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Sailor Vega Bio


Senshi Name Sailor Vega, Senshi of Love
Human Name Minsukaino Ichidou
Name Meaning Angel's Ray of Hope
Age Unknown (she was born out of the star dust a very long time ago)
Family None
Animal guide Heaven Bird Lyra (can't talk though)
Favorite food Strawberries
L. Fav food Any sort of meat
Fav subject Biology
L. Fav subject Physics
Birthday September, 15
Hair Orange, wavy
Eyes Green
Colors Red and Silver
Blood type O
Height 5'4"
Gemstone Moon Stone
B. Friend Lyra

Lyra Blazing Love

Vega Moon Stone Heart

Love-Lit Ray


Very good with animals

Usually somehow brings out the best in people just by talking with them


Being the Senshi of Love, she is not allowed to love any human being more than all the others

Is not allowed to talk with Sailor Senshi

Very lonely, her only friend is Lyra

Physically suffers when anyone GOOD around her argues

The Story

Once upon a time, even Sailor Pluto isn't sure when or where exactly, the Sailor Senshi for Love was born. The dust of the heavenly star Vega, by the will of some unknown and unexplained phenomenon, maybe simply the hand of Unmei, condensed to form a thin, slender form and bright orange hair while two drops of dew from the mist of the planets in the system of the star became clear emerald-green eyes. She was born alone, as she will be doomed to spend the eternity, for the souls of the Sailor Senshi are immortal. From the depth of the star of Vega there appeared some unknown object. It was not an object, though. It was a red bird made of pure fire, the blazing fire of love. That was the heaven bird Lyra. No one, right alone Vega herself, knows what Lyra really is or how she came to exist as one of the numerous wonders of this universe, but that bird became the first living creature the new-born soldier knew and the only living creature the stars of the Lyra constellation gave her permission to love more than all the others. For a very long time Senshi of Love did not know about this permission, though. The bird and her mistress lived alone for centuries, travelling freely from one planet in the Vega system to another.

However, one day evil queen Galaxia and her henchmen came, seeking to conquere the entire universe, and they covered the Lyra constellation with darkness and set up a grand explosion at the Vega star so the Senshi of Love, who flew in to battle them, was hurt and lost consciosness. Her body was found on the planet Earth of the Solar System by a mysterious woman named Asutsura, who took her to the Hikawa Shrine and showed her to the Solar Senshi. Niether of them knew Asutsura at all, and they were obviously suspicious of her at first, but she showed them her grand power, the power to weild the Silver Crystal of the Moon Senshi, so they had no choice but to believe her. She gave them two heart-shaped moon-stone rings for protection, and made them promise only to give them to the Senshi of Love "when the crystal water of lilies uncovers the coffin of the maiden", and was gone along with Sailor Vega.

Needless to say, the Solar Senshi were completely mystified, but they had a lot to worry about already, having to battle Queen Nehelenia and having as yet no knowledge of the menace of the other evil Queen, who was meanwhile rampaging the universe, so they forgot about the strange event for the time being. Who was this Asutsura? Perhaps the mysterious heaven bird Lyra, who followed her mistress even now, knew, but she certainly did not tell. Of course, there was no one to tell to, for no one but Vega herself held the ability to understand her, and the Love Senshi was so deep asleep, she could just as well have been dead.

In any case, Asutsura's premonition did come true. Centuries later, in the time of Crystal Tokyo, the young daughter of Soldiers of Uranus and Neptune, born, as Vega herself, was born by the will of a miracle, Tenoh Ankino, discovered a crystal coffin with a girl of about her age inside in the lily pond, where she was fond of playing. She awakened the "maiden" with a kiss on the lips, for that's how it always worked in the fairy tales, and Vega and her Lyra became once again alive for the world. In gratitude for awakening her, Vega gave Ankino one of the Moon Stone rings, which for all of these years were in careful possession of the Soldier of Mars, and, after Ankino became Sailor Betelguese, the two of them became partner Senshi. But all too soon became Vega, or as the Earth people came to call her, Minsukaino Ichidou, aware of the feelings she could not have, but wanted desperately. So Lyra had to reveal to her the truth she was trying to hide all these years. Vega, being the Senshi of Love, cannot love anyone more than all the other people in the universe, so the feelings of true love and even friendship will forever be unknown to her. When the good Neo Queen Serenity heard of this, she prohibited Vega to speek with any of the other Sailor Soldiers, for she knew that in the long run it would save Senshi of Love a lot of suffering. So yet again Vega and Lyra came to live in seclusion, and only the stars ruling the Fate of the human kind know how to break this terrible curse, and whether it can even be broken at all.