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My Contest

OK, you thought Ohtori Akio's Dueling Game was the evilest scheme you've ever heard of? Well, try again. Here's another one. I'm just going to outright say what I'm going to get out of this one, and then you might want to actually decide to participate in this so called contest. Anyway, as you might have noticed, I'm not particularly good with computers. In fact, I'm actually pretty bad; so bad that I can't even make my own banner. Where does a site go without a banner? Yes, that's right, straight down. Therefore, I'm setting up this contest, the point of which is called "Please, design a banner for me!".

Now, what you get out of it is a different story. Since I can't even make a banner, I can't give you any real awards other sites have. However, I'm relatively good at drawing. So if you win, I can draw you your Otaku Senshi or some other anime character as long as you tell me what they look like.

I'm pretty sure that no one will actually buy into this little contest, but oh, well, it was worth a try.

Anyway, if you are actually for some strange reason interested, just E-mail me.