong by Goku, Panji appears in DB movie 
1. She joins Goku and the
others and begs for their help in finding Kamesennin 
(Master Roshi).

Fought goku in the first round of the Tenkaichi 
Budoukai, he lost.

Best fighter from a small mountian village, Paoru has 
a thing for Krillin

Papaya Man
Identity taken by Uub duringht the GT tenkaichi 
Budoukai, the desguise doesnt fool
Goku. After his final match in the semi-finals, Goku 
screams out that Papaya Man is
actually Uub. After this, Uub removes the costume andd 
faces Hercule himself.

Father of the legendary Super Saiyan, Aparagus used 
Brolly’s power to seek revenge on
the Saiyans for betraiyng him. Unable to control his 
son, Paragus forcefully placed a
controller to keep him at bay. When trying to escape 
the planet before a large meteor was
going to destroy it, Brolly caught him in the Saiyan 
Pod and crushed it over his head,
killing his father.

Killer who worked for King Gurumesu, Pasuta appeared 
in DB movie 1. 

An old demon and likely child of Piccolo’s before 
being encased with the Denshi Jar.
During Piccolo Daimoa’s second fight with Goku, Piano 
is killed when Piccolo falls on
top of him.

Once Goku's arch enemy, Piccolo is the second 
strongest being on Earth. He wears an
extremely heavy cape that constantly trains his 
muscles. He is renowned for his powerful
energy blasts as well as his ability to split into 
separate entities. Green like a lizard,
Piccolo has the ability to regenerate limbs lost in 
battle, a capability that comes in handy
more than once. Originally from the faraway planet 
(although Piccolo doesn't know this
for a long time), Piccolo begins battling Goku to rule 
the world. When the Saiyans arrive,
however, Piccolo joins forces with Goku to defeat a 
greater evil. At first their alliance is
uneasy, but as the story progresses their bond grows 
stronger. Piccolo trains Goku's son,
Gohan, for the upcoming battle against the Saiyans. 
Piccolo is unsure of his own
motivations in assisting his onetime enemy and helping 
to raise his son. Gohan sees the
good within Piccolo and their relationship brings this 
good out in him. In the showdown
with Vegeta and Nappa, Piccolo saves Gohan's life by 
jumping in front of an energy
blast. In Dragon Ball GT, he decides to die, because 
he loves his home so much, when
the Earth explodes. But when Goku was trapped in HIFL 
during the Super 17 saga,
Piccolo asked King Yama to be sent to HIFL to help. He 
spent the rest of eternity in

Piccolo Daimoa
Piccolo Daimoa, the evil half of Kame in the story, 
was originally sealed within the
Mafuba by Master Roshi’s sensei. To conquer the wold, 
he is released by emporer Pilaf
to help kill Goku and collect the dragon Balls. 
Piccolo Daimoa Creates a son, Tamborine,
to kill all participants in the Tenkaichi Budoukai. 
Before being killed by Goku, Piccolo
gave birth to another Child, the Piccolo of DBZ.

Pigero protects the orphans from the orphanage taht 
tries to take them. He eventualy
realies the children would be better off wtih the 
orphanage and allows them to be taken.

Desciple of Hercule, Piroshiki attempts to fight Cell 
in the Cell game. Big and strong for
a human, he is no match for Cell.

the ditsy promotional announcer of Hercule, her only 
appearence was during the Cell

Like Shenron, Porunga will grant any wish to the one 
who gathered the dragon balls. his
power is much greater than the first shenron of earth. 
in that he can grant three wishes.
As much the invocation as the accomplishment of the 
desires, must be asked for in the
language of Namekusei. After carried through the three 
desires, the spheres are not
spread, but yes, they come back in route to its 
creator, and can be used again after 130
days. His power is sought after by Gohan, Krillin, and 
Bulma after Kame dies and the
Earth’s dragon balls dissapear.

Priest of the small village in movie 10, he eventually 
teamed up with Jaga Badda,
creating the Brolly clone.

Princess Miisa
daughter of King Kresu, Princess Miisa is kidnapped by 
demons. When Goku steps in,
she is recued.

Princess Snake
Goku thought Princess Snake’s palace was Kaio’s and 
that Princess Snake was Kaio.
After learining that she wasn’t, Goku wanted to leave, 
bt Princess Snake lured him to stay
with food and bath.

Puar, the best friend of Yamucha, helps him rob those 
who pass through their homes.
Having hte ability to shape-shift, Puar, unlike 
Oolong, can keep the shape as long as he

A henchmen of Badi-Dee, he was a strong fighter, but 
not close to the Saiyans.
whithought going Super Saiyan, Vegeta easily killed

Queen Hi
Queen hi is hte mother of Princess Miisa.

Henchmen of Turlus in DBZ movie 3, Rakazei was one of 
the twins killed by Gohan.

Goku's older Brother and one of the surviving Saiyans. 
He came to Earth to check on the
status Goku (Kakarrot) who was sent to prepare the 
planet for take over. Learning Goku
hadn’t destroyed Earth, he stole Goku’s son and 
ordered him to kill 100 Humans. He was
killed when Goku sacrificed himself and Piccolo fired 
his Special Beam Cannon

He and his brother (henchmen of Turlus in DBZ movie 3) 
defeat an opponent, but Z senshi took them down easily.

Rakasei and twin brother Raisn overwhelmed there 
opponents by attacking them together
in DBZ movie 3, But not even their combined power was 
enough to stop Z Senshi.

A henchman of Frieza, Raspberry was human-like in 
appearence. He is kille by a giant
crab in the ocean.

Redheaded Recoome is a freight train of destruction. 
His strength is second only to
Captain Ginyu's. Recoome relies on sheer muscle power 
in battle. He can take a lot of
damage and knows how to dish it out, too. He easily 
defeated Vegeta and almost killed
Gohan and Krillin. He was defeated by Goku with only 
one hit.

Rirudo Shogun
His mission was to track down Goku and retreive the 
dragonballs. Giru double-crossed
Goku and the others by bringing them rirudo. He is 
eventually killed after a long battle
with Goku. However, he later returnes when HIFL opens 
up, only to be killed again by
Goten and Trunks

Finding Gohan unconscious on the beach after Gohan 
escaped from Piccolo, Romu
helped him by bringing him back to his home and 
introducing him to the other Orphans.

Rou Dai Kaioshin 
Imprisoned within the Zet sword, Rou Dai was released 
when the sword was broken
during Gohan's training.When released, he powers up 
Gohan to help him defeat Buu in
exchange for being aloud to touch Bulma 

Ryan Shenron 
Was created when Bora was wished to life out of the 
two star dragon ball. 
Ryan Shenron elements of battle is the water 
and when trick into swimming into clean water, he is 
weakened and killed by Goku and
Pan. With his death, the two star ball is restored 

Ryuu Shenron 
He was created by Oolong's wish for a pair of womans 
underwear aand was the dragon of
hurricanes.Goku killed him and restored the six star 
dragon ball. 

The Saibamen, little greeen creature grown from seeds, 
had a power level exactly like
Radditz's.They arent very intelligent and they are a 
little insane. When a Saibaman was
sent to fight Yamucha, he was defeated, but he locked 
Yamucha into a self-detonation
hold. Yamucha was killed in hte blast. Enraged by the 
lost of hi friend, Krillin fired a
blast that killed five out of the six. The remaining 
one tried to attack Gohan and was
killed by Piccolo’s mouth blast.

San Shenron* 
Was Shu-Shenron’s brother and the dragon of Ice. 
During Goku’s battle with Suu
Shenron, San Shenron interferes and takes on Goku 
himself. After Damaging Goku’s
eyes, he goes in for the final blow byut is punched 
throught the gut. Goku then uses the
dragon fist and finishes him off. The three star 
dragon ball was then restored back to

The large, grey henchman of Garlic Jr, was killed by 
Piccolo as payback for attacking

Sauzaa was Cooler's powerful right-hand man. Outliving 
Cooler, he nearly killed Goku
and the others after the Cooler battle.But Piccolo had 
just enouhgh strength to kill him. 

Senbe Norimaki 
Senbe, creator of Arale, could change from a mildy 
unattrative,kindhearted man, into a
good looking kindhearted for about three minutes or so.

Seripa, a female saiyan, is member of Bardock's Crew 
and is killed by Dodoria's men. 

A relatively small and weak race enslaved by Paragus 
and Burori.there were enslaved to
create a kingdom that would fool Vegeta into thinking 
he was on the New Planet
Vegeta.Burori destroyed their planet after they joined 
with the Z Senshi 

Sharpener appeared to be jealous of Gohan,As he tried 
to hit him with a baseball and
Gohan just waited. in the Budoukai he tried to reveal 
himself but unsuccesfully. 

Competiong in the 23rd Tenkaichi Budoukai, Shen is a 
man whom Kame possesses to
compete withought being recognized. Althought it is 
never stated for certain, Shen is not
his real name, but rather a name given for the 
budoukai by Kame (Shen is a play on
Shenron.) Goku attemps to use the mafuba to trap 
Piccolo like his father was. But
Piccolo uses a reverse mafuba and traps Kame instead. 
He is eventually released during
Piccolo and Goku’s match.

Shen long is the God Dragon of the Land, created for 
Kamisama. When seven spheres of
the dragon are congregated and said the appropriate 
words, Shen long appears and grants
the first desire that is asked for to it, not if it 
can reviver people who already had been
revividas, or already has more than passed one year of 
the death of the same one.
Normally, the asked for desires more are immortality 
and to make with that dead they
revivam. A great problem is that in case that the 
creator of the spheres dies, the dragon
also finishes dying. However, if the dragon dies, is 
very easy to make with that reviva it.
When Dende becomes Kamisama, it improves the spheres 
of the dragon so that Shenlong
carries through two desires for invocation, in the one 
place. Unfortunately, the wish can
not go beyond that of the power of the creator.

Shou, a henchman to Emperor Pilaf, is a very weak 
fighter, and like his companion, he
usually relies on machines to help him fight. 

Demon god who spends most of his time destorying 
kindomd, Shura battle Goku in a
tournament.When Defeated, Shura ceases his attacks. 

A rogue Namek, Slug was a evil deformitiy who was 
banished from the Planet Namek.
Wanting his full power returned, slyg gathered the 
Earth’s dragon balls and wished for
his youth to be restored. When faced with an extremely 
angry and powered up goku, he
unleashed his full power and grew to become a huge 
monster. Rescuing Goku from his
grasp, Piccolo ripped off Slug’s ears and called for 
Gohan to whistle. Since Namkes have
much better hearing htan humans, the sound paralyzed 
Slug in pain, giving Goku enough
time to create a Genki Dama (spirit bomb) and kill him.

South Kaio 
South Kaio is somewhat a conceited god of the Southern 
Galaxy.He had many students
who competed in the Afterlife tournament, but none 
could match Goku's or Paikuhan's

South Kaioshin 
Sout KaioShin is the Strongest KaioShin and is the god 
of the Southern Universe.Giving
Buu a good fight, Buu absorbed him to gain his 
power.Upon doing this, Buu became very
large and powerful. 

Stote , a 3,500 year-old alien, protected his world 
from a giant meteor when he was
alive.He trains on Dai Kaio planet in hopes of one day 
being trained by Dai Kaio 

Met by Son Goku in Sugoroku space after he was dropped 
by kaioshi, Sugoro forces
Goku to compete in a game that would entitle Goku a 
way out if he won. Sugoro was
easily whinning the game, but when goku descovered 
that Sugoro’s son was involved in
desciding the whinner, he screamed “CHEAT!” and the 
Sugoroku space collapsed and
Kaoshin was able to save Sugoro and his son helped by 
shape-shifting into a rope and

The resident of the Jingle Village, He is one of the 
few people who give energy to the
Genkie Dama when Goku asks for it at the end of DBZ 

Supa Man
Supa Man, an inhabitant of Penguin Village, is a short 
and pudgy Clark Kent-like man
who changes into Supa Man by putting on his costum in 
a telephone booth. Instead of the
S on his chest, he displays the japanese symbol Tsu. 
He is actually a normal human but
claims to gain power from pickled plums. He is ordered 
to hand over his car when he
meets blue , but he refuses and goes into the 
telephone booth to change. Blue crushes the
booth and takes the car while Supa Man is changing.

Super Mega Cannon Sigma
Super Mega Cannon Sigma was an extremely powerful 
combination of hte EC3. He had
the data on Gokus movement’s and tecniques, courtesy 
of Giru. But after Gok learened
its movements, Sigma was easily destroyed by a 

Super One 
Super One made it to the Semi-Final of the Gt 
Tenkaichi Budoukai. 

Supopo and his companion Yarn were sen to the 
Tenkaichi Budoukai to gather energy to
ressurect Majin Buu. Supopo competed against Videl and 
nearly killed her had it not
been for the senzu beans. When Gohan faced Kibito, 
Supopo and Yarn interupted and
sucked out Gohan’s ki with a device prvided by Babi-
dee. Gohan would have definatly
beaten them, but kibito froze Gohan in place to allow 
them to complete their misson.
After Supopo brings babi-dee the energy he and Yarn 
gathered, Babi-Dee kills Supopo.

Suu Shenron* 
Suu Shenron was created when Piccolo was wished back 
to life, and suu is associated
with the four-star dragon ball. suu called “the dragon 
of the sun” challenges Goku in a
match and the two fight. When San-Shenron appears, he 
is mocked by Suu Shenron for
losing honor by interfering with the match, and San-
Shenron fights Goku anyway. It is
slain in battle, and Goku and Suu-Shenron continue 
there match. Goku admires
Suu-Shenron’s sense of honor. During the fight with 
San Shenron, Goku’s eyes are
damaged and he can no longer see well. When about to 
give goku the entidote, Suu
Shenron is attacked and appears to be killed by Li 
Shenron. Later, when Suu Shenron
escapes the dragon ball, he and Goku team up agains Li 
shenron. When trying to take Li
Shenron on himself, Suu-shenron is killed.

This henchman of Garlic jr is killed when he angers 

Taabo Norimaki
This genius is the son of Senbe and Midori from the Dr 
Slump series. He appears in the
crossover and builds a dragon radar from scratch.

The first child of Piccolo daimoa after being released 
form the mafuba, Tamborine is
given the task of killing off all participants of hte 
Tenkaichi Budoukai. When stealing the
list, he finds Krillin and kills him rather easily. 
When confronting Goku, he is able to win
the fight, but once goku gets some rest and something 
to eat, he kills tamborine.

A little girl Goku encounters on his trip around the 

Tao Pai Pai 
He is a professional assassin and relative of the 
crane master.He was hired by the Red
Ribbon Army to destory Goku. During the first fight, 
Goku is defeated and left for dead.
However, after receiving a little training from Karin, 
Goku is able to defeat Tao Pai Pai.
He later returns as a cyborg and attemps to kill an 
old man protecting his village during
the Cell game. But when confronted by Gohan, and upon 
learining of Gohan’s lineage, he
rus away.

Extremely fast fighter of the west galaxy, Tapika 
fights Torubi in the afterlife
tournament. Goku wouldn’t have been able to match his 
speed, but the ring was rather
large, and since Tapika was short, he ran out of 
energy quickly and forfeited the match.

Tapion, a Lengendary warrior , Tapion sacrificed his 
freedom, along with his younger
brother Minosha, to imprision the monster 
Hiredugarn.Once Hiredugarn was cut he and
he brother took within themself one half of the 
monster and were sealed within an
oracle.If any time the Hiredugarn excaped ,he was 
armed with a God made sword and
ocarina that would immobilize the monster.Once the 
Hiredugarn was defeated Tapion
gave Trunks his sword to thank him for his 
encouragement and friendship. 

Taurus has no blood relation to the warrior, although 
the two are physically similar and
are both saiyans. He comes to Earth to destory Goku 
because he thinks he's a traitor to
the saiyans. After seeing the great power Gohan 
possessed, he tried to force the boy into
joining him. Goku didn’t succumb and the two waged a 
htly contested battle. Their fight
was equal until Tarles ate a fruit from the Tree of 
Might and then was able to push Goku
to the brink of death. But Genki Dama came to Goku’s 
rescue and killed Tarles.

Tenron is the martial arts master of Hyoga who 
intended to kill Chendai. 

Tein is the body guard for Chaozu who play a minr 
important role in the dragon ball
series. He begins as Goku’s enemy, which all 
characters do, and was the prize student of
the crane master. Tien leaves the crane school and 
joins with Tien’s greatest attacks, and
those that have helped out the Z Senshi, are the 
Taiyoken and kikoho. He was also the
first to preform the multiple-forms attack.

Toma, a member of Bardock's Crew, he was nearly killed 
by Dodoria,who tells him that
Frieza's double-crossing the saiyans.When Bardock 
arrives and find Toma and his crew
dead and he hears Toma's last words about Frieza plans 
for Bardock to gather all the
saiyans and kill Frieza. 

Fighter of the south galaxy, Torubi was a bug-like 
alien who fought against Tapika in the
first round of the afterlife tournament and won. In 
the finals, his opponent was Paikuhan,
and Torubi was ousted rather quickly.

This member of Bardock's Crew was very large and had 
an extreme case of the
munchies.He was killed by Dodoria and his men 

Trunks is a swordsman saiyan from the future. In his 
time, androids have killed everyone,
and only two warriors have mannaged to live: Trunks, 
and Gohan. The Trunks Story
mainly focuses on this, and how gohan is training 
Trunks to go super saiyan. In order for
these two to make a difference, they must send Trunks 
back into the past, and give Goku
a cure for the heartdisease he will soon get. When 
Gohan dies, Trunks is sent back in a
time machine (made by his mother Bulma), to warn the 
valient Z Fighters of whats to
come. When he goes back, hes forced to fight Frieza, 
who was still alive past Goku's fight
with him. Trunks easily takes care of him, and his 
father. Shortly after, the androids
come, and Trunks returns. Before it, Vegeta and Bulma 
get it on, and have baby Trunks,
from the present time, which is why you see pictures 
of marai Trunks, and chibi Trunks.
Trunks first appears shortly after the Frieza saga. He 
goes back to the future to see his
mother, Bulma. When the androids arrive, Trunks comes 
back and puts up his best fight.
After, Cell arrives, and kills Trunks (future), but he 
is wished back to life after Cell is
killed. He then goes back to the future, kills 
Androids 17, 18, and Cell. From then on, all
you see is present Trunks, who is only a baby at the 
time. Trunks (Future and Present)
also appeares in some of the Dragon Ball Z movies, the 
rest of DBZ, and all of GT. He
gets his sword from Tapion, a mysterios warrior Trunks 
calls "brother". 

Race of aliens that originally occupied the Saiyan 
home world, The Saiyan coexxisted for
a while after arriving on the planet, but the thirst 
for blood and fighting caused the Saiyan
to start a war taht resulted in the near extinction of 
the race. Only two survived- Dr
Raichii and the DNA of the king, which later became 

Tsukutsun Tsun
Appeared in the Dr. Slump/Dragon ball crossover

Ubu, Uub
The reincarnation of Majin Buu, Uub (pronounced Ubu), 
was Goku’s first stdent. He tries
to use his impresive strength to defeat Bebi and 
avenge the presumed-dead Goku. After
being easily defeated, he remerged with Mr Buu and 
fought Bebi again, this time with
much more power.

Giant who fought against Gohan in the movie-nine 
tournament, Udo was defeated with
one hit.

Master Roshi’s sea turtle, Umigame usually tried to 
stop roshi from his girl watching.

Upa helped his father protect Karin tower and hoped to 
be as strong as his father when he
grew up. Upa, son of Bora, also helped in defeating 
one of Uranai Baba’s men when
Goku and the others needed her help to find the dragon 
balls. When Krillin first met Upa,
he thought Upa was a girl and kinda cute. When 
learning Upa was a boy, krillin was
kinda dissapointed.

Uu Shenron* 
Created from the wish to bring back goku to fight the 
Saiyans, Uu Shenron was the
dragon of electricity. Weekend in rain, Uu Shenron was 
killed and the five-star ball was

Vegeta Is the proud prince of the planet with the same 
name. He travels to Earth after
hearing Radditz’s message about the Dragon balls. 
Vegeta, onee of the most powerful
fighters in the univers, couldn’t stand that a lowly 
soldier like Goku could stand up to
him. After losing to Goku , Vegeta returns to Frieza 
planet No. 79 to recover. After
recovering and learning that Frieza had left for 
Planent Namek, Vegeta rushes from the
planet to get to Namek and beat Frieza to the dragon 
balls. Vegeta spends most of his
time on Namek waiting for a chance to steal the dragon 
balls from those who had it.
After being defeated by Zarbon, Vegeta is sent to the 
healing capsule so Frieza can
interrogate him to fid out where he hid a dragon ball. 
After recovering, Vegeta escapes
with the five Dragon balls Frieza had. But Vegeta is 
nearly killed when the ginyu force
arrive, and all the dragon balls were taken. Vegeta 
never gets his wish for immorality
granted, but during the Android/Cell saga, he has a 
child wiht Bulma and begins to act a
little more civilized. During the Buu fight, Vegeta 
sacrafices his life, thinking that the
explosion created woud finish Buu. After Buu becomes 
too powerful for anyone left alive
on earth to deal with, King Yama gives him another 
chance to fight Buu, he agrees,
though he knew he didn’t stand a chance. When faced 
with Goku and the Special earings,
he refuses to fuse, though he is eventually forced to 
do so when he realizes that there is
no other way to win. Vegeta, while on Kaioshin’s 
planet, uses the Namek Dragon balls to
restore the Earth and all those who Died when the 
tenkaichi budoukai began (exept those
that are truely evil). As proof that Vegeta was no 
longer blood thirsty, he was restored to
life by Porunga. He still wants to face Goku to avenge 
his first loss, even in Dragon Ball
GT. He has two children with Bulma: Trunks and Bra.

Vegeta Jr. 
Vegeta Jr., who only make one appearance in the three 
series, is a third-generation
descended of Vegeta.His grandparents are unknown 
though his mother looks exactly like
Bulma (possibly Bra). He fought Goku jr. in the 
Tenkaichi Budoukai thats occurred 100
years after DB GT 

Fused Warrior of Vegeta and Goku and is beleived to be 
the most powerful characters in
the Z series, his fusion was made possible using the 
special earings given to Goku and
vegeta by Rou dai Kaioshin. The original plan was for 
Goku to fuse wtih gohan, but after
Gohan was absorbed by Buu, that was impossible.

Daughter of Mr. Satan, she is an exceptional fighter 
for a human.She is stronger than her
father but doesnt know that at first. When she 
discovers that Gohan was the Great
Saiyaman, she tells him he must either join the 
Tenkaichi Budoukai or she will tell
everyone his secret identity. She also makes him teach 
her how to fly. She and gohan
eventually marry and have a daughter named Pan. 

Henchman of Garlic Jr., Vinegar is killed by Gohan 
when he attempts to prevent Gohan
from saving Krillin. 

Violet Taisa 
The only female to have a high rank in the Red Ribbion 
Army. Violet provided Red with
the five star dragon ball. 

West Kaio 
West Kaio, the Kaio of the western galaxy, was the 
teacher of Paikuhan, a fighter from
heaven who's greater than Cell.West Kaio and North 
Kaio appear to develope a rivalry
and West Kaio suggestion to bring about the Afterlife 
tournament that commemorate the
Death of North Kaio. 

West Kaioshin 
She's the KaioSin from the Western Universe and the 
only female KaioShin.She's the first
to be killed by Majin Buu. 

Race of aliens met by Goku after defeating Freiza.They 
are a weak race but have a good
selection of powerful techniques. They were also 
responsible for teaching Goku Instant
transmition. They would have been completely destroyed 
by the Ginyu force if they
werent defeated on Planet Namek.

fat warrior Tajurobe is first introduced after goku 
was beaten by Tamborine. Begining as
goku’s enemy, since goku ate his lunch, Yajirobe 
becomes friends with Goku after Goku
promises there is a lot of food on Karin tower, which 
is where Goku wants to go. In
dragon Ball Z, Yajirobe doesnt have a large role and 
is usually Kame’s messanger or
bringer of Karin’s senzu beans. He is quite cowardly 
but pulls through when it is
absolutely neccessary.

The second fighter for Goku and the others to face in 
Babi-Dee’s ship, Yakon was from a
world of complete and total Darkness. During the 
fight, he and the others were sent to his
planet to fight by Babi-Dee’s Magic. To cope with the 
darkness, Goku went Super saiyan
to create his own light. Unaware taht Yakon eats 
light, the super saiyan was sucked away
from him. Being a genius fighter, Goku gave Yakon 
exactly what he wanted, the Super
Saiyan light. he did this to such a point that Yakon’s 
body couldnt hold any more and
blew up.

One of the only two humans to become a Majin, Yam was 
much more calm and sane
than his companion, Supopo. He was sent to the 
Tenkaichi Budoukai to gather energy to
resurect Majin Buu. Once he got Gohan’s Ki and brought 
it to Babi-Dee, he was no
longer needed and was killed by Puipui.

Yamucha , original a bandit, would rob anyone who 
passed through his home.When
meeting Goku and the others, he decided to join them 
in there search for the dragon ball
in order to make a wish of his own.At first yamucha 
was terrified of Bulma and girls in
general.He eventually overcame his fear and was with 
Bulma for awhile.Yamucha
stopped training after the Androids but is still an 
exceptional fighter. 

Met by Goku in the goro Goro mountains during the Mr 
Popo training, Goku mistook
Yaochyun as the man who was to teach him the “Quet 
Like the Sky.” When he
discovered that Yaochyun wasn’t his man, Goku ventured 
off to find out who was.

Yoodon is the orphan whom Gohan meets when he excapes 
from Piccolo.Yoodon used a
motor bike to excape after they steal appled from the 

Driving instructor of Goku's, Yuzukaa had to deal with 
Goku's inability to drive, which
almost killed him.After witnessing Goku and Piccolo 
saving a school bus from falling off
a cliff, he didnt think they did needed to get a 
driver licenses with that kind of power. 

Zangya past was never revealed, although we know shes 
one of Bojack's henchman.
Zangya easily defeats krillin and is killed by Bojack 
after Gohan kills Bido and Bujin. 

Zarbon was Freiza's right-hand man.He is very strong 
for the time period he was alive
and has th ability to transform into a hideous monster 
when over powered.He was easliy
defeated by Vegeta since he didnt know about the 
Saiyan Gene used to gain strength
from every battle. 

Zeshin is one of the leader of the orphans on board 
the stealth-like spaceship thats krillin
and the other accidently board on there way to Namek. 

Henchman of Garlic Jr. , Zorudo is fairly weak and is 
killed when he angers Gohan. 

Zunama , a giant ell-like alien, cause earthquakes 
when he moves his antennas. He
threatens the people of a small village by telling 
them that if they don’t do as he
commands, he will create and earthquake. He eventually 
orders the marriage of he and
Lenne. Trunks pretends to be a girl to replace Lenne. 
The plan is to cut off Zunama’s
antennas when he least expects it. It is later learned 
that Zunama can only predict
earthquakes with his antennas and not cause them. 
Apologizing for all the trouble he
caused, Zunama ends up helping the people of the 
planet, predicting earthquakes to warn
villagers to take cover.
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