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Lyra Bio

Heaven bird Lyra.

Color Red
Eyes Black
Weight 1.38 kg

There's very little known about Sailor Vega's animal-guide, Lyra. It is known, however, that she is a heaven bird, or as the modern people say, paradise bird. She has the ability to turn into the blazing fire of love and assist Vega in one of her attacks. Looking at the half-destroyed/half-burried records of the Silver Millenium, it's obvious that at times a bird slightly resembling Lyra was seen at the castles of the Solar Planets. However, she never spoke to anyone and therefore wasn't considered a highly intelligent creature as were most of the other animals at that time. It is now known that although Lyra is very much intelligent, she cannot communicate in any languages save the bird one, which for some as yet unexplained reason her mistress, Sailor Vega, is able to understand. During her frequent visits to the Moon Kingdom of the Silver Millenium Lyra found out a lot about the Sailor Senshi and her own mission to help one of them. However, the source of her much more intimate knowledge of Sailor Vega's destiny is unexplained in the records of both Silver Millenium and Crystal Tokyo. Because of the strange circustances involving the heaven bird's mistress's inability to love any creature more that all the others and her resulting life in seclusion, the origin of Lyra as well as her mission in this world still remain a mystery."


The information given here is taken from the Great Encyclopedia of the Crystal Tokyo, Volume 15, page 372.