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Unnoticed Stuff

This section is Info about the Stuff in the shows that 
some people may have not noticed. 

1. When in the Frieza Saga, Guldo (Little Green Ginyu 
Force Member) has a flash back of himself and Vegeta 
talking and Vegeta has no Tail. Vegeta's tail was 
removed in the flash back when it should have been 

2. Cell Makes 7 Cell Jrs. but Gohan Kills 8 they had 
added one to many.

3. In Movie 1 Goku Gets his hair sliced and in the 
next scene it's back grown.(This was a movie which 
didn't go right with the series because no one ever 
knew about Gohan before raditz arrived.)

4. In the Room of Spirit and Time where did Goku and 
Gohan get water for their bath?

5. In Trunks memories of his past it shows him and 
Gohan Fighting the Androids, Trunks has his sword in 
the memory. Trunks doesn't receive his sword until 
Gohan is Killed.

6. In another one of Trunks Memories he sees Bulma 
Dead as well as Goku and some of the other Z fighters, 
because of the androids. Trunks had never saw the 
other Z warriors in his time, they were dead when he 
was 2. Also Bulma was never killed and Goku had been 
dead from the heart virus.

7. In the Frieza Saga, Dodoria tells Vegeta how his 
home Planet was really destoryed. Later in the Frieza 
saga Vegeta has a Flash back of Nappa telling him the 
same thing but Vegeta says he already knew that it. 

8. Goku never Reached SSJ2 in the Spirit and Time 
Room, This is a fact.

9. It took Goku 20 minutes to wake up before he landed 
on Namek.

10. In Hell Frieza, his Father, Cell and the Ginyu 
Force all have their Bodies. Why are they allowed to 
keep them? They should be like the others just the 

11. When Gohan has a tutor it is daytime when he 
comes. Then later as he is making Gohan study it 
eventually turns to night-time. Then how come 2 
minutes later when Chi-Chi throws him out the window 
it is day-time again? 

12. When they wished all the people killed by Frieza 
to come back how come the guy Frieza killed (one of 
his minions) didn't come back to life? 

13. When Frieza and Vegeta fight, Vegeta is wearing 
his black uniform, but when it shows him again, he is 
wearing the blue one with shoulder pads. 

14. When Krillin is wearing the saiyan armor on Namek, 
the camera switches and he is wearing his old orange 

15. Goku had to kill Frieza before Namek exploded, 
because he could not breath in space, but when there 
was a flashback of when Freiza destroyed the Saiyans, 
Bardock was breathing in space. How come Goku's father 
and the rest of the saiyans could breath in space but 
Goku cannot? 

16. Well when Vegeta was thinking back when him and 
the frog guy fought and Frieza broke it up, Vegeta had 
no tail and Vegeta said to Goku that his Dad was not a 
good fighter but he lead the fight for Planet Vegeta. 

17. In the Android saga when Piccolo was fighting #20, 
Vegeta said "Are you going to give him the Cu de' Gra 
or do I have to step in?"
Now how did Vegeta learn French? He spends all his 
time training, and never took anytime to learn French.

*NEW* 18. During the Babidi/Buu saga, Trunks 
accidentally knocks down Piccolo's statue and breaks 
it. Piccolo regenerates himself and said he can 
regenerate himself as long as his head isn't damage. 
But during the Cell saga when Goku blows half of his 
body off and he had no head, he was still able to 
regenerate himself. The same thing happened when Cell 
self-destructed and only had 1 cell left. He still 
regenerated from 1 cell and had a really damaged head, 
cause there was no head.

**NEW** 19. Right before Majin Vegeta and Goku were 
teleported to the mountain areas to fight each other 
and Supreme Kai and Gohan went to go penetrate 
Babidi's ship, Goku told Gohan he had two senzu beans 
left and gave one to Gohan. But then during the Majin 
Vegeta-Goku fight, they decided to go fight Majin Buu. 
Vegeta told Goku to get his senzu beans. Goku went in 
his bag to get some beans. So Goku actually had more 
than two beans, and not only two like he told Gohan he 

**NEW** 20. During the Buu Saga, the Supreme Kai was 
lying weak and helpless on the battle grounds when 
Vegeta came to fight Buu. Then after a little, and the 
fight goes on, the Supreme Kai all of a suden 
disappears. He is no longer where he used to be.And if 
he is still there now, he would have died cause of 
Vegeta self-destructing.

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