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Here are just some links to the very nice web-sites I know. If you want your to link your page here, please E-mail me, and I'll see to it.

If you haven't been to Sailor Orion's Refuge yet, you sure missed out on a lot. Just visit it, I promise you won't regret it. Meghann-san's fanfic is great!

Ilana Tavan's Page

This is the web-site of my Internet friend, Ilana Tavan. She's also a big fan of BSSM and SKU, and she wrote several wonderful fanfics for both of these animes.

This is a nice and very funny Utena site. It really is worth visiting. Plus, the web-mistress, Elaby Moon, is really nice.

Renaissance Rose

An Anthy shrine with simply amazing graphic design.

An Arisugawa Juri shrine that has just about everything there is to know about Juri in it. Juri's actually my favorite Utena character.

This site has an amazing Haruka and Michiru fanfic archive along with a great many other fun H&M stuff.

HAMF: Haruka and Michiru Forever

A really cool Haruka and Michiru site.

Here you can find fanfics for just about any anime or TV show there is.

This is a nice web-site about Sailor Uranus with a lot of cool pictures.

School Work

Not exactly anime-related, but I just thought I should mention that this is another one of my pages. It's still in the early moments of its existance and is currently undergoing some heavy construction, but you could still visit it just to get an idea what it is all about.

Two other wonderful Haruka and Michiru Sites.

A wonderful organization created to make the life either for fans of yuri such as me, for example.