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About Me


Name IolantaStar
Name Explanation Iolanta is a very pretty name that means violet in German. I just really like it. And there are way too many Moons in the BSSM otaku world so I chose Star instead.
Birthdate March 24, 1986
Sign of Zodiak Aries
Chinese Calendar Sign Tiger
Blood Type A
Hair Darkish brown, long, kind of wavy
Eyes Dark Brown
Favorite Color Red, although technically I like all the colors
Nationality Russian
Religion Not specified
Hobbies Anime, anime, anime...

OK, this is sort of embarassing. I don't really know what to write. Well, I'm 16 years old, and I was born in Russia, though I live in US at the moment. I'm REALLY bad with the computers so this is my first attempt on creating my own web-site. Therefore, just hang with me on this one. I'm actually really shy, though I'm not as shy on the Internet as I am in the real life. I like reading, watching anime (obviously) and listening music. I enjoy almost every type of music there is. In fact, at the moment I'm downloading several songs by Indigo Girls (I haven't heard many yet, but I like what I did hear). I love animals, and I had to leave my cat in Russia with my Grandma when I left. *sniffs*

I guess, one of the most important parts of my personality, which I came in terms with only a year or so ago, is my homosexuality. So basically, if you're homophobic, better leave now. I MEAN IT. Well, hopefully, you aren't and you'll stay. Anyway, it was pretty obvious that I'm a lesbian from when I was at the most 5 years old (I don't remember much from before that), but I was too stupid to see it, and later to believe it. I'm not really sure why, I mean the latter. You see, I don't see anything wrong with homosexuality, and in fact I never did. So the question would be why I didn't want to believe I was a lesbian at first? Well, I wish I knew answer to this one. In any case, I guess one reason why I like BSSM so much is that Haruka and Michiru really helped me in coming to terms with my sexuality. They are just so amazing together! And I can really relate to Michiru because just as she does I have wavy hair (no, not aquamarine, but brown), I like drawing and I play violin (though ten thousant times worth than she does). Oh, yeah, and I adore Haruka. Well anyway, I'm still pretty much in the closet about my sexuality (plus the city I live in doesn't have any GLBT teen groups at all), but I did come out to my younger sister, and she seems uncomfortable about it, but not as freaked out as she technically could have been.

Sailor Orion's Refuge has these wonderful Senshi personality and color quizes. Here are my results:

Find your Realm of Influence at

My Senshi Colors Are:

Brown: Practical, Intelligent, Stable

Blue: Emotional, Sensitive, Dreamy

Get Your Senshi Colors At

Anyway, if you want to talk to be about anything, just E-mail me.

BTW, I drew the above picture of myself about a year ago, and I'm really proud of it so hope, you'll like it.

And this is the gay pride flag from the Angelfire animated gif gallery. It's really beautiful, isn't it?