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Too Much Dragonball/Z/GT?!?!

You Know You Watch To Much DragonBall When...
-You go throw you Cds around the house while 
  screaming "Distructo Disc". 
-You try to power up in the middle of class during an 
-While eating you shape mashed potatoes into a 
  picture of Bulma. 
-You sing "Rock The Dragon" as you walk/ride to 
  school or work. 
-You have more merchandise than Funimation's online 
-In the middle of a fight you tell the other person 
 that you're going to send them to the next dimension. 
-You wrap a towl around your head and try to act like 
-You try to fuse with one of your friends. 
-You run down the street claiming you're running on 
  snake way. 
-You beg NASA to make you a gravity machine so you 
  can train. 
-You put vaseline in your hair, and try to create 
  Goku's hairdo. 
-You spend $20 a week on gel trying to get your hair 
  like vegeta's.
-You try to make your carpet fly like Mr. Popo's. 
-You try to make a DragonRadar. 
-You painted rocks yellow and put red star stickers on 
-You cut a limb off so you can regenerate it. 
-You kill yourself so you can train with King Kai. 
-You dig up your backyard looking for a dragonball. 
-You go outside and scream NIMBUS for hoping a flying 
  cloud will come by. 
-You call your school bus Nimbis and ask the Bus 
  Driver if you can stand on top.
-You let someone beat you up so you can become 
-You have a monkey named Bubbles. 
-You chase insects with a large mallet. 
-You can speak Namekian. 
-Your Bio teachers askes you to explain cells and you 
  give her a lecture on how Cell was created. 
-You seem to wear nothing but orange shirts with 
  orange pants. 
-You walk around randomly posing like the Ginyu 
-You've done half the stuff on this list. 
-You've spent over $1,000 dollars on DBZ merchandise. 
-You wonder why your capsules don't make aircars. 
-You go to the beach every day so you can look like 
  Mr. Popo. 
-You dye your hair yellow impersonating a super 
-You seem to scream KAMAHAMEHA at awkward times. 
-You go outside at night and stare at the moon hoping 
  to transform. 
-You tell your enemy your power level is 5,000,000 to 
  avoid being beat up. 
-You don't understand why your Sensu Beans aren't 
  growing in your garden. 
-You try to blow up your school with your Final 
  Flash/Big Bang Attack. 
-You tend to get those Bulma mood swings alot lately. 
-You wear your Dragonball Z boxer shorts everyday. 
-You make your own Capsule Corp. T-shirts. 
-You actually laugh at King Kai's jokes. 
-You actually arrange a worldwide search for 
-You wonder what your power level is. 
-You often point your finger at things hoping they'll 
  blow up. 
-You dream about you and Goku having the ultimate 
-While watching it on TV you quote 95% of the 
-You seriously consider having a Tenkaichi Boudakai 
  (World Martial Arts Tournament) in your backyard. 
-You have every single DBZ toy made. 
-You go for that Krillin bald look. 
-You stick twigs down your pants and tell everyone to 
  check out your tail 
-You use the KAIOKEN technique whenever you forget to 
  take your constipation medicine 
-You through ice cubes at your dog pretending to be 
-You do a "Galic Ho" attack to your bath tub. 
-You stare down an object, trying to move it with Ki. 
-You constantly talk in Vegeta's voice. 
-You stand in front of a big fan, holding your 
  posistion saying "he's so powerfull!" 
-You run around throwing pillows at your little 
  brother yelling kamehameha
-You try to power up until your face turns red.
-You call intellegent conversation debating whether 
  Nappa had a mustache when he was a baby.
-You use 4 gallons of bleach a month to be a "super 
-You are currently sharing 2,489 DBZ songs and remixes 
  on napster.
-You buy a DBZ CCG booster pack every friday when you 
  get your allowence.
-You take your moms eye pencil to make your eyebrows 
  slant like vegetas.
-You have dreams about bulma...only she has a gag in 
  her mouth.
-You draw an M on your forehead. 
-You Shave your head bald and paint 6 dots on your 
  forehead ,then go around making stupid sounds.
-When your wife asks you what to name your first born 
  you start naming all the character from DBZ.
-You eat beans to restore your strenth.
-Saiyan is the most common word in your house.
-When your date comes over and your little brother 
  asks you if she's going to play Bulma, and he hands 
  you your Goku mask and cloths.
-When someone makes you mad you say: Curse you 
-You tell your mom she would look good with Blue Green 
-You wear an elastic blue suit and paint an M on your 
  forehead and call your brother Kakarot and beat him  
-Attempt to form an energy blast by concentrating 
  really hard.
-Paint your skin green
-You dye your hair blonde and spike it up to look like 
  a Super Saiyan

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