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A girl sang in the church choir
About all the tired in the far away countries,
About all the ships gone to the seas,
About all who forgot what happiness is.

So sang her voice, flying into the sky,
And on her white shoulder sparkled a ray of the sun,
And everyone from the darkness looked and listened
How in the ray her white dress whispered.

And everyone thought that happiness would come,
That in the harbor all ships're staying peacefully now,
That the tired people in the far away countries
Awakened to the life of light.

And sweet was her voice, and thin was the ray,
And only up the hill close to the tzar's gates
A child with the knowledge of the secrets cried out
That no one will ever come back alive.

Again my own translation, but this time of a very nice Russian poem. I think it was written by Alexander Blok, but technically I could be wrong.