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Fuki Chikino bio

Fuki Chikino in translation from Japanese means Friend of Freedom, and this is exactly what this goose is. He loves the freedom of the sky, where he can fly seemingly forever among the fluffy white clouds and live his life to its fullest. There and only there he can forget about the problem which he never told anyone about, but suffered through immensly before he met his best friend, Tenoh Ankino. You see, from the very day Chikino hetched out of his egg several years after the formation of the Crystal Tokyo in the beautiful garden just outside of the Royal Crystal Palace, he was different from all the other geese around, for he could talk. Yes, this ordinary goose born in the family of two quite ordinary geese had an ability to talk using the human Japanese language. For some time Chikino tried to hide his gifts because his two brothers and three sisters used to make fun of him for talking so strangely. But eventually he came to terms with his uniqueness, though not without the help of his dear Ankino. The two of them met on a sunny day when Anko-chan got so tired of writing meaningless love poems, which the Neo Moon Princess could later send to Helios and certainly couldn't write for herself, that she actually ran away from the Crystal Palace to the gorgeous lily pond in its Outer Garden. She set there crying as kids often cry for nothing and holding to her heart the only poem she wrote that she actually held close to her heart:

The wind kisses waters of the small lily pond.
I'm surrounded by beauty of the friendship and love.
They are around me, I can hear their song
In the notes of my flute, in the fall of sweat drops.
But why do I feel that, although they're around,
I can only hear them, but never quite touch?
Why do I feel like I'm longing for more?
For friendship? For love? For peace? Or for you?
Who are you?"

And for the first time in his life Chikino found he was happy with his gift because if it wasn't for his extraordinary ability to speak, he couldn't have told this little blue-haired girl that that was exactly how he himself felt. The two soon became friends, and Ankino introduced the goose to her "sister" Hotaru and their friend Neo Princess Serenity, Chibiusa. The four of them often played Three Musketeers, and Chikino's usual role of the ever cheerful Portos suited his personality perfectly.

One day, though, when he came to the lily pond wanting to tell his best friend about his new crush on the lady-swan, Umi, Chikino didn't find her there. Quickly flying over to the Crystal Palace, he asked Chibiusa, who he met near the entrance, what's going on. The little Moon Princess told him about her mother, the Queen, giving Ankino an impornant mission and sending her to the Past. Chikino couldn't bear the thought of parting with his very best friend so he flew into the throne room and practically begged Neo Queen Serenity to allow him to join Ankino. Serenity agreed after a careful consideration, for she knew how important it is for friends to be together. So in a few moments Chikino was already coming out of the Gates of Time into the Past, which for us, of course, would be the Present. And there a horrible sight was waiting for him. Sailor Moon and Sailor Uranus, his best friend's mother, were badly wounded, and Ankino was covering the latter's body with her own from an attack of the ugliest youma the goose ever saw (not that he saw a lot while living in Crystal Tokyo). The monster prepared to deal the final blow, and Chikino pushed himself inbetween the creature and its victims taking that blow all for himself. Afterwards, Ankino turned into Sailor Betelguese and healed him along with Sailor Moon and Sailor Uranus so the goose didn't die for his act of bravery after all. However, if it's possible he became an even dearer friend to Ankino and stayed with her during all of her battles, for Neo Queen Serenity gave their friendship her blessing, and the Queen was always right.