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Sailor Betelguese Bio


Senshi Name Sailor Betelguese, Senshi of Friendship
Human Name Tenoh Ankino
Name Meaning Fate of Heaven King
Age She is born in the future, but when she comes to the present for the first time she's about 12.
Family Sailors Uranus and Neptune are Ankino's mothers. She was born by a miracle. She grew up thinking Hotaru is her sister.
Animal guide None, but Anko-chan has a lot of friends, some of whom are animals. One of her best friends is Fuki Chikino, a talking goose.
Fav. Food Lemon jello
L. Fav. Food Any meat (reminds her of her animal friends).
Fav. Subject Phys. Ed., Music, Poetry
L. Fav Subject Health
Birthday March, 27
Hair Sky blue, wavy, worn in two braids resembling the horns of Aries (her sign of zodiak). When not in braids, reaches her ankles.
Eyes Steel gray with aquamarine sparkles
Colors Sky blue and Rainbow (with prevalent gold)
Blood Type B
Height 5'7"
Gemstone Saphire
B. Friend Chikino, though she's pretty good friends with Hotaru and Chibiusa

Ultimate Rainbow Crystal Power

Blue Friendship Ring Join

Deep Shaking (works only in the future)

World Submerge (only in the future)





Running track



Playing flute


Fate (mostly because of Ichidou)

Thunder (somehow reminds her of the fate)


After the end of the battle with evil Queen Galaxia, Sailors Uranus and Neptune aka. Tenoh Haruka and Kaioh Michiru lived pretty happily in their gigantic mansion together with their best friend, Sailor Pluto aka. Meioh Setsuna, and their adopted daughter, Sailor Saturn aka. Tomoe Hotaru. The four of them lived together for many centuries and knew no worries, and they were among the first people on the surface of the planet Earth to welcome the rise of the beautiful city of Crystal Tokyo. As Neo Queen Serenity's personal Senshi, they came to live in the magnificent castle with the rest of the Sailor Soldiers of the Solar System, as there were no fueds between the Inners and the Outers for over nine centuries already and there were no signs of any in the future.

In a few months after the creation of Crystal Tokyo, Haruka and Michiru held their wedding, at which the Queen herself blessed their love for each other, and maybe it was her royal and magical blessing, or maybe just an ordinary miracle, that made the Soldier of Uranus pregnant with the child of her beloved wife. Well, let me tell you, Tenoh Haruka would not be my first choise for a mother, but, with many a cries of her famous "Shimata", on the 27th of March of a year none of us will ever see in the future (unless the Sailor Senshi themselves are reading this, that is. Hopefully no, though, for otherwise Sailor Pluto might kill me for telling too much of the future), a little girl was born. Haruka and Michiru were extremely happy, and they named their daughter Ankino, for it was the Fate that brought them together in the first place, and oh, "kono unmei wa utsukushiku".

The girl grew up fast enough, and soon she was freely running around in the garden of the Crystal Castle and playing fun games with her "sister" Hotaru, who forever remained the age of 12, and Neo Princess of the Moon and Earth, Usagi (or as most people called her, Chibiusa). Anko-chan was very friendly, but she liked to spend time by herself also so she often came to rest near the lily pond in the garden. There she once met a goose or rather a baby goose, though in goose years he was really the same age as Ankino herself. The unusual thing about him, however, was not his color, for most wild geese are sort of brownish with a bit or black and white, but the fact that he could actually talk. Soon the two became best friends, and now Hotaru and Chibiusa had a new playmate.

But Ankino was still often drawn by the mysterious waters of the lily pond though she could not for the world explain why. Until once, when she set there looking at the aquamarine waves, she thought she saw something sparkling. Anko-chan went to investigate, and there was a crystal coffin with the most beautiful girl Ankino has ever seen inside. The girl had magnificent orange hair and a bright red gown. She seemed dead or deep asleep, and there was almost no movement of breathing in her chest, though it might have been simply obscured by the fiery red bird lying on her breast. But even so Ankino refused to believe that such a beautiful stranger could be dead even before she got a chance to know her so the little daughter of Uranus and Neptune leaned down and kissed the lips of the Senshi of love like she read the handsome princes did to awaken their princesses. And the Vega princess did awaken as did her heaven bird-guide Lyra, and Ankino looked into the depth of those emerald-green eyes, and knew at once that her fears of loneliness were not real, for she was in love with the beautiful maiden of the lily pond.

At first it seemed to the blue-haired girl that the maiden returned her affections for the Vega Senshi gave her a ring with a heart-shaped Moon Stone. Soon, though, it came to everyone's attention that the Unmei did not allow Soldier of Love to love any person in the universe more than all the others, so Vega was forced to go on living alone outside of the Crystal Palace, and for the first time in her life Ankino came to hate the Destiny she was named after. The thunder took over the heavens the day Love Senshi left, and for the years to come thunder would remind Anko-chan of Vega's terrible fate, with lightnings of hope lighting the sky on fire for a fraction of a second doomed forever to die into the heavy coldness of the rain and one little girl's heart.

A few months later the Queen called Ankino into her throne room and asked her to go to the Past, which for us would be the Present, and help the Solar Senshi in need. It was a mission of great importance, and though the little girl did not understand why her Majesty did not lay this heavy responsibility on someone much stonger and more powerful then she was, she went on anyway, for those were Serenity's orders, and the Neo Queen always somehow knew better. So Ankino left for the Past, and came through the Gates of Time, which her "aunt Pluto" so kindly opened for her, just in time (no pun intended) to see an evil youma attacking the Solar Senshi, who could not do anything to destroy it, for their leader, the powerful Sailor Moon, was badly wounded. Yes, Anko-chan came just in time to see her future mother, Sailor Uranus, be blasted by an awful attack of dark energy while trying to protect the future Queen of the Crystal Tokyo. Ankino cried out the name of her mother, and ran to her side covering her with her own body just as the youma came down on both of them with a lethal blow. The blue-haired girl could think only one thing, "It can't end this way. Oh, Kami-sama, please don't let it end this way. Not for my Uranus-mommy." And here Fuki Chikino, Ankino's goose friend, appeared out of nowhere, and the brave bird took the blow for the girl and her mother and fell to the ground dead. Then Ankino cried even louder, for she could not see her best friend hurt, and leapt up at the youma. It was then that the Rainbow Crystal heard her cry. The Crystal was destined to belong to the Senshi of Betelguese, the Soldier of Friendship, and could only be weilded by the one who would prove the power of her own friendship. It was formed at the same time as the Moon Princess's Silver Crystal was from the seven shadow warriors' rainbow crystals, but while its power was not nearly as enormous as that of the Silver Crystal itself, it was truly hard for it to finally find its rightful master, for she was not born until centuries later. So the little girl named Ankino held the rainbow-colored stone up to the sky, and shouted, "Betelguese Star Power, Make-Up!" And at once she became the warrior she was meant to be, Sailor Betelguese, the Soldier of Friendship. The enourmous power emitted by the new Sailor Star's cry and the apperance of the Rainbow Crystal healed the wound of the Moon Princess, Sailor Uranus and even Chikino, and once again good prevailed over evil when Sailor Moon held up her Silver Crystal and defeated the youma.

Ankino stayed in her Past for a while, and then returned back to her Present. Neo Queen Serenity held a huge party in honor of Sailor Beteguese's bravery, which was not really all that special, for at that time of peace parties were rather common for the Crystal Palace. Even the Senshi of Love came out of her seclusion for once, and had as much fun as it was possible for her to have while still under the influence of her horrible destiny. She and the new Soldier of Betelguese became partner Senshi, and they both fought bravely in many battles to come for the safety of the world, countless times risking their lives in the name of goodness, for neither of them really had much to lose, since the first could never truely love anyone, and the second was doomed with love which could never be returned.